Born in Sin!
The Problematic reasoning of what Christianity has called: ‘Original Sin’ is a Doctrine deeply ingrained into the church and VERY Difficult to break free of. Separating the Nature from the Will seems to be the basics of the delusion. If man is NOT Born with a Corrupted nature inherited from Adam, HOW do you explain the problems with children, Or the impossibility of finding anyone honest and upright? By appearances the ‘Sin Nature’ Doctrine holds creditability when you consider the condition of mankind. But it’s TRUTH we are looking for here, not conjecture. Therefore let’s take an honest look at Scripture.
What happened when Adam & Eve Sinned, according to the Scriptures?
1) He Died Spiritually, Cut off from God
2) The Ground was Cursed
3) His Burden of work was increased
4) The Pain of Child Birth increased
5) They were expelled from the Garden, cut off from the tree of life (Gen3:1-24)
Nothing is said about their NATURE becoming Corrupted or that all future mankind 'sinned in Adam', meaning: are accountable at birth for the original transgression of Adam. Each succeeding generation would be born as mortal Flesh and Blood with a living Soul, responsible to God for their own choice to be righteous or wicked. Cain and Able prove this beyond any doubt, born after the 'fall, both fully able to obey God within the capacity of their free will, Able choose to offer God a more acceptable sacrifice, attaining witness that his deeds were Righteous, Heb11:4, while his brother Cain choose to do evil after God gave him the opportunity to turn and do what was right, God told him: 'If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it' Gen4:7 The fact that he was told he could 'Rule over it' PROVES he had to ability and will to do so.
Thus Paul tells us in Rom5:12, that Through ONE Man Sin entered the world and Death through sin, spread to all men, BECAUSE ALL SINNED!| ALL Sinned after the LIKENESS of Adam, FOLLOWED his example. They are Born with the a Moral Conscience and Natural inclination as Adam. The Same 'Passions and Desires' that gave Eve the choice to overcome here temptation of the eye, flesh and and pride of life, Gen3:6, but she choose not to. There is no such thing as a 'Nature of Sin' handed down from generation to generation. Ezk18:18-19 proves this:
Sin cannot be inherited, passed down, inbred into the flesh or be part of human genetics. If Sin is 'in you' at birth, like a disease, then Sin is no longer a Transgression against God's law, its a Calamity we have no control over. The fallacy goes that 'All men sinned in Adam', that each human being came out of the womb as a morally depraved wretch, dead in sin, cut off from God and is wholly disposed to evil. (Westminster Confession of Faith, Article Six) But this defies reason! Why would God hold man accountable for something that is no fault of his own and WHY would He also Command him to 'Rule over it', if there was no possibility in the Universe he could?
The answer is He wouldn't! Because man is born with a Moral Conscience and natural inclinations he has the ability and will to make a CHOICE between good or evil. It's by the 'nature of growth' he 'physis', he either learns to do good or do evil.
And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 1Pet1:17-18 'By 'tradition, not inherited, its a process of learning' You may have 'inherited the likeness of your father, but not his nature, you learned that.
But here's where they try to Prove the 'Nature of man is Corrupted from the start:
among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. Eph2:3
Nature in the Greek is 'Physis', a transliterated Scientific term meaning the 'Nature of Growth, the principle of growth' So Nature in the ancient mind meant something you became skilled at by doing over and over, thus 'growth of a nature', we would refer to it as something people do by 'second nature', a habit so common to them it seems like it's part of their nature. Nature of itself CANNOT be Corrupt, if so HOW could the Gentiles DO 'By Nature' the things contained in the Law, Rom2:14, if there was not the ability within them to choose between good or evil? So Sin is not inbred, it's not what you are it's what you DO! You become a child of 'wrath by indulging your sinful passions through a process of selling yourself into the Slavery of sin. 'Your a Slave to WHO you Obey, Sin unto death or Obedience unto Righteousness' Rom6:16
The Fallacy of Original Sin negates Repentance proven by deeds. If man is Born with a Corrupted Nature inherited from Adam, then
his sin is a malady, (like a genetic disease) So how can he Repent of a 'nature, or malady dwelling inside him? He can't, it's absolutely impossible to rule over something he has no control over, or that occurred by the mere fact he was born. CHOICE is out the picture altogether, either God has to make the Choice (unconditional election) or something has to happen to intervene with his inbred inability to make the choice. So the 'original fallacy' became MANY fallacies by necessity! Man had to invent a 'Doctrine by which Salvation could take place in spite of this 'condition man was born into. The TULIP fit the dilemma perfectly! If man is born 'Totally depraved, then God has to 'unconditional elect or condemn him apart from any choice of his own and then set up a System under which he could be called, Justified and Sanctified dead in his sins and fit for heaven as a wretch. OR God could 'off-set his inbred inability with some kind of special Grace and give him an opportunity to turn from his sins, thereby making it more fair that he could be held accountable for making the wrong choice instead of merely condemning him by election.
So by Necessity the Churches (regardless which side of the doctrinal coin they are from) MUST Preach that you are Saved in Your sins, as a filthy wretch, imputed Righteousness by a magic transfer of Christ's Virtue to you by faith and your 'sinfulness is Covered forever more. In this the Gospel is turned on its head! It's no longer what must I DO to be Saved (repent, turn from your sins) its what HE DID for me and I 'receive it by faith, believing He obeyed, took my punishment, died in my place and even went to hell for me! No DEEDS are necessary, even though hundreds of passages call for them. Mat3:8, Lk3:8, Acts26:18-21, Rom2:7-8
But Why do All men Choose to Sin if they are NOT Born Sinners?
1) Simply because they are born with a moral conscience and natural inclinations and choose to do evil
2) Also they inherit foolish habits from their parents and grow up in godless circumstances
3) Jh3:19-21says anyone doing evil will not come to the light because their DEEDS will be exposed as evil
4) The god of this age, Prince of Air is at Work deceiving the mind and inciting the desires
5) False Teachers run the Churches and Control the Platforms, almost world wide
6) By his Own Free Choice his Pride rebels against God and refuse to rule over it
Note: The Rom8:3 Passage that States Jesus was Born in the Likeness of Sinful flesh, is further proof that no Nature of sin exists in the flesh. Otherwise Christ would have possessed this Nature! Christ partook of human flesh and blood, Heb2:14 to give an example we could follow after 1Pet2:21 thereby 'dying to our sin and living for Righteousness! 1Pet2:24
Thus a Person is Born 100% Neutral into the World, a Clean Slate, innocent, having done nothing right or wrong. (Ecc7:29, Deut1:39, Matt18:24, 19:14, Rom9:11) He DOES NOT Possess the Holy Spirit at Birth nor the Divine Nature of Christ. But he DOES Retain the LIGHT of God in his soul that ‘Lights’ EVERY MAN that comes into the World! (John1:9) Which is fully shown in Rom2:14-15
when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law,
these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves,
show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing
witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them)
In his unregenerate state man has not forfeited
his ability repent and turn from his sins.
Isa1:16-20 Proves this beyond doubt, spoken to 'Scarlet sinners,
calling them to come and 'Reason with God.
Just as
Rom1:18-32 Clearly show the 'Process by which man descends into reprobation. If
he is 'born 'reprobate, or depraved' as most of professing Christianity has said
for the past 1500 years, WHY isn't he 'given over to a debased mind from birth,
but SHOWN to be given over to it after he:
Knew God but rejected such knowledge
But suppressed
this knowledge and choose rather to follow his foolish heart
In this he professed to be wise and created an image of God in his mind that
tolerates his sin
Finally he exchanges the truth of God for a lie and worships the image instead
of God Rom1:18-25
THEN he reverses nature (turns good into evil, evil into good, Isa5:20) and God gives him over to his reprobated mind to do as he pleases and reap the consequences thereof. Rom1:26-31. An OBVIOUS Progression into evil of giving yourself to the slavery of sin, becoming so addicted to it you THINK its inbred in your flesh and no longer your fault. So you go to Palmas 51:5 and repeat: 'In sin my mother conceived me' unable to comprehend that David was talking about his mother's sin, not his! He also said that 'We are fearfully and wonderfully made and that Children are an inheritance from the Lord' Ps139:14, 127:3. HOW could man we 'wonderfully made' if he comes out of the womb as a filthy lump of sin, THINK about how foolish that is to believe.
All the teaching or original sin does is give man another reason to SIN! And then turn around and blame it on God. Because if it's God's job to Stop him from sinning, who's at fault when the sin never stops? (which every preacher I've ever heard says you can never stop sinning) Thus by birth, which you have no control over and by 'nature, you have no control over, you're declared 'depraved by Christendom. You're defeated from your first breath, even though it is constantly said that God can do all things, nothing is beyond His Power to control, in Him you can do all things and be abundantly blessed with worldly success, BUT you can NEVER Stop sinning! That's the ONE thing He can't Do for you, magically Change your 'Nature form naughty to nice.
Try to stop for a moment from you daily 'sin routine and give this some serious thought in light of reason. You can't go to heaven as a drunken reprobate lusting after the filth and depravity of this world, yet that's what you ARE, so you think. What kind of 'magic are you depending on to get you in after your time is up here? Instant Glorification? The Word says otherwise: