Born in Sin!


The Problematic reasoning of what Christianity has called: ‘Original Sin’ is a Doctrine deeply ingrained into the church and VERY Difficult to break free of. Separating the Nature from the Will seems to be the basics of the delusion. If man is NOT Born with a Corrupted nature inherited from Adam, HOW do you explain the problems with children, Or the impossibility of finding anyone honest and upright? By appearances the ‘Sin Nature’ Doctrine holds creditability when you consider the condition of mankind. But it’s TRUTH we are looking for here, not conjecture. Therefore let’s take an honest look at Scripture.


What happened when Adam & Eve Sinned, according to the Scriptures?

1)       He Died Spiritually, Cut off from God

2)       The Ground was Cursed

3)       His Burden of work was increased

4)       The Pain of Child Birth would increase

5)       They were expelled from the Garden  (Gen3:1-24)


Nothing is said about their NATURE becoming Corrupted or being Transferred to their posterity. They would Continue to Produce after their own kind (a Flesh & Blood living Soul) Each succeeding generation then taking on the LIKENESS of the one before. This follows the Scriptures and sustains Free Will.


Thus Paul tells us in Rom5:12, that Through ONE Man Sin entered the world and Death (spiritual death) through sin, spread to all men, BECAUSE ALL SINNED!|  ALL Sinned after the LIKENESS of Adam, FOLLOWED his example. Born with the Same Passions and Desires as their fathers! NOT Born with his Nature handed down to them. (God Does Not change anyone with the sin of their fathers, Ezk18:18-19. Nor would He Saddle mankind with the Nature of Adam!)


It Simply CANNOT be proven ANYWHERE in Scripture that Nature can be handed, down, imputed or inherited as though sin was lodged in our flesh like some kind of Disease. The Two New Testament Passages used in attempt to prove this are 1Pet1 and Eph2:


And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 1Pet1:17-18


among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. Eph2:3


In the 1Peter Passage some Bible Versions Translate, ‘Received by Tradition’ to ‘Inherited’ Chancing the meaning of the passage. The CORRECT Translation is as shown. You Received your code of conduct by the Tradition of your fathers. You DID NOT inherit their Nature! That’s Impossible.


If you look up the Phrase, ‘By Nature’ in the Eph passage, you find it means essentially the same thing as Tradition. It is Behavior you learned by long practice or habit of doing. Just as the Gentiles are shown in Rom2:14 to DO ‘By Nature’ the things Contained in the law. It has NOTHING to do with something Inbred into man’s Flesh at Birth. It is Simply showing us that we LEARN to do bad things by the example of others or by our own foolish habits and desires.


The Major Problem with the Original Sin Teaching is that it Renders man incapable of Obeying God or Repenting and Stopping his sins. If he is Born Corrupted by Nature from Adam, then his sin is a malady, something he has no control over (like a genetic disease) Rather then a CHOICE he has made and is Personally Responsible for before a Holy God. Therefore the Salvation Message becomes a Remedy to Cover his on-going sinful nature, until it can slowly Sanctified out of him by process. Instead of a Clearing of Wrong Doing and New Life in Christ. (as the Scriptures Show)



By Necessity the church MUST Preach that you are Saved in Your sins! Because you are Born in them!

How is Free Will retained under this Scheme? It isn’t. If you are born Depraved or Corrupted in Nature, with a Natural inability to Obey God, the ONLY WAY you can be Saved is that God has to Somehow Liberate your ability to choose by the Holy Spirit. So Salvation becomes a Process of Confession and Trust, rather than following the Scriptures which show a Stopping of sin and Obedient heart. People become numb to the Truth while they sit in the churches ‘thinking’ they are saved and waiting for God to Magically Change them so they can sin less and serve Him more. (which of course NEVER happens because God doesn’t work in such manner!)


But Why do All men Choose to Sin if they are NOT Born Sinners?

1)       First they are Born in the Likeness of ‘Sinful Flesh’ (meaning passions and desires)

2)       Next they are Born into a World VOID of Light and Truth

3)       Men Love Darkness, Can’t Comprehend it, Won’t Come to it! Jh3:19-21

4)       The god of this age, Prince of Air is at Work influencing man’s passions and desires

5)       False Teachers run the Churches and Control the Platforms

6)       By his Own Free Choice his Pride rebels against God!


Note: The Rom8:3 Passage that States Jesus was Born in the Likeness of Sinful flesh, is further proof that no Nature of sin exists in the flesh. Otherwise Christ would have possessed this Nature!


Thus a Person is Born 100% Neutral into the World, a Clean Slate, innocent, having done nothing right or wrong. (Ecc7:29, Deut1:39, Matt18:24, 19:14, Rom9:11) He DOES NOT Possess the Holy Spirit at Birth nor the Divine Nature of Christ! But he DOES Retain the LIGHT of God in his soul that ‘Lights’ EVERY MAN that comes into the World! (John1:9) Which is the Conscience of God and natural ability to Know right from wrong when he reaches maturity. (Rom2:14-15)


From Youth his Passions and Desires are under the assault of Principalities and powers of the spirit realm. (Eph6:12) And the influence of Touch, Sight, Emotions and hearing. The Perfect Law of Love (or do unto others as you would have them do to you) is NOT present in the World around him, but rather the necessity of Aggression to fulfill selfish desires of the flesh.  On top of this in our modern world we have the electronic media from all sides, images everywhere, people with all sorts of vile habits, rough language, poor behavior and selfish inclinations. Children are especially sensitive to hypocritical behavior in adults, the ‘say and not do’ rules they impose that make no sense to them. They quickly pick up on bad habits and a poor attitude. Plus all human being are created by God with individual personality traits and temperaments, no two people are the same. There is an exception to every rule, good and bad.


Given these things, in all honesty WHO could expect ANYONE to grow to accountability and NOT Sin?

WHERE and HOW is the person going to find God in all this? He Must be Told the Truth and then SHOWN by Example what is necessary to Serve God. His Common environment is NOT going to provide any of these things, in fact, the VERY Opposite! At School (even ‘Christian’ School!) at Play, around other adults, average daily life, is all Anti-God and opposed to His Truth. Top all this off by sending him to church, or bible school for kids and you have the formula for disaster.


Man doesn’t Need another excuse for sinning! And Certainly NOT the PERFECT excuse that sin is part of the Nature he was Born with! People know the Difference between Right and Wrong and often CHOOSE to DO what is Right even without God in their lives. No One can deny the fact that human beings do Good things for their fellow man. Who hasn’t heard of Fire or Police personal risking their lives for others, or Soldiers in battle dying to save their fellow combatants! Are these the selfish acts of Depraved Sinners?


The Church would have you believe such and go to great lengths to attribute any good deed done to some kind of ‘Special’ Grace bestowed by God to off set man’s depravity JUST enough so he can perform the deed, but NEVER enough for him to overcome his sin! The Stain remains and only the passing of time and influence of the Holy Spirit has any possibility of changing him to the better.


We can conclude then that the effect of Adam’s sin was to bring about a world VOID of virtue and Truth. (for the most part) Man followed the Passions of his flesh and rebelled against all that was good. His Continued actions had the accumulate effect of making the world a Dark and sinful place.


God preserved His Presence and the Witness of His Truth, in Several Preachers of Righteousness through out history. Few heeded their warnings to Stop sinning and many perished in their sins. Now the False Religious establishment is firmly in place and the Message is that NOTHING you Do matters.

So Darkness and Error reigns supreme throughout the entire world and billions are in the clutches of a Strong Delusion. Although man is FULLY Capable of Obedience to God and Stopping of Sin, Very FEW make any effort whatsoever to Seek out the Truth or even care about the Judgment to Come. Our Societies are in Moral Decay, the Christian Churches in La La Land and the Preachers clueless. There is hardly anything remaining to Hold Back the lie.


The only hope you have as a Parent of young children is to MAKE SURE your home is God Fearing and your LIFE is in line with His Truth! Remember: Children learn by Example, as the Bible clearly shows. Their Nature is Neutral at birth, but they are still created in the Likeness of Flesh, complete with the passions and desires common to every person. Your life-style will have the Greatest influence on them as they grow to maturity. If you want to them to Choose Right over Wrong, YOU lead the Way! It’s a heavy Responsibility and you will find little assistance in the world. Stay OUT of the Churches and Contend always for the faith!