Early Saints
Pelagius Controversy
Debunking End Times Eschatology Myths The Fallacy of Entire Sanctification exposed
Study on Repentance
Is there such a thing as Christian Patriots?
Reasoning with God
Standing The Gap Ministry
So I sought for a man among them who would make a
Exposing the fallacies of Reformed and Orthodox Doctrines that have the vast majority of professing Christianity born in sin, saved in sin and continuing in sin.
See Videos on You Tube Under Holding Firmly
Statement essentials)
Miserable, Poor, Blind and Naked This is the “purging of men's minds, that whatever defilement habitual error had imparted, whatever contamination in the heart of man ignorance had engendered, that repentance should sweep and scrape away, and cast out of doors, and thus prepare the home of the heart, by making it clean, for the Holy Spirit, who was about to indwell, that He might with pleasure introduce Himself there-into” – A.D. 160The Original Saints believed and taught that you MUST come clean with God in Repentance BEFORE the Holy Spirit would indwell. No one was 'Saved in sin or did any early Saint teach that man was Born in Sin. They understood that man possessed free and unhindered ability to Obey God and DO what was Right. Most of professing Christianity today is under a massive System of Error that has negated genuine repentance and substituted it with a wretched man profession that keeps them in slavery to their sin. Our web site is dedicated to exposing these errors and pulling down the Strongholds so others may come to a Knowledge of the truth and escape the snare of the devil before it's too late.
The Preparation of the heart belongs
to man: Biblically, its simply “repentance”, clearing the heart of guile and pride in a season of godly sorrow, forsaking all known sin with sincerity, and sanctifying oneself from the world….Yes, its that simple, being transformed from the old man of sin to the new man of righteousness in the baptism of repentance. That ye might sanctify and cleanse the heart and mind with the washing of water by the word and the renewing of the soul, receiving the NT empowerment (Grace) of the Holy Spirit, walking upright according to the Spirit thoroughly furnished unto good works! Amazingly simple, Yes?