The Myth of Moral Depravity
Who can bring a
clean thing out of an unclean? No one!
What is man, that he could be pure?
And he who is born of a woman,
that he could be righteous? Job14:4, 15:14
Is man born into a state of moral depravity, dead in sin and unable to obey God? This is the demonic fallacy that professing Christianity has been subjected to since it originated in 4th Century Rome by the master deceiver, chief heretic of all time: Augustine. Before this Satanic doctrine took hold of the organized Church the teaching among Jews and the early Christians was simply man born with a Moral conscience and natural inclinations (or Yetzer Tou, Yetzer Ra) and he possessed free will and unhindered ability to do what is right and obey God. But after over 1500 years of this fallacy being disseminated into every ‘Christian creed and doctrine on the planet we are faced with an well-equipped and virtually unending army of Bible Pundits who promote this ‘doctrine of demons’ in every realm of human endeavor.
The above Passage out of Job is a perfect example of how they ‘craft Scripture to validate the fallacy. They take a statement made by men who cannot understand why Job as a righteous man is suffering so horribly and make it the WORD of God! Why people so easily fall for this depraved angle is that the general condition of mankind pretty much confirms it. Certainly (most) people are into some level of morally depravity, they are wretched within and can’t do anything Right unless it benefits them in some way. They lie, cheat, steal, commit vile acts of perversion, are drunkards, boasters, full of prideful greed, often resort to murder and other crimes to fulfill their lusts, lack self-control, despise what is good are disobedient rebellious and can hardly be trusted to keep their word or be honest and faithful in their daily transactions. Common experience with our fellow human beings validates this on a daily bases. But sadly it also perfectly describes the vast majority of Professing Christians! 2Tim3:1-13, confirms this.
It’s easy to buy the commonly repeated passage; ‘There are None Righteous, no not one’ Rom3:10. But this is simply taken from a comparison being made by an ancient writer, between the wicked, Jews and Gentiles, who both refused to obey God and do what is Right. (Ps14:1-3, 53:1-3) It DOESN’T mean there has never been a Righteous person on earth! Daniel, Noah and Job were all said to be Righteous (Ezk14:14) John the Baptist parents were both reported as Righteous and blameless! (Lk1:6) They were ALL born after Adam’s transgression in the Garden, so according to the fallacy of ‘original sin’ they would by necessity be ‘infected with the inherited malady of ‘inbred sin. BUT they were not so ‘morally depraved that there were incapable of performing a Righteous act in the sight of God. They did so by their own FREE WILL choice to follow a right path instead of indulging their base appetites.
Since man is born with a moral conscience and natural inclinations (Jh1:9 the True Light which gives light to every men who comes into the world) his ‘natural tendencies (for love, survival, rest & relationships) are NOT proof of some kind of ‘depravity dwelling inside him. Desires can be either good or evil, Rom7:8 is describing ‘evil desires’ indulged by choice, NOT ‘concupiscence dwelling in you. In Scripture ‘Lust and Desire are expressed as the same word, they can either be expressed as the Lust of the flesh 1Jh2:15-16, or a ‘Strong desire to further your growth in the faith. (2Cor7:7, Gal4:20) Jesus said it best: But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust (desire) for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart Mat5:28 Flesh cannot be corrupted of itself, flesh is simply SARX, (that which covers the bones, sinew) We are Commanded to ‘Crucify our flesh with it’s ‘Passions and desires’, not drive nails through our bodies, but PUT to Death our evil deeds done in the body! (Gal2:20, 6:15)
Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience Col3:5-6
Note its this very passage the KJV translators re-interrupted by replacing ‘evil desires with ‘concupiscence
idea of inbred moral depravity violates reason and scripture, because and turns
God into a cosmic
tyrant for asking him to do something he is wholly incapable of doing. Clearly
it’s this fallacy behind all the twisted rhetoric coming out of the pulpits
today that argue in favor of sin. If man has been rendered inept by some
inherited ‘nature, the entire Gospel has to be redefined by necessity to
accommodate his inability to DO what Jesus said. So the ‘bad
seed fallacy comes into play and the preachers become Job’s so-called
friends always looking for a way to excuse man from his personal responsibility
to Obey God. Sin is no longer a Transgression against God’s
Command that incurs His anger (1Jh3:4, Ps7:11) but a Malady of which he is not
‘entirely responsible for. God then must provide him with a ‘Provision
to fill in what is lacking so man can be declared Justified (a
Just person) while still ‘unjust in his nature.
Therefore, out of His great love for mankind, He Provided Christ to come:
‘Suffer in your place, receive God’s Divine Wrath (your penalty) and then be
magically declared JUST by merely ‘receiving this
wonderful gift and from that point forward be seen perfectly Righteous and
Obedient because Jesus’ perfect life replaced your ‘sinfulness and
you are no longer considered a ‘sinner when you transgress God’s
law, but a Saint. (pure and sinless like Jesus!) The ‘Provision
covers it all! The supposed convert ‘Trusts in this arrangement
and becomes a member of the Church establishment. That’s why most of the
professing world is subject to the authority of Popes, Bishops, Pastors and
Professional bible Pundits to disseminate the Word of God and administer the
sacraments, rituals and traditions in your local Churches.
Thus the Gospel of Christ, as preached by the Church over the last 1500 odd years, is no longer about Sin (bringing man out from the bondage of it) but persuading them to ‘BELIEVE in what Jesus did for them on the Cross. (via their understanding of Substitution because of moral depravity) That’s why your Pastors and Preachers can NEVE R call you out for your continued Wrong doings! Because under this mess you’re already Saved by ‘believing in and receiving Jesus. (what He did for you) Sin is what you inevitably do as a ‘sinner, Grace is the Free Gift from God (not of works) to Cover your inbred malady and pardon you of your inability to Obey. This is basically how the Gospel has been presented to man for over a thousand years with very few exceptions. Untold millions have sincerely trusted in this myth for their eternal well-being and been duped by Satan into a life of dedication to a corrupted Church system and continued pattern of failure in a sin-repent relationship with loving Pastors who tell them they can sin and not die.
So ask yourself, who’s really at fault for the sordid Condition of mankind on our planet? God who fearfully and wonderfully made them (PS139:14) or man himself for endorsing the fallacy of human depravity since the fourth Century; Pounding it into their Minds night and day, month after month, year after year, 24/7 without ceasing, that they were nothing but a pack of morally depraved, wretched wrecks who couldn’t do anything Right in the sight of God if they tried! I’d say it’s the inevitable outcome of convincing people to follow their base instincts instead of seeking after God, especially when it comes to the Church which was intended to be the Salt and Light of the earth and a moral compass to mankind guiding him into righteousness. From this premise the Doctrine of moral depravity in man is an overwhelming disgrace and scourge on human kind derived from the pits of hell itself.
Perhaps if they had been told instead that there is inherent goodness remaining in man’s nature after all and the ability to do what is Right is within their moral capacity to perform and they Stand fully responsible before GOD to Obey what He said, maybe things would be different in our world. At least people would Fear God instead of mocking Him in utter hypocrisy professing to be wise unto Salvation. If the real Gospel had been preached world wide for the last 500 years, maybe the missionaries and other charitable outreaches would be sacrificing their lives for a Purpose instead of for nothing. (Mt7:21-23) People die in the Name of Christianity without a clue they are part of the Mystery Babylon woman on the Scarlet Beast corrupted System of religion committing adultery with the world. What a waste to die for a System that perpetrates the lie of human depravity and infects untold more cultures with this poison.
This entire issue is explained in Romans 1 & 2, man becomes ‘depraved through a Progression of degeneration giving himself over to a reprobated mind. He is not born ‘depraved, but fully endowed with a moral conscience that can fully realize the existence of God in Creation, seek Him out do what is right. If Paul believed or taught (as the phony pundits claim) moral depravity, WHY does he reveal this Progression by which man becomes morally depraved and debased in his mind? Rather, as the passage says, he becomes wise in his own understanding and indulges his futile thoughts rejecting this revelation and then follows after his foolish and darkened heart. At this point he creates an Image of god after his own likeness, manipulative, arbitrary and tolerant of wrong doing; then exchanging the truth of God for lie he worships and serves this image and is given over to his lustful passions and desires he indulged over time, (as by Nature means: PHYSIS, the principle of growth) and refuses to Crucify these lustful indulgences by following the example of Christ. This is the general condition of the most Professing Christians in the world today regardless what they may be doing toward charitable deeds. Underneath they are full of duplicity and evil surmising always standing in favor of sin and telling others its normal.
Romans 2:14 says that the Gentiles (heathen, pagan nations) who ‘have not the law’ do, by Nature the things contained in the law! If the Nature of man is morally depraved at birth,
could it be said they DO what is Right by ‘nature?
The Church has no answer to this kind of reasoning because it’s more convenient
for them to believe they can’t obey God rather than Obey Him and be the moral
example the world is looking for. The consequence of this style of preaching is
that many people who buy into it advance into extreme levels of reprobation
and debase themselves in reversals of nature where any kind of perversion is
common place. They are then given up in their condition as they indulge their
fancies in every kind of filth imaginable and even encourage it in others by
their unspoken compliance wrong doing. This is the Reprobate mind
the Bible speaks of as given over to self-indulgence and it
exactly describes the present state of people who fall prey to the depravity lie
and learn to practice their sins with impunity. The ‘Christian System
propagates it, ever worsening the situation and sinking man lower into the mire
of his decadence without consequence.
who, knowing the
righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of
death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. Rom1:32
God made Man upright Ecc7:29 says, but ‘he sought out many schemes! David assured us that we were fearfully and wonderfully made and that children were a heritage from the Lord. Does an isolated passage quoted ten millions times by the deceived Pundits undo all of this? ‘David was ‘conceived in sin Ps51:5, there’s no one on earth Just or who does not sin Ecc7:20, Rom3:23, HAVE you ever taken the time and effort to understand WHY these things were said, or is it enough that they ‘invalidate (in your mind) everything the Bible says even to the point of Contradicting itself? They will go to any extreme to retain a fallacy that excuses you from your responsibility to do what is Right in the sight of God to begin with. HOW could the Bible writers say ten thousand times you are Responsible for what you DO and learn by ‘Progression to be a Reprobate rather they obey God and then turn around and absolve everyone from this responsibility because they are ‘Born depraved? THINK for a change!!! They weren’t assigning all mankind to depravity but ILLUSTRATING the dreadful consequences of committing SIN!
MOST of Scriptures is a Comparison between good and evil, right and wrong. All throughout the Psalms and Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, elsewhere the Vivid CONSTRAST between Righteousness and Wickedness is set before our eyes accompanied by the Warning to CHOOSE LIFE! Obedience unto Righteousness or Sin unto Death! BUT the so called Christians tell the world you CAN’T make a Right Choice or even obey God unless He does it for you. The best you can hope for is to live out your ‘wretched life hoping Christ has you covered while you sit in the Churches wondering why no one is motivated to be an example to others. The end result is there’s no moral compass to point at wrong doing either in the church or general society. So they emulate one another in new levels of reprobation. The Preachers are more interested in ‘effectiveness than in Righteousness. While the message of the Bible is ‘Righteousness, Self-control and the Judgment to come, there message is you can ‘sin and not die. (Acts24:25)
present generation is perishing because of the clap trap coming out of the
it lacks both substance and clarity in the application of truth on the minds of
men. How will people understand the imperative of duty toward God when the
preachers keep giving them an alternative to obedience? Personal responsibility
is pre-empted by inbred moral depravity (a corrupted nature) WHO will be
motivated to make the Right Choice when they are told its already been made for
them by ‘receiving Jesus!
call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you
life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both
you and your descendants may live;
that you may love the
your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is
your life and the length of your days; Deut30:19-20
In the Church System
Sin is what you are by birth, not what you do by choice. The Gospel of Jesus
Christ had to be entirely redefined to accommodate this fallacy and it is nearly
impossible to find a minister not preaching the gospel from this flawed premise.
Those who fall prey to this system do not have a proper concept of sin. They
think sin isn’t the issue to God because Jesus took care of it on the Cross and
no longer holds them accountable. There’s no imperative to produce deeds worthy
of repentance or forsake even their vilest of sins, just ‘believe they
are poor helpless wretches saved by grace and God has a wonderful plan for their
Sin is what you DO Not what you Are!
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. James1:13-15
Having a Right Concept of Sin is essential to Preaching the Gospel of Repentance and faith proven by deeds. The multiple layers of deceptions so pervasive in the Professed Christian establishment today have rendered genuine Salvation from the corruption of sin impossible. Instead of Escaping the corruption that is in the world through lust people are deceived into thinking they can be Justified in their sins. Thus under their false sense of assurance professing Christians THINK Sin is what they are NOT what they DO.
Ability to Choose between good and evil actions is not a factor in the outcome of Salvation because all sin is the same, everything you do is sin and even temptation is sin. This paralyzes the conscience into a state of insensitivity toward wrong doing. The human mind loses its natural ability to accuse itself when temptation arises. So the ‘way of escape’ (1Cor10:13) is not an option and sin defiles the soul. (Heb12:15)
All because the Bible Pundits have mystified Sin as something
that dwells or lurks within the flesh. But the Bible is Crystal Clear that
SIN is a result of the misuse of your Free Will succumbing to temptation.
As James explains; ‘by his OWN DESIRES’ a person is drawn away
and enticed. The Desire unites with the Will and the result is Sin. Freedom
of CHOICE is in Play during the entire process. Sin becomes
Transgression of the law (1John3:4) when you indulge the passions and
desires of your flesh. Your flesh is not ‘corrupt, it’s always
your willful desire acting out in wrong doing. Sin is NOT inevitable to
human nature because of something ‘lurking in you. It’s your natural desires
given over to self-indulgence by choice, you ‘corrupt yourself descending into
addition that makes you a ‘Slave to sin. (Rom6:16)
James 2:10 ‘Whoever shall keep the whole law, but yet stumble in one point is guilty of all’, is NOT telling us that ALL SINS are the Same, as all the pastors will tell you. Rather James is expressing the Biblical definition of Transgression. If you violate the Commandment against adultery, but not the one against Murder, are you NOT a ‘Transgressor’ of the Law? (1Jh1:4) DO you see the Logic!? The same would be true if you Robbed a bank, but you didn’t steal a car, would not the LAW convict you as a Transgressor of the entire system of law!? James is NOT giving man a license to pass off their wrong doings as ‘all the same he is directing them to Practice the PERFECT Law of Liberty, which is FAITH WORKING BY LOVE! (thereby upholding the entirety of the law! Rom3:31, 13:10, Matt22:37-40)
Professed Christians today are the Perfect example of a Pharisee; Clean on the outside, but defiled within. They take great pride in their ‘form’ of godliness but lack any inkling of a godly life. They sin daily in thought, word and deed because they are inclined to constantly submit to the passions and desires of their flesh. It’s the ‘Nature of growth (Physis, Eph2:3) that produces a habit of sin; NOT something inbred into all humanity from birth. The Church teachers will never understand this concept of ‘Growth revealed in the Scriptures because they are blinded by their own indulgences and compelled to handle the Word of God deceitfully to their own ruin the ruin of others. It’s a self-inflicted mind conditioning that takes place over time as each succeeding generation foolishly accepts the premise of the one before it.
James says: temptation is presented, the Desire enticed, the idea conceived, the CHOICE is Made. Thus the wages of sin takes its inevitable toll on the human soul. The Temptation itself it NOT Sin; If that were true Christ Himself would be guilty of sin. Heb4:15 says; ‘He was in ALL POINTS tempted as We are, yet Without Sin!’ If a person has an inappropriate thought running across their mind it DOES NOT Prove he is desperately wicked or wretched within (as professed Christians have been taught) It means he was Created by God with the faculties of a Moral Conscience and natural desires and inclinations. Thus temptations come and thoughts are derived from our own natural affections and surrounding environment. They only become sin if we choose to indulge them. OUR Part is to make the Conscience CHOICE NOT to Present our members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin but as instruments of Righteousness (Right actions) to GOD! Rom6:13. In that manner Sin will no longer have Dominion over you. (Rom6:14) BUT if your free will ability has been render inoperative by the fallacy of Sin inbred as a malady you cannot overcome, you will CONTINUOUSLY choose the path of least resistance to indulge the lust of your flesh. (so for you it’s a constant cycle of sin-repent, sin-repent)
This is why Professing Christians incessantly equate minor infractions in conduct with committing vile sins of the flesh they should have ceased from doing in repentance. Since in their minds driving over the speed limit or having a fleeting thought run across your mind is the same as any other vile act, so WHY worry about being addicted to pornography, committing adultery occasionally or a little drunkenness. God has forgiven them anyway, they need but ‘confess it as another inevitable mistake and move on. After all if they claim to have ‘no sin (in them) they lie and know not the truth!
To Summarize:
They View Sin as what they Are not what they Do
All men are sinners by birth and all sin is the same including temptation
Sin is inevitable and no one can ever stop sinning, anyone who says they have is a liar
It’s all one Big Lump of Sin, oozing from their flesh so why make any effort to change
Unraveling this Deception in the minds of the people under it is impossible until they see the folly of their ways and make a determined effort to STOP sinning and Seek out God in real Repentance. But many have been held captive by these lies for so long they are no longer capable of equating their ability to make the common choices of everyday life with putting forth an effort to OBEY God. It’s as though the natural functions of their brains have been disconnected from reality. It’s a genuine Captivity of mind and soul and can only be broken when the human Will is released to ‘Rule over it!’ (Gen4:7)
‘If you do well will you not be accepted? And if you do not well, sin lies at the door and its desire is for you but you should RULE OVER IT!’ Gen4:7
The fact that man is able to Stop sinning and turn toward God in Repentance
is not ‘saving himself or an attempt to be as ‘Perfect
as God. God requires that each person love Him according to the strength
of their mind, heart, and spirit and exercise such a faith in their daily walk.
Sins cannot be forgiven in advance, only ‘Past sins are remitted
in repentance, Rom3:25, so continuing to sin willfully against God’s
Commandments means instant ‘disqualification from His Kingdom.
(1Cor6:9-10, Gal5:19-21, Eph5:3-7, Rev21:8) Genuine Salvation could not have
actually taken place in the soul of a person who has never forsaken these kinds
of sins to begin with. The Church teachers you are ‘saved in your sin,
because they claim you’re ‘born in sin. It’s the ‘sin in you that
you can never repent of, because how can you repent of a ‘Nature
dwelling in your flesh? And you can never deny this sin ‘in you or
you deny the Truth!
Therefore its common place among professed Christians under this fallacy to think of their sin as a kind of DISEASE they inherited by birth and any attempt they make to stop sinning or even say they can stop is an act of Self-righteousness and strictly forbidden under Grace. So they can never do well and ‘rule over it as God commands and go about in their filthy rags professing to be sinners saved by grace.
This is the very reason the churches are overrun with hypocrites excusing themselves of every addiction under the sun as a ‘work in progress that no one can judge and they love it! From the Pastors on down everyone is in the same boat, a poor wretched sinner hopelessly inbred and trusting Jesus has everything under control toward the outcome of their Salvation. Both Religion and Society constantly tell them they have a Disease and the best they can hope for is learning to manage it and accept the fact that God has forgiven them nonetheless. So most of them just learn to cope with their situation and call their sinful indulgences ‘mistakes, but as the bitter root grows in their hearts the conscience is defiled and no longer responds to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. (Heb12:15-17)
The Promise of Newness of life and ‘escape from corruption can never apply to a people ‘sold under sin and believing there’s no possibility for them to be anything but sinners. They have made themselves slaves to who they obey, Rom6:16, and reap the consequences thereof. But those who have actually escaped from they who live in error, 2Pet3:18, know that what the churches are teaching is nothing but ‘Great swelling words of emptiness, amounting to nothing and making the people who sit under it worthless within. Such a person truly purified in heart and mind will be a constant thorn in the side of these Churches and labeled as evil judges, angry monsters and generally unloving, unforgiving people who don’t understand God’s grace or the ‘magic cover he freely gives to those who receives His Provision.
Thereby this ONE Fatal flaw has given the entire
professing Church into the Captivity of sin.
Converts are taught form the start that they are ‘Carnal Sold under Sin’,
their best efforts to please God are nothing more than filthy rags in His sight
and they remain the Romans 7 Wretch in a constant struggle between their flesh
and spirit, inevitably destine to failure, because the spirit is willing but the
flesh is weak. There’s really no hope of ever being truly pure in heart, since
they are told constantly that the heart of man remains ‘desperately
wicked even in Salvation. Justification is always by ‘faith alone
(sola fide) because attributing any ability to man to bring forth
deeds worthy of repentance is not part of the arrangement God made in declaring
man righteous by faith.
The Deceptions are multi layered, but all based on a single
flawed premise:
1) Man is born disabled by sin and cannot respond to God unless his inbred
depravity is off-set
2) A sinister ‘Nature of sin lurks in his flesh of which he cannot rule over
3) Therefore sin (transgression) has to be removed from the equation altogether,
belief is all that maters.
Without a right concept of sin (according to what God calls sin) and a proper understanding of the Nature of man (born in the image of God with unimpeded free will and ability) people remain in a stalemated position when called to Repentance Proven by Deeds. They dare not say they have no sin (in their minds meaning they are born sinners) and any effort put forth toward Salvation is considered absolute heresy by all their preachers. Repentance that includes the Biblical imperative of Clearing oneself of all wrong doings, amend the evil of their doings, laying aside all filthiness and lust BEFORE they are ‘saved is OUT of the question entirely. Not only is it impossible to do, it’s also forbidden by God to even attempt.
Subsequently they are Deadlocked and MUST accept the ONLY offer presented to them and ‘receive’ the Provision by trusting what the Pastors says is true. All it involves is a ‘Change of mind’ about who Jesus is and to admit they are poor helpless sinful creatures unable to do anything right. The concept of ‘Ruling over’ their sinful addictions is not an option they can even consider. They can ‘Do well’ in many other endeavors of life to achieve success and happiness, but when it comes to sin it’s impossible. Sin will forever be what they are and NOT what they do. God loves the sinner but hates his sin, as though He pretends the sin doesn’t matter because of Jesus. Such foolish non-sense is the mantra of the professing church and the reason our society is in such sordid condition. If the testimony of Christ, by his supposed people cannot be held forth as the Standard of moral perfection the world is to follow, what will they follow? Christ’s Way is the Narrow road that leads to life, few choose to travel, because man has obscured it with error and confusion, were in they take the Wide road to destruction but don’t have clue where they are headed.
To further re-enforce the concept of Nature in its proper
perspective we reiterate the premise.
Two Natures
for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them Rom2:14-15
among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. Eph2:3
In the Bible ‘Nature is ‘Physis, meaning: ‘The
Principle of Growth or the Nature of growth’.
Man DOES NOT have a ‘sinful nature’ (that’s a myth of theology)
rather he is subject to the ‘Nature of growth or by progression he either
becomes a Slave to his base fleshly desires or a Servant of Righteousness.
‘Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves Slaved to Obey, you
are that one’s Slave whom you Obey, whether Sin to death or OBEDIENCE to
Righteousness’ Rom6:16 So when the Gentiles do ‘by nature’
the things contained in the law or people who fulfill the desires of their flesh
are ‘by nature children of wrath, the ancient writers understood
that by the nature of growth (long habits, practices) they could either choose
to serve good or evil. How did the Gentiles do the things contained in the law
if the ‘Nature itself was sinful? It can’t be both ways, the
nature can’t be corrupted and also be able to choose what’s right
Man is born with a Moral Conscience and Natural inclinations:
Yetzer Tou, Yetzer
Ra, into a body of ‘Flesh (SARX,
that which covers the bones) His ‘flesh cannot be ‘sinful of itself without his
Natural passions and desires being presented (or indulged) to the slavery of
sin. THIS requires a CHOICE of his Will, each one is
tempted when drawn away by his own DESIRES and enticed, then when
desire has conceived ‘a sinful passion,’ it gives birth to
sin and when the sin is full grown is brings forth death (to his spirit)
Js1:14-15. The FLESH has no Desires lurking within it, only tissue
and sinew, its only when the MIND conceives a DESIRE to indulge
the flesh (mortal body) that Sin is born. Desire can either be a Natural yearning
as for food to survive, rest to recuperate, or it can be a LUST
(as in evil desires) for self-indulgence. The same Word (desire-lust) can
be translated either way in the Bible. As:
‘The lust of the flesh’ 1Jh2:16, or have a ‘Yearning
desire to come see you’ 1Thes2:17
There is no DUAL Nature taught in the Bible, only a NATURE of Growth or long practiced habits inherited by tradition from our fathers. 1Pet1:18. Such a notion was introduced by the ancient Gnostics around the 4th Century, who believed that everything in the material world was corrupted or sinful and everything in the spiritual world was pure and incorruptible. Their greatest proponent Augustine blended these notions into Christian thought by miss-applying the constant mention of the word ‘Flesh (SARX) used in Scripture to a Latin term he invented called: concupiscence , by applying this to passages like Rom7:8 it turned the natural human desires able to choose between good and evil into something ‘Dwelling in the flesh prompting these evil desires by necessity to serve sin. So the KJV translators (who bought this fallacy) translated ‘Desire or Evil Desires’ Concupiscence three times in Rom7:8, 1Thes4:5, Col3:5. So instead of all manner of ‘evil desires being prompted by the law in Rom7:8, its all manner of concupiscence, implying a mysterious nature dwelling in the flesh; whereas ‘evil desires’ clearly indicate a choice has to made between evil and good.
Thus when Rom7:18 says: ‘I know that in me (in my flesh) nothing good dwells’, the vast majority of professing Christians over the last 1530 years THINK it means that their FLESH is corrupted with some kind of devilish malady that forces them to sin. Consequently the preachers teach them they are ‘BY NATURE children of wrath’ Eph2:3, meaning by the Very fact they are walking around in their mortal bodies of flesh they are one BIG Rotten Lump of Sin. This has been the central foundation of almost all so-called Christian theology longer than any of us have been alive. Within it are the bases for the Provision, Substitution, moral transfer and election.
Man, born in this ‘Depraved condition has no will or ability to produce Deeds Worthy of Repentance therefore God has to make a ‘Provision in Christ to ‘Save him in his sins and set him on the right course to eternal life, because Sin is NOT what he does its what he is. By simply understanding the Premise from which the ancient writers were teaching this horrible fallacy could be buried on the trash heap of history where it belongs. When Scriptures says: in the ‘flesh we cannot please God’ (Rom8:7-8) it means that in the ‘Passion and desires’ of the flesh given over to evil indulgences, we CANNOT please God! Scripture tells us to ‘Crucify our flesh with its passions and desires’ Gal6:15, Does that mean we should drive nails through our hands and feet and die on a Cross?! Of course not! It simply means we should ‘Put to death’ Col3:5, our sinful passions and rule over them in Christ.
We Serve God ‘in the flesh’
Gal2:20 I
have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in
me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son
of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me
We are not walking around in some mystical realm above the clouds. We are in our
‘Mortal bodies quickened by the Spirit (Rom8:11) and our evil passions
and desires are Crucified in Christ by Repentance and faith Proven by Deeds.
(2Cor7:10-11) The ‘Body of sin’ is done away with Rom6:6, meaning,
NOT our Mortal Coil, BUT our evil passions that once were Slaves
of Sin. Rom6:16-17. So the LIFE we Live (in the flesh)
is by this faith (working by love and obedience to the truth) through Christ who
has Saved us by the ‘Washing, Regeneration and Renewing of the Holy
Spirit’ (Titus3:5) Thus sin no longer reigns in our ‘Mortal body.
Rom6:12 because the flesh ‘has been with Crucified with Christ. (in repentance
and faith Proven by Deeds!)
Our flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom 1Cor15:50, not because of sin dwelling inside us’, but because our mortality must put on immortality 1Cor15:50-53, our ‘body will see corruption in death, but because of Christ in us death will be swallowed up in Victory. In Adam we die (as mortals) a physical death, but in Christ our spirit lives on eternally. That’s why it says that the body is ‘Sown in corruption (meaning the corruption of the grave) but raised in incorruption, as a ‘spiritual body. (1Cor15:43-44) The fact that man dies physically has nothing to do with a ‘Nature dwelling in his flesh, it’s simply because he is created as a ‘Mortal being (after the likeness of Adam) and has a limited life-span.
Romans 7 is showing of the state of man given over to the evil desires of his flesh, struggling under conviction but refusing to ‘Crucify his sinful indulgence. The reason he is ‘carnal sold under sin’, is within his un-willingness to rule over it, not that something in his ‘flesh is hindering him from doing so. The answer to his dilemma is in the Baptism of Repentance Rom6:4-6, in which the evil desires are crucified with Christ and the body ‘given over to self-indulgence is done away with once and for all. Giving yourself over to the ‘Captivity of sin is ‘selling yourself for nothing Isa52:3, into the bondage of Slavery. This is the reason that ‘in the flesh’ (this awful state of bondage) we cannot not please God (Rom8:8) Until this ‘evil desire’ for self-indulgence is done away with in Repentance you can NEVER fulfill the Righteous requirements of the Law in Christ by walking in the Spirit and not the ‘flesh. Rom8:1-4.
The ‘turning from this state of bondage is our part, by making the Right Choice to rise up out of our Pig pens and come clean with the Father. The Process of Repentance (or godly sorrow) is designed to be our ‘self-cleaning humility in which we lay aside all filthiness of the flesh and spirit and receive with meekness the implanted Word that is able to save our soul, James1:21-22, the Spirit is present during this time convicting, leading and drawing us toward the Mercy Seat of Reconciliation, BUT He WILL NOT indwell us until the purging is finished and we are a Vessel FIT for the Master’s use. (2Tim2:21) Then the ‘washing, regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit can take place. Otherwise, as is virtually universal in professing Christians circles today, Salvation is a mythical Provision in which the ‘Evil Passions and desires’ of the flesh have full supremacy over every level of the Church. And the FEW of the FEW are ever likely to become ‘doers of the word instead of hearers only deceiving themselves’, until people learn to face up to their Personal Responsibility to Obey God, Do what is Right and find genuine Reconciliation at His Mercy Seat.
This will require a Diligence and Obedience beyond anything that is presently known among the dead, wretched, filthy rags professing Churches where human effort is forbidden; except to argue in favor of sin. (in that they put forth every effort!)
Had Cain made every effort to ‘Reason with God when
told to Rule over it, he would have been recorded with his brother Able in
Heb11:4 as ‘attaining witness his Deeds were Righteous by offering to God a more
excellent sacrifice of obedience than hatred and murder.
By Nature
for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them Rom2:14-15
Without a proper understanding of the Scriptural concept of: ‘Nature man cannot be held accountable for his sin because unless he is fully responsible for the Choices he makes in life, either good or evil, then by necessity his Will is not free and independent. Since there cannot be an ‘Almost freewill, man has to be ‘exclusively free (to make choices between right and wrong) or entirely bound by a determination beyond his ability to resist.
Nature in the Bible is ‘Physis or transliterated
into the Scientific term Physics, which is the Study of Nature or
as the Nature of growth or Principles of growth. When applied to man ‘Nature is
what grows and develops over time through a process of expansion. Since man is
not a tree or worm this process has to be determined by the CHOICES
he makes to do good or evil, as the passage clearly states: ‘By NATURE
they do the things contained in the law’. If the Nature itself was corrupted,
disabled or limited, HOW could Scripture say that man has the ability to
do the things contain in the law? Simply man’s Nature develops through a ‘Progression
of good or a Progression of evil, i.e.
‘He who DOES what is Right is Righteous, he who Sins is of the devil’
It is the manner by which man approaches Scripture that
determines whether or not he will be found accountable for the choices he has
made to peruse his self-indulgences. Accountability and Responsibility is
only applicable to a Nature exclusively FREE to ‘self-determine
its own fate. Whereas a tree can only be a tree, by nature and cannot ‘determine
another course of design, the variable of free will in man
‘determines in what manner his ‘Nature will progress. (whether good of evil) So
the three constants characterized in Scripture that will determine the outcome
of human redemption are:
The Nature of Man, the Nature of Sin and the Deeds of Repentance
The Nature of Man:
Humans are born into the world with a Moral Conscience and natural inclinations.
As the Light (Jh1:9) of this conscience grows and develops from infancy to
adolescence and finally adulthood (Deut1:39, Isa7:20) the choices he has made to
do good or evil determine his fate. So he can either ‘By Nature do
the things contained in the law, or By Nature become a child of
wrath. (Rom2:14, Eph2:3)
The Nature of Sin:
Sin is Transgression of the law, 1Jh3:4. Law requires knowledge in order to obey
or disobey it, including natural law revealed to the conscience. Accountability
to law requires responsibility on the part of those under it. (again, including
the law of conscience) If violation of sanction has no consequence the result is
‘lawlessness. (transgression) Therefore the true nature of Sin is
willful and deliberate rebellion against what is Known to be right or in other
words a FREE CHOICE made by a self-determining individual.
The Deeds of Repentance:
God in His Sovereignty has bestowed the freedom of Choice on man otherwise He
could not hold him
accountable for his wrong doings. It would not be Fair of God to
demand Righteous deeds from man unless he was fully capable of performing them.
Thus all Judgment is conferred according to Deeds done, either good or evil.
i.e. I, the
search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his doings Jer17:10
The imperative of Scripture is directed toward man to Produce deeds
worthy of repentance from the premise of his unhindered free will ability to do
so under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Thus:
Man is Justified by his deeds and not by faith alone! James2:24
The Scriptural concepts of Obedience unto Righteous, Sin unto Death are REVERSED when the understanding of NATURE is flawed. If man is born with a corrupted nature inherited from Adam he cannot be held accountable for the choices he makes because by necessity of nature he is subject to evil instead of good. This is why Professing Christianity has been deadlocked in a hopeless debate between Faith and Works over the last 1600 odd years because for the most part it’s major Pundits have been able to convince people that they are born into a State of corruption completely beyond their ability to control or change. In doing so they have rendered repentance proven by deeds null and void:
The Nature of
Born with a corrupted nature inherited from Adam, called Original Sin, Moral
Depravity, inbred sin, sinful nature.
Due to this
corruption man is utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite of all good,
wholly inclined to all evil, meaning even if makes a right choice its done from selfish motives and is still a sin in God’s sight. This removes any aspect of human Accountability or Responsibility and requires a System of Doctrine whereby he can be Justified in his sins. Man cannot render Obedience to God’s Commands if ‘by nature he is corrupted at his core and it’s not fair to demand it of him.
The Nature of Sin:
Sin is no longer a Transgression of law but a calamity of birth. Man can only
Choose to be what he is a ‘sinner who by the Nature of Progression produce
corrupt fruit. He cannot CHOOSE otherwise! IF by
NATURE he is a bad tree he CANNOT from his own
determination become a GOOD tree. So it’s God who must MAKE
the tree Good and its fruit good apart from the participation of man. (opposite
The Deeds of
By this Reversal of Nature deeds only matter AFTER man is
Justified by faith alone in his sins and then only in the sense of rewards or
chastisements, never Judgment. But some wish to retain an ‘Almost freewill
under this scheme of corrupted nature and this is where their ‘Doctrines become
very complicated and the deeds of repentance are still subject to divine
intervention. It’s as though God can suddenly hold man accountable for his sins
AFTER He has ‘off-set his inbred corruption and ‘made
him willing to obey. But again, this STILL requires that
God first accept him as he is (in sin) and ‘Saves him the moment
he ‘receives Christ and then gives him the ability to overcome his
sins in his newly ‘illuminated state. Thus giving him ‘some
responsibility in the process to make him accountable to God to do the
right thing.
such an arrangement would only be FAIR if God has Provided man
with an alterative measure that replaces deeds worthy of repentance.
And in this you can now see the Need for the following Doctrines:
Substitution to Pay his penalty in advance and render obedience in his place or
satisfy public Justice
Moral Transfer of
Christ’s Virtue to Cover his sins and magically Cloth him in righteousness
Justification by faith alone, not of works, free gift of past, present future
sins forgiven no further condemn
Rewards and Chastisements instead of Judgment
Scripture used to argue in favor of sin and interrupted through the filter of
human inability
ALL Necessitated by the FLAWED concept of man’s Nature and the Nature of Sin
Whereas man is addressed in Scripture from the Premise of: Accountability
and Responsibility subject to the consequences of the Choices he makes
to do good or evil. Professing Christianity has rendered man unable (incapable,
unwilling) from birth lacking the ability to come clean with God in repentance
and subjected him to a ruinous cycle of sin-confess, sin-confess from which
there is no real escape expect death.
All this because the Pundits won’t give up their flawed definitions of: ‘Nature,
Flesh, Desire and Deeds worthy of repentance. They debate in house among
fellow pundits but REFUSE to abandon the archaic notions handed
down to them from the Reformation. Therefore they remain united under the common
banner of human inability and inbred corrupted natures.