Preaching the Lie


Chapter 1: Another Gospel!


Today the Gospel consists of your sins forgiven in advance, God can’t see you sinning and Christ Obeyed for you. The result of this message on our society has been devastating to say the least. The moral decay in our churches is overwhelming and it has spilled over into all facets of family life, politics and social behavior. Although a form of success appears to exist in the modern Evangelical movement, it has no substance of true spiritual life and certainly no evidence of genuine faith that works by love and purifies the heart of sin.


The people converted under this system are destitute of heart holiness and obedience to the truth. They are inundated with a message that condones sinful behavior, carnality and loose living. But at the same time many of them, including the preachers and teachers who dispense the message, are convinced what they believe is the ‘right’ thing and such behavior is normal under Biblical standards of Doctrine. Therefore no hard, fast rule of a genuine Christian Conversion can be defined or agreed upon by the churches. Thus they adopt formulas and methods that promise results in number of members and an overall appearance of success. Whether or not people are actually being redeemed from the corrupting influence of sin in their lives is secondary to the status quo.


The moral dilemma that has been created by these methods is overwhelming and the ‘converts’ are far removed from any Biblical Description of a Christian or even a reasonable facsimile of a Divine Nature.

Yet no one really seems to care about their spiritual well being in light of Scripture because no warnings are issued and little urgency exists to rescue them from their sinful addictions. As long as they have been assimilated into the ‘System’ by the approved methods, it is assumed that their eternal habitation is a foregone conclusion and nothing they do or don’t do, can effect the outcome.


The prescribed method of Salvation under this system goes something like this:

1)       The emotional appeal usually accompanied by some soft music and lighting to created the atmosphere of concern. ‘You are a poor miserable sinner and you need Jesus to Save you!’

2)       Then you are generally told that God requires perfect holiness and perfection from you in order to come into His presence, otherwise He can’t look on you in your ‘sinful’ state.

3)       Before you have time to throw in the towel, since this ‘perfection’ is something you certainly don’t have, will never have and is impossible to have, they spring the trap!

4)       Merely TRUST that Jesus is that Perfection, accept that by FAITH, repeat some words and you have it made in the shade!


The Transaction has taken place! Although nothing has really changed between you and God in reality (you certainly don’t feel any different than before) He has just Pronounced you SAVED, Forgiven and Justified because you have TRUSTED in Christ’s finished work on the cross that includes: ‘Perfection, Obedience, Righteousness, and Redemption!’ He did it all for you in ADVANCE and now you have RECEIVED His accomplishment by this ‘Transfer of Trust’ and your eternal well being is signed, sealed and delivered.


Although this experience may occur in a variety of ways and places and be accompanied by some emotion, tears and sounds of praise, the by-product remains the same. The Convert has no basis of soul saving faith within the heart and therefore no RULE or LAW exists to govern the so-called conversion. The heart has received the Word with gladness (who wouldn’t if convinced such a thing is true as described above!) rejoices in the euphoria of the moment, but is without Foundation. NO element of the True Substance and Evidence of Bible Saving Faith has taken place! The heart is left hallow and empty without ROOT for a Newness of life to Sprout upward.


The status of this so-called conversion is that God has somehow CHANGED the nature of sin toward you because you now ‘believe’ in His Son. Sin no longer brings Death (the wages of sin is death! Rom6:23) but for you, LIFE! God has magically placed all your sin on Jesus and now no longer holds you accountable for it. Although you will CONTINUE to sin daily in thought, word and deed for the rest of your life, it will never effect the outcome of your final salvation in Jesus.

Positionally you are declared Righteous and Pure in Christ because the process of this so-called Salvation has provided you with a Transfer of Christ’s Perfect Righteousness ‘wired’ into your account (so to speak) to insure that NOTHING you do or don’t do from this point forward can negate or cancel out the Gift so richly provided by God’s Love and Mercy.


The very nature of this Message is profoundly seductive and captivating. The Psychological effect, accompanied by the smooth sounding words creates a strong desire within to ‘believe’ that this mysterious transaction has somehow taken place and you are now a ‘Saved’ person on you way to heaven guaranteed!

That your vile affections still remain is of no consequence because you are convinced that taking up a new leaf will provide an ‘improved’ version of your life and a better class of people to associate with.


To give the Delusion even more creditability the teachers and preachers in the spotlight of popularity produce massive amounts of material promoting their systems of self-improvement, success and better living. The Message is always upbeat and positive, non-confrontational and designed to keep the people contented and coming back for more. Any focus on the Scriptures only promotes what they have already been told is the Gospel. That Jesus has provided everything required to get you into His Kingdom and you need only to have Trusted in Him for it to happen.


How, you may ask, do these teachers and preachers avoid detection if the Bible is so Clearly opposed to what they are promoting? Honest question, worthy of consideration. The reasons are numerous, but can generally be blamed on apathy among professing Christians who would rather not get involved in a debate over doctrines. Most church goers are fairly satisfied with their limited knowledge of Scripture and have no desire whatsoever to challenge anyone’s belief or weed out teachers preaching ANOTHER Gospel than the one contained in the Bible. This makes them easy prey for the smooth presentation and highly polished expositions of modern day Evangelism.


It’s difficult to resist the gala performance of professional sounding bands. The soft lighting and golden throated speakers cracking their anecdote and telling clever little stories to illustrate their message. Like a elegant pageant these things are designed to excite certain emotions in you, prick at your heart strings and cause a teary eyed response. How could such a Celebration done in the Lord’s Name be wrong! God MUST be pleased with the effort of so many offering up their praise and ‘receiving’ His Son.


Yet according to the Bible, the Majority is on the Wide Road to Destruction. (Matt7:13-14) Seldom in the Scriptural record is the Religious System Approved by God. Rather it is corrupted to the core and opposed to almost everything Jesus came to Teach. The Present Day church is no exception. Its Apostate State is a DIRECT result of the Message being preached. And the people fully reflect the dismal condition of what they have embraced as their Gospel. It’s a rarity to find any professing Christians even making a TOKEN attempt to live according to the dictates of the Bible. Most of them are so far removed from Scriptural Believers that the ENTIRE New Testament has to be explained away to justify their counterfeit life style.


You would be hard pressed to find anyone in the churches who actually possesses the Divine Nature or Newness of life described in the Bible. The professed converts could care less if their personal behavior is pleasing to God or an abomination in His sight. They flock into the churches, sing, praise, cry out, lift their hands to heaven and bow before the Image of Christ that condones their carnality, double-mindedness and Divided hearts! The Preachers and teachers maintain the delusion and keep up the appearance of success. While millions perish into the dark abyss for eternity ‘BELIEVING’ they were saved forever because they Trusted in a LIE.


This modern day delusion is NOT Difficult to uncover. Nor is it a mystery that few can understand. The Apostles were engaged intensely against this spirit of error from the beginning and left behind a detailed record in the Scriptures refuting the Lie. It was the GRACE of God that came under attack then by lawless men who would turn it into a License for immorality and it’s the exact SAME spirit at work today CONTROLLING the Platforms and rendering the Gospel null and void! (Jude3-4)  But these teachers no longer have to sneak in among us to pervert the message, because NO ONE is Refuting them! Therefore their message has spread like gangrene, unabated, into the books, schools, study bibles, tapes, CD’s, etc. Until it has now become UNIVERSALLY ANOTHER Gospel effecting EVERYTHING in its wake.

The following is a Perfect example of this Deception in action.


The Bible Clearly States who will and who will not inherit the Kingdom and Why. Scripture gives a detailed and concise description of the type of behavior that is Guaranteed to DISQUALIFY you from entering the Kingdom.  Note the follow passages closely:


Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1Cor6:9-10


The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Gal5:19-21


But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a man is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. Eph5:3-7


Examine the Empathic Language used in these Passages:

1)       Of THIS you CAN BE SURE!

2)       LET no one DECEIVE you with empty words!

3)       I Told you MANY times before!


Does any of this sound as though the Apostle is merely ‘suggesting’ that you avoid these things, but if you don’t, no consequence will befall you? That due to stress, trials and personal struggles with addiction, that God will somehow overlook your weakness and cut you some slack in these matters? Yet as clear cut as these passages appear in the pages of Scripture, the False Teachers will cast their dispersions and try to

Explain them away by suggesting the following:


1)       Perhaps these things are written to the unsaved or those never saved to begin with…

2)       Or they could be speaking of a ‘Continued’ or ‘Life Style’ of sin, not an occasional slip up

3)       Since you are Already forgiven in Advance for ALL you sin, past, present and future, this cannot be a list of things that will disqualify you from the Kingdom, because NOTHING can cancel the gift.


Thus the element of doubt has been introduced. “Has God REALLY Said thus and thus??” Many begin to doubt that such things will indeed bring about spiritual death and loosely indulge in these sins without fear. The Apostle CANNOT possibly be speaking about ‘Christians’ who do these things, (because everyone does them, including the preachers) and God will not hold them accountable for something Jesus has already died for.


In this manner no warning is issued and the people assume that spiritual death is NOT a possibility. The dynamic of this delusion extends to all facets of the Gospel Message. Jesus warned us in Luke8: 18

“To take heed, or be extremely careful, in WHAT MANNER you are hearing something!” The Presentation of the Gospel message is no exception. In Scripture the WAY into the Kingdom is Clearly defined. Jesus Himself gave us this vital Truth in Mattt7:14-23. The Way is Narrow, Few Find it, Many do not, Strive with all effort to enter in, beware of false teachers who come to you in sheep’s clothing, telling lies. At the Judgment MOST people will assume themselves ‘saved’, claim mighty works in His Name, but be unapproved and sent away because they refused to Build their house on the Rock of Christ’s Word by DOING what He said to DO!


In what MANNER do the present day preachers and teachers present the Gospel Message? In Capsule  form. ‘Believe’ on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved! As though NOTHING else is required.

No warning that the ‘devils also believe’ or that ‘believing’ without DOING is self-deception. And NOTHING about the Narrow Gate that Few Strive to Enter. Repentance is a mere apology for being ‘sinful’ and Faith is Trusting that Jesus did everything for you in advance and your inheritance into the Kingdom is guaranteed.


This is refereed to as ‘Receiving Christ’ and is almost universally accepted as the Salvation method in today’s churches. Perhaps you have seen the huge rallies and crusades where an invitation is given and thousands of people respond. Marching forward like so many automatons to ‘go’ and repeat the magic words that will seal their eternal well being in heaven. The Atmosphere is usually one of emotion driven tempo where thousands of curious seekers flock the platform smiling, talking to their friends and waiting for a glimpse of the famous evangelist as he leads them in the ‘Prayer’.


Certainly a RADICAL departure from what occurred in the Book of Acts when the Apostles presented the Gospel. Scripture declares that thousands were ‘Cut to the heart!’ and THREW themselves at the Mercy of God, after they heard a scorching message of Repentance, Wrath, Judgment and Faith! (Acts2:37-39) THEN they were told to ‘BELIEVE’ on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved! When their hearts were prepared to ‘RECEIVE’ His Mercy and FOLLOW Him in faithful Obedience to the Truth.


They weren’t repeating words, or standing in front of a platform acting as though they were out on a Sunday stroll. They were Pressing through that NARROW Gate, with all effort and diligence, crying out to God for Mercy, to be spared His Wrath, they so richly deserved. The EFFECT was Immediate. (Acts2:40-47) Teaching and Preaching SOUND Doctrine, according to godliness and holy behavior. Steadfast endurance in the faith. Worship and Praise from PURE hearts, WASHED in the BLOOD of Jesus! Redeemed from Darkness to Light, from the Power of Satan to GOD!


In Contrast the Convert Today:

1)       Is a sinner and remains a sinner, saved by Grace

2)       Declared Righteous by ‘faith’ but continue in sin

3)       Forgiven in advance, past, present and future, sin everyday in thought, word and deed

4)       God not Sees or holds you accountable for your sin


WHERE is this Gospel Declared in the BIBLE? Where does it say that you can Love God and Rebel against Him at the same time? Where does it say that you can be a servant of God and of sin at the same time? Can a corrupt tree bear good fruit, or a polluted stream produce useful water? A Tree Planted by the Lord produces GOOD FRUIT or else it is CUT down and thrown into the FIRE! (Matt7:16-20)


Despite the fact that many preachers and teachers hold to what they ‘think’ is SOUND Doctrine and preach a ‘holiness’ message, in their estimation, this LIE has affected EVERYONE without exception. As long as your churches are convinced that the Lie (Package Gospel) has some redeeming value to it and is NOT ANOTHER Gospel entirely, little hope exists of grasping the scope of what we are up against in the spiritual whelm. The Lie undermines ALL your efforts to preach ‘sound’ doctrine. By embracing their methods, themes, books, tapes, concerts, etc you Nullify any progress made by supposedly preaching your sound doctrines.


For example, you teach your young people the Right thing about Obedience to the Truth, holy living, chaste behavior and then send them off to some concert where they are guaranteed to hear the Lie. Or you use material in their classes written by the exact same teachers who preach sins forgiven in advance, God can’t see you sinning and you are eternally secure. You even refute the once saved always saved message at times and then RECOMMEND the VERY authors whose books promote it! Worse, you praise the efforts of the large ministries, by name, lauding their success and clever style that draws in the masses.


These things are of no concern, you claim. The people are hearing a sound message and will sort the truth from the fiction. Take the good and leave the bad! BUT the RESULTS Speak for themselves! The Condition of the average church is abominable in the Sight of God. The people are complacent, lukewarm and loose in their conduct.

Converts remain addicted to vile affections, smoking, drinking and cussing is common among them. Their defense is that ‘no one is perfect’ and Salvation is ‘not of works!’ They abound in Jealousies, selfish contentions, anger, strife, backbiting and bitter rivals. The Fruit of the Spirit is NO WHERE to be seen! But instead of attributing the problems to the accumulative effect of the Lie they are exposed to, you rely on your ‘Doctrine’ to make up the difference. Hoping that all these issues will somehow ‘take’ care of themselves if you just stay on track, do what you are doing and maintain the status quo.


But things just keep worse and worse, year by year and the problems multiply. What most of you fail to realize is that YOU also have been affected by the Lie. Much of what you ‘believe’ is tainted by it and hinders your methods and presentation to the point that you are practically preaching the SAME message.

If you are not, WHY then are the RESULTS you’re getting EXACTLY the same as those produced by the Lie? The Average Convert is NOT conformed to the Biblical Standard of conversion, but that of the Lie.


Here’s an Example:

1)       Can your recent Converts testify to a season of godly sorrow for sin, broken within and a through repentance, change of mind and heart before God?

2)       Can they then give evidence of a genuine SINSE of Pardon from God? NOT what someone has told them is true according to a passage in the bible, but a Real Witness of the Spirit within?

3)       Where is the Joy unspeakable, Full of Glory! Peace that Passes Understanding, Love of God Shed abroad into their heart?

4)       Have ALL THINGS become New, the Divine Nature of Christ taken hold, is their Faith WORKING by Love, Purifying the heart of sin and giving Victory over the world, flesh and devil?


You immediately protest and defend your low standard of conversion with the common appeal that no one is perfect, God isn’t finished with them yet, they are merely ‘babes’ in Christ. He will clean them up later. The important thing is that they are now coming to church, hearing the Message, and associating with a better class of people than before. However the problem is that NONE of these arguments are supported by ANYTHING in the Scriptures. (What is listed above is) Which is Correct?


If you are preaching sound doctrine, why are you so willing to accept a Standard of Conversion so opposed to the Bible? If Salvation is ‘Not of works’ as everyone so joyfully proclaims, WHAT does it mean to have a WORKING Faith? And if Grace is merely the ‘unmerited favor’ of God bestowed on sinful mankind out of Divine Love, WHERE do the exceeding Great and Precious Promises of a Changed Life come in? Grace is either the POWER of God to Purity and godly behavior or the Bible is in error!! (Titus2:11-14)


But according to the LIE Grace is bestowed through faith alone and NOTHING the person Does or Does not DO has any effect on the Transaction. As though God will Judge imparity according to what a person ‘Believes’ NOT what he DOES with what he believes! Scripture CLEARLY Testifies that a person is Justified by what he DOES, NOT BY FAITH ALONE, (James2:24) And that God Judges in that manner, imparity According to each one’s WORK! (1Pet1:17) 


WHY do you keep insisting that it’s ‘NOT of Works’ and NEVER explain what it means to be SAVED by a WORKING Faith instead of the WORKS of the Law? The Apostle was speaking of a Boast made by those who thought that 'Keeping’ the Law would make them Righteous before God. (Rom3:17, 23) NOT Casting away the Working Dynamic of Faith itself! The LAW OF FAITH, he called it, Rom3:27. That Upholds and Establishes the Law in the heart. (Rom3:31)


Therefore once a person actually receives true Salvation through genuine faith, (Eph2:8-9) in Christ, GOD expects him to EXERCISE that Faith by WORKING TOGETHER (2Cor6:1) for the Outcome to final Salvation. Faith is NOT a ‘done deal’ but a PROCESS that is begun in the soul by this Divine Favor to perform a WORK to MOLD you into the IMAGE of Jesus through Obedience to the Truth! (Rom6:16-17)


By preaching faith as ‘Trusting’ in Jesus you allow the people to draw the conclusion that they can ‘believe’ in God WITHOUT OBEYING Him! And such faith, according to the Scriptures, is inoperable. (James2:22-24)

We RECEIVE Grace for OBEDIENCE to the Faith! (Rom1:5) NOT for ‘Trusting’ that Jesus obeyed in our place and has forgiven us in advance. That defeats the PURPOSE of Faith and renders the Gospel of no effect. Therefore to Preach Repentance and Faith, according to the Scriptures, you must REJECT this notion that a person can be truly Saved by Repeating some words and ‘asking’ Jesus into his heart, rather than OBEYING FROM HIS HEART as the Scripture declares. (Rom6:16)


This is the Radical Departure from Mainstream Evangelism FEW are willing to make. It would drastically reduce the ‘success’ factor in amount of supposed ‘conversions’ immediately. If the people were told they had to Deny their flesh, repent and forsake their sins, flee the wrath of God and fall on the Mercy of Christ in Obedient Faith to be saved, the WHOLE Religious System would come apart at the seams. If the preachers and teachers were crying out against the sins of the flesh and pointing to the corruption in men’s hearts, they would be despised, rejected and probably persecuted.


Instead most church pastors are loved and adored by the people who call themselves Christians but don’t Obey God. They operate in the spotlight, so to speak, popular among men, well received, with a comforting message of a positive nature. ‘God is love!’ ‘He has a wonderful Plan for your life’ ‘Receive Jesus now and find this peace, joy and freedom from guilt.’ It sounds good and draws in the people, BUT it’s nowhere to be found in the Bible! That’s because it’s NOT the Gospel preached by the Apostles and our Lord and the By-product is NOT the Salvation of Souls from the corrupting influence of sin!


Until you recognize the Lie in its entirety and begin to refute it the influence remains and you are compromised. Whether you want to accept it or not, the evidence speaks for itself. If the Message convicts the people to the slightest degree, its immediately stifled, lightened up, the blow cushioned. God forbid anyone suggests that their behavior may disqualify them from the Kingdom! Brow beating and stepping on toes is avoided at all cost. Sin is a result of stress, addiction, the natural weakness of the flesh. God understands and knows you are ‘doing’ your best and that’s all that matters.


Even if someone cries out against sin for a season, it’s always tempered with the Peace, peace message. The resultant guilt that may come is unfounded, to no purpose. God has already forgiven you and you’re still on your way to heaven even if you DON’T OBEY Him and Continue to Practice the sins listed in Gal5:19-21, 1Cor6:9-10. The matter is NEVER Conclusive, so the Warnings have no foundation. It’s ALWAYS sedulity implied that ‘somehow’ you will escape the Judgment of God and avoid His Ultimate wrath because you ‘believe’ in Jesus.


Many church pastors ‘THINK’ they are Teaching the Right thing and are VERY Sincere about what they do. But they fail to realize that the spirit of error has introduced a ‘STRONG DELUSION’ into our midst and the effects are Universal. It’s not merely an in house debate between brothers in the faith over the finer points of Doctrine. It is what the Apostle refereed to in Gal1: 6-8 as ‘ANOTHER Gospel! And it has Rendered the TRUTH of Scripture null and void. The battle is Not Against flesh and blood and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but SPIRITUAL for PULLING down Satan’s STRONGHOLDS!


Allowing this Lie to go unabated in your churches has created an Atmosphere of Delusion very cleverly disguised as a ‘degree’ of success. The large ministries who promote the Lie boast tens of thousands of ‘decisions’ for Christ and mass appeal of their methods and formulas for evangelism. The smaller, local churches follow suit and use the same hype to help increase membership and appear as though they have God’s approval on all their activities. The end result is what we see today in every congregation ‘almost’ worldwide without exception.


1)       A Standard of Conversion that has NOTHING to do with Bible Truth.

2)        Converts destitute of heart Purity and Righteousness of life

3)       Continued Sinning daily with impunity

4)       And no FEAR of God’s Judgment whatsoever


As a pastor or teachers you can continue ignoring the situation and convince yourself God approves of what you are doing. Or you can WAIT and take your chances at the Judgment and hope none of this matters and God will not hold you accountable for the blood of lost souls.




Chapter 2  They Love to have it so!


The Ancient Prophets said it best, ‘The People LOVE to have it so!”  (Jer5:31)  Iniquity is always abounding when the False Teachers strengthen the hand of the wicked. Today is no exception. Our entire society is suffering a moral dilemma unparalleled in history as a DIRECT result of the Christian Church failure to Confront the issues with an unrelenting Message of Repentance toward God and Faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. (In the manner described in the Scriptures!)


Instead they Preach a Gospel designed to pacify instead of convict, a message that soft peddles God’s warnings and removes any Fear of impending Judgment. Collectively the church pastors and teachers ‘believe’ whole-heartedly that they are on the right track and it’s a forgone conclusion that FEW (one in thousands!) will do ‘anything’ to stem the tide.


“The Shepherds have become dull-hearted!” Said the Prophet, (Jer10:21) They have Dressed the Wound (sin) of the People as though it was not serious, crying Peace, Peace when there is no Peace!” (Jer6:14)

The Gospel is no longer preached to Redeem man from the Corrupting influence of sin and see his heart made PURE by Faith, but to assure him that God is love and is only concerned about comforting him in his infirmities. Thus the pastors are nursemaids, not heralds of Truth, cutting to the bone and marrow with the Word of God to Convict and Convince the world of Sin, Righteousness and Judgment.


Now the Gospel is you come to Him promising nothing, making no commitments to follow in His Steps, UNCHANGED, believing that you will be ‘Saved’ by a Faith VOID of WORKING Principle! But reformed theology insists Luther was correct, it’s ‘Faith Alone’ plus nothing more that Justifies, even though the BIBLE Declares otherwise! (James2:24) 


Does anyone care that this is the Message going unabated in our churches, over the air waves, in the study Bibles, books, tapes, Videos, over the Web? Your Lip Service falls flat on its face when you examine the evidence! Every Pastor has his ‘Cause’ for doing what he is doing and feels perfectly justified in his methods. (otherwise he would change) But finding anyone willing to address these problems and expose the Lies is next to impossible! It’s as though the ENTIRE clergy has become weak kneed and limp wrested. WHERE are the Preachers and Teachers NOT under this Delusion, to some degree, and who still have a trace of discernment remaining in them?


The Vast Majority of Professing Christendom has been TOTALLY taken Captive by this LIE and is worshiping an IMAGE of Jesus created in the likeness of sinful man. Although this Image Walks, talks and usurps eccleastical authority over the churches, it represents the Great Dragon or Rev13 who makes war on the Saints of God and Overcomes them! With an Army of False Prophets, the Lie spreads like a plague and the faithful remnant of God is reduced in strength and numbers. Elijah had to face the False Prophets of Baal alone because the ‘faithful seven thousand’ would not make themselves KNOWN! (1Kings19:10,14, 18, Rom11:3-5) But the Present Day ‘Baal’ has taken on a new IMAGE and the Silent Remnant isn’t certain WHOSE side they are on!


Therefore at the grass root level of our society, where morality is shaped, we have NO STANDARDS! The Pulpits not given over to the Prosperity, self image, positive thinking and purpose driven non-sense, remain mute and refuse to make a Clarion Call against sin and for Righteousness. They rest on the laurels of past glory and adorn the monuments of their prophets, but are WITNESSES against themselves for turning their backs on the Doctrine Which is According to godliness! What further proof is required to awaken these foolish sleepers and re-oil their lamps before it’s too late? Reality is often painful and difficult to deal with, but our losses now will pale in comparison to the Great Judgement Throne of Christ when you face those Flaming Eyes that penetrate every fiber of your being!

Will it matter then that you were a ‘nice guy’ and always preached a positive, upbeat Message. While the people wallowed in their sins unable to escape the bondage of their flesh, you ministered to their needs and desires allowing them to believe that the Low Standards were acceptable to God and He understands their weakness. (And NO ONE took responsibility for the Mess!)

The True Gospel of Jesus Christ MUST Rescue man from the Corrupting influence of sin and Purify his heart by Faith Working by Love so he can OBEY the Righteous Requirements of God’s Law. The Blood of the Covenant MUST have the Power not only to forgiven sins previously committed, but also to PURGE those sins from the conscience mind so the recipient is no longer trying to Serve God by Dead Works, Ceremony or Ritual. Grace then MUST be the POWER of God unto this Salvation from sin, WORKING godliness and self-control into the heart, creating a NEW MAN Pleasing unto God in the Present Age.


Thus the Scripture Teach WITHOUT Question! NOT as a matter of opinion or by conjecture, but SOLID Experiential & Divine Truth handed down through the ages to man for the Purpose of Restoring him into the IMAGE of Christ Likeness he has lost through the ravages of sinful living. From the beginning Satan has done everything within his power to pervert and nullify the effects of this message and offer man an alternative means of Salvation that would Deceive his heart into believing that he could SIN and NOT die!


The Present Day system is very cleverly designed to ‘appear’ as correct and garner the support of MOST professing Christian ministers because it has achieved a degree of success. (at least in numbers, hype and overall appeal.) It doesn’t seem to matter that the Converts being produced are wholly ignorant of godly sorrow, repentance and working faith that purifies their hearts by love. They can’t explain the basics of Salvation by Faith, according to the Scriptures, nor can they testify of anything more than what the Minister has told them supposedly happened when they ‘received’ Jesus as Savior.


But they are coming to Church and associating with a ‘better’ class of people than before that’s what counts. Eventually they may produce ‘some’ Fruit of the Spirit, but the important thing is they have ‘received’ Jesus and regardless of any ‘Standard’ they are pronounced Saved and part of the group. This is evident on all sides of the Doctrinal debate. Whether your church is ‘holiness’ based, non eternal security or Preaching the Lie all the way, this Standard of Conversion is accepted almost worldwide as true Salvation. Even though it can EASILY be Proved from the Scriptures that MOST of these Converts DO NOT even meet the rudiments of BIBLICAL Salvation or a New Birth.



In the Following Summary we will examine what Scripture has to say about the Gospel compared to what the Lie has proclaimed is the Gospel. MANY will be deeply offended when exposed for preaching the Lie.



Biblical Repentance:

2Cor7:10-11 Explains Bible based Repentance in vivid detail. It consist of Godly Sorrow for sin, which is a deep sense of acknowledgement for offending God. Clearing and diligent Zeal to please God by DOING the Right thing, setting maters straight to best of your ability.  (See Luke19:1-10)


It is the CORE of the Gospel Message, (Acts20:21, 26:20) Is ALWAYS Accompanied by DEEDS Worthy of Repentance and is Absolutely Mandatory for initial Salvation to take place in the human Soul! In Repentance the soul FORSAKES Sin, Changes Mind & Heart and makes all possible amends.



Repentance Under the Lie:

Here repentance is merely an Apology for being sinful. It involves no godly sorrow for sin because no Conviction is present. Therefore no Clearing is necessary and no diligence to please God can follow. The Mind and Heart remain unchanged but the Guilt is soothed by an assurance that God now forgives you in Advance and no longer holds you accountable for your sin.  (no Bible verses to verify)



Biblical Faith:

According to the Bible Faith WORKS by Love, Purifies the heart of sin and produces Victory over the world, flesh and devil! (Gal5:6, 1Pet1:22, 1Jh5:4-5)  Bible Faith turns on OBEDIENCE to the Truth, (Rom1:5, 6:16-17,  Heb5:9, 10:35-36, 11:8)  Faith ALONE Does not Produce Salvation! (James2:24)

Faith Produces the WORKS of Faith, to WALK in the Steps of Faith and DO the Obedience of Faith!

(John8:39, Rom4:12, 19-21)


Thus Bible Faith Upholds and Establishes the Law, (Rom3:31) WALKS in the Righteous Requirements of the Law, (Rom8:1-4) and Circumcises the Heart so it can Please God! (Col2:11) NO ONE can be Saved by a Faith that has Failed to Produce these qualities in the heart.



Faith According to the Lie:

The Focus is always on TRUST, never Obedience. You ‘Trust’ that your sins are forgiven in advance, Christ Obeyed for you and God can no longer see you sinning! The DOING is in God’s hands, not yours. You come to Him Promising nothing, Committing nothing, Unchanged to ‘Receive’ the ‘Transfer of Trust’ and be saved. You are ‘Receiving’ NOT OBEYING, as the Bible Says. FAITH does not exist!


Under this System God is Pretending (or fooling Himself!) that you are Jesus! The Transfer, which is called, ‘Faith’, Covers all your transgression, past, present and future. You don’t have to STOP Sinning to Receive Jesus, nor do you have to Stop sinning to remain in Jesus. It’s the Perfect formula for a Seared Conscience.



Bible Grace:

In the Bible Grace is the Power of Godliness, Purity and Self-Control, (Titus2:11-14) It is the Principle of Righteousness in which we Stand! (1Pet5:12, 1Cor15:1-2) It can be Received in Vain (to no effect or without purpose!) Trampled underfoot, or even forfeited. (2Cor6:1, Heb10:26-31) Grace is Divine Favor from God but CANNOT be abused or misused without consequence. (Heb6:1-8)



Grace according to the Lie:

Purely unmerited Favor from God. NOTHING can Cancel or Negate it, no sin you can commit will effect the outcome of your salvation once received. Grace overlooks all your sins, short-comings, addictions and the fact that no one is perfect. It LOWERS God’s Standard of perfect holiness so man can be DECLARED holy and right while he is still a sinner.



Biblical Righteousness:

NOTHING Could be more Clearly Defined in all of Scripture! Righteousness is DOING the RIGHT thing by a Faith WORKING by Love! (1John3:7-10) He who sins is of the devil, he who DOES what is RIGHT (what God has said to DO!) is Righteous. Faith is Credited (or imputed) as Righteousness because it OBEYS from a Circumcised Heart of Love and Follows Christ. (Rom4:19-22) God can Credit such Faith as Righteousness on the Merit of Christ’s Sacrifice and your Obedient Willingness to Serve and follow Him. But He CANNOT Obey for you!


Faith that DOES NOT OBEY God Cannot possibly be Credited as Righteousness. Christ Set the Example to be FOLLOWED. (1Pet2:21-24)  He DID NOT Obey in your place nor is His Accomplishment credited to you by ‘imputation’.



The Righteousness of the Lie:

You are Declared Righteous in POSITION ONLY, never in Practically. You become Holy WITHOUT actually BEING holy, by default. DOING the Right thing by Faith is Never Possible in this life. You sin daily in thought, word and deed but can remain GUILT Free because God does not see you sinning, He can only see Jesus NOT sinning!


Thus no sin you can commit will cancel or negate

The Grace of God. You can Lose fellowship, rewards and assurance of Salvation, but NEVER Salvation itself.





Bible Sin and Forgiveness:

The Bible teaches that the Blood of Christ PURGES sin from the Conscience mind. (Heb9:13-14) Sins ‘Previously’ Committed! (Rom3:25) Not future sins. Jesus Came to Destroy the Works of the devil, which is sin. (1John3:8 Those who come to Him by Faith that Purifies, are set FREE INDEED from sin. (John8:31-32) Since the Purpose of the Commandment is Love, Purity and Sincerity, 1Tim1:5, in Salvation sin is Cleansed from the heart (mind) and the bondage broken. (Sin shall not have dominion over you! Rom6:11)  You DO NOT Continue sinning as a Child of God!


Scripture Clearly Explains the Difference: “This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.” 1John3:10.


Thus the Purpose of the Atonement made by Christ is to Provide a Sacrifice for sin and PURGE sin from the mind and heart so Obedience to the Righteous requirements of the law is possible.




Sin and forgiveness under the Lie:

Sin is Covered, never Purged from the heart. It Continues to have Dominion over your flesh. The GUILT of sin is removed, but NOT the sin itself. Thus the reason for no Godly Sorrow, Repentance or turning. Diligence and Clearing are not necessary. The Converts are told their sins are forgiven in Advance and God no longer holds them accountable for any sin.

Therefore you need no longer to experience Guilt for anything you do wrong, because God has Already forgiven you! Whether you sin or not (and you will all the time anyway) He has put ALL your sin behind His Back, to remember it against no more and you are as Pure as the white driven snow, even though you remain Vile to the Core.


Since all sin is paid for in advance, God can now take you to heaven with your Divided heart and Double mind. The Purpose of the Atonement was to punish Christ not you, for sin, so whether you Obey Him or not makes no difference as to the outcome of your Salvation.


The Bible Gospel:

Clearly you will be Judged According to what you DO with what you have BELIEVED! The WHOLE Tenor of Scripture speaks to this vital Truth. (Rom2:7-8, 1Pet1:17, Matt16:27) EVERYTHING Jesus taught in Scripture is Focused on DOING, BUILDING, PLANTING, RUNNING, ENDURING and OBEYING! He Warned Constantly that the Way to life is Narrow and Few find it, Many do not. He spoke of Bearing Fruit, Serving in SINGLENESS of Purpose and Devotion, Counting the Cost and Taking up your Cross. To ‘BELIEVE’ in Him is to FOLLOW and OBEY ALL that He has Commanded!


The Majority of mankind will Arrive at the Great Judgment claiming to have ‘Believed’ in Jesus and done mighty works in His Name, but find that their supposed ‘Faith’ was merely a notion based on the LIE. (Matt7:21-23) The Preachers and Teachers told to ‘TRUST’ in Jesus, ‘RECEIVE’ His Wonderful Package of Salvation and be forever secure! But they TRUSTED in a LIE……Believed WITHOUT DOING and sealed their Doom forever.



The Gospel of the Lie:

The False Gospel is based on ‘Imputation’.  God Transferees the Track Record of Christ, His Perfect Obedience and Righteousness, to you by ‘faith’ or ‘Trust’ (the transfer of trust) You merely ‘Receive’ this magnificent transfer, trusting that its been DONE in Advance and provides everything you need to get into the Kingdom, regardless of anything you do or don’t do from this point forward.


This Gospel is Satan’s Triumph! The Greatest single HOAX ever perpetrated on mankind. With it he has managed to Deceive the entire world and render the True Gospel virtually of no effect. At this Juncture in history he has been so successful with the Lie that the Preaching of the TRUTH is CONSIDERED the error! Almost without exception every Minister, Teacher, Pastor and theologian is under this delusion and Opposition is NO WHERE to be heard! The effects are Devastating and getting worse.





WHO Preaches this Lie? (The list would be exhaustive!) Log on to an Internet Domain named: ‘’ and you will find an extensive host of Teachers who Promote it. Here the Apostle’s Prophecy will come to life before your eyes and ears! (2Tim4:1-5) As you find HEAPS and HEAPS of ear tickling preachers TURNING the people away from the TRUTH for popularity and gain.


WHY hasn’t the local Clergy banded together to refute his awful distortion of the Truth that is ruining their churches? Unfortunately a through consideration would require an exhaustive study into the psychology of Delusion. But it’s enough to say for this discussion that MOST of them simply do not grasp or understand the scope of this Lie nor do they care enough what’s going on to do anything about it. Collectively they have accepted the Lowered Standards as Biblical and are Satisfied that their ‘Converts’ will somehow make it in even though they don’t quite ‘measure up’ to what the Bible says about genuine Christians.


But choosing sides is never an easy task and God has DENIED man the option of neutrality, without suffering the consequences of his actions. Therefore it is essential to DECIDE WHO you will Serve! (Deut30:17-19) If God has Said that you Must Follow and Obey Him to inherit eternal life, but man insists that you need merely to ‘believe and trust’ in order to be saved, WHO is Correct? Remember, you are entitled to your opinion ONLY in that you ACCEPT the Consequence of your error! God WILL NOT be Mocked, you will Reap what you Sow with finality.


The Basic Fundamental Principles of the Gospel Message have been abandoned and distorted by the vast majority of Christendom today. The Facts cannot be ignored. By adopting the Standards that accompany this Lie, local pastors are Defeating their Purpose of ministry! Many of them sincerely desire to help people spiritually and give them hope in a hopeless world but their efforts fall far short of True Redemption from sin and a Salvation that Works! The Converts remain entangled in their ungodly passions and vile affections. They are full of Jealously, strife, envy, covetous , selfish ambitions, anger and malice. Many are even addicted to unclean behavior and immoral conduct.


It is common, even for News Journalists to find Professed Christians engaged in the most heinous sexual prevision, addicted to pornography, drugs, sex and alcohol. When exposed many of these supposed Christians will Justify their behavior on camera and claim Salvation in Jesus because they have bought into the Lie and ‘THINK’ God will take them to heaven when they die in spite of their perversion.


Of course most local pastors would be appalled by this type of behavior and see it as the extreme fringe of professing Christianity and therefore not be in the least bit concerned about such things in their own churches. But are these things any worse to God, according to His Word, than people in their congregations who treat others with selfish contempt, covet their neighbors goods and live careless complacent lives that bring contempt to the Name of Jesus? The Murderer may hate and despise the child molester, but they are BOTH going to hell, unless they repent! Here too, you can downplay the ‘shortcomings’ of nicely spoken, well groomed, civilized people who call themselves ‘Christians’ under this Lie, and PRETEND they are of a better class because they abstain from certain things. BUT such Behavior will KEEP them OUT of the Kingdom as well!


That’s what makes this LIE so far reaching and prevailing over everything done in the churches.  Because the preachers are ignoring the deeply engrained implications the people are getting from listening to it in the religious world, it has created an aura of ‘acceptance’. Sine NO ONE tries to undermine or refute that sin is forgiven in advance, God can’t see you sinning and behavior doesn’t count, the Standards remain arbitrary. People come to Jesus not REPENTING and Forsaking their sin with any diligence to reform, but ‘Apologizing’ for them with the UNDERSTANDING that Salvation is END OF GUILT, NOT the END OF SIN! (Imagine the impact this is having on their behavior.)


Under the Lie people are not told they have to STOP Sinning to RECEIVE Jesus, Just ‘Receive’ Him and all is well. THIS is the Reason NO ONE is Repenting or being CONVICTED of their sin! The LIE disregards Conviction and downplays the exceeding sinfulness of sin. The Gospel is simply that God Loves you so much, He provided His Son to ‘CHANGE’ the Nature of sin toward the sinner! Now sin is no longer the issue because it’s paid for in advance by Jesus and God can’t see your wicked heart anymore, only Christ’s perfect heart.

The Character of a professed Convert can no longer be impugned under this System because they have already been persuaded that all sin is forgiven in advance. Therefore whether they sin or not (and they will all the time) is no evidence of a false conversion. The ‘Christian’ committing adultery, telling lies, cheating, addicted to pornography, is COVERED for his transgressions because he has ‘Received’ the Package Deal that includes forgiveness in advance! The non-Christian committing the same sins or worse,  hasn’t yet made his arrangement with God and it going to hell, NOT for the sin itself, BUT for NOT RECEIVING the Package! Both are identical in Conduct, but ONE can now ‘sin with impunity’ and be Free from Guilt, while the other remains under condemnation until he receives the Package and is saved.


This is the Reason you NEVER hear local Preachers or Teachers WARNING anyone about the type of behavior that will KEEP them OUT of the Kingdom. Although the Bible is Clear about such things and warns in several places, the EXACT conduct that will Disqualify you from the Kingdom, it is NEVER brought to the attention of anyone engaged in such behavior. Except in the manner that an ‘impression’ can be given that God understands your ‘weakness’ and by Grace is ‘Tolerating’ your Divided heart in kindness and mercy. The problem with this predominant attitude among professed Christians in the churches is that they have Mistaken the Patience and Long suffering of God, He bestowed on ALL mankind, with His actual APPROVAL! (Rom2:4-8 explains this Truth.)


God is KIND to the Wicked, in that He has given them TIME to turn from their sins and Serve Him. But that doesn’t mean He approves of their behavior. The longer you remain Divided and Rebellious, the greater the store of Wrath that awaits. But this Concept is UNKNOWN to the present day church and as a result people ‘THINK’ God is blessing them, when in reality He is COUNTING DOWN the days they have left to Repent.


The Lie has removed any Convicting Power of the Holy Spirit for the following Reasons:

1)       You Don’t have to STOP Sinning to be saved, just Apologize

2)       You Don’t have to be GUILTY for your Continued sinning

3)       And you Don’t have to abandon ANY sin to Remain saved!


Therefore the Convert has no incentive whatsoever to forsake his double-mindedness and Divided heart to Serve God in singleness of Purpose and Devotion. The platitudes of the teachers and preachers may give the ‘impression’ of service and obedience, but the bottom line remains. You are forgiven in Advance for all sin, God no longer holds you accountable for anything and NOTHING you do can rescind the ‘Transfer of Trust’ that has taken place by faith.


Here the despicable state of the churches comes to light. With no incentive to Repent or abandon sin and no Conviction to produce any godly sorrow, the supposed Converts are operating solely in the flesh! Being psychologically persuaded they have ‘RECEIVED’ Jesus, they remain DESTITUTE and DIVIDED inside. The Holy Spirit Cannot possibly indwell an unclean vessel (according to Scripture) so they are destine to FAIL from the start. Thus the Romans Chapter Seven LIE unfolds. The ‘Wretched man’ who wishes to do right, but can’t because of the sin that ‘dwells’ in him, taking him captive. Eventually they are persuaded that it’s normal to remain in this wretched state and the die is cast. Finally they accept it as FACT and the conscience goes numb, no longer convicted of anything and incapable of reformation.


Size doesn’t really matter for the most part. Regardless how large or small a church is the structure remains pretty much the same everywhere. The function of the church is run by deeply entrenched groups of people under the influence of the Lie. These groups usually consist of long time members or family members, operating mainly in the flesh who ‘Protect’ the mediocre standards and see that no one comes along to rock the boat. If a Real Convert does somehow slip in among them and begins to raise the alarm, they are quickly subjected to the lie, labeled a trouble maker and told they have ‘no love’ for the brethren.


Thus the churches produce after their own kind. Carnality begets more carnality. Disobedience is common place. The System then adopts to these Standards and everyone consents that it’s NORMAL to operate OUTSIDE the Biblical mandate. The Lie then BECOMES the Truth! And FEW have any inclination to buck the trend. The teachers in the spotlight control the agenda and ‘everyone’ follows the party line. We can expect no real progress in a system rotten to the core. God is calling His Faithful OUT! (respond now!)




Chapter 3: Exposing the Lie


As for you, son of man, your countrymen are talking together about you by the walls and at the doors of the houses, saying to each other, 'Come and hear the message that has come from the LORD.' My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before you to listen to your words, but they do not put them into practice. With their mouths they express devotion, but their hearts are greedy for unjust gain. Indeed, to them you are nothing more than one who sings love songs with a beautiful voice and plays an instrument well, for they hear your words but do not put them into practice. "When all this comes true—and it surely will—then they will know that a prophet has been among them." Ezk33:30-33

Nothing has changed in the attitudes of the people over the centuries. They continue to refuse the Lord’s Commands and invent systems that exempt them from Obedience. Presently this abandonment of Truth has reached mammoth proportion among Professing Christians, resulting in an Apostasy unparallel in the history of the church.

It is as though Ezekiel’s words are ringing through the annals of time and resounding off the walls of our churches! But NO ONE is hearing them. Thus they gather, Divided in their hearts, greedy for the things of the world, clamoring NOT for a Word from the Lord, but for the soft tongues of False Teachers speaking Lies and turning the Grace of God into a License for immorality. WHERE are the Prophets who will DIG into the Walls and expose these abominations, destroying the False Image of Christ within!? (Ezk8:8-9) Instead the standard operating procedure at most churches is ‘teaching’ people to cope with their sins, not abandon them. Even on initial Salvation the convert is NOT expected to forsake his sins!

The Common mantra is that ‘God’ will clean you up when He is ready! Some even consider it a False Doctrine of Demons to tell people they must clean up their own act when they come to Christ. Yet Scripture DECLARES that VERY Truth! (James1:21-22, 2Cor7:1, 1Cor6:11) STILL pastors insist that people can be Saved and filled with the Holy Spirit by merely Apologizing for their sin and asking Jesus into their hearts. Then as their addiction continues and worsens, they recommend books, tapes and study guides written by those who promote the Lie. Soon the Conscience is numbed of the sinful Guilt and they Learn to discard the warnings of the Spirit. Many become stanch defenders of the Lie and overthrow the faith of others.

Therefore it’s no surprise that the churches are Filled up with ‘Converts’ who know NOTHING about godly sorrow, true repentance or broken hearted Obedience to the Truth. Rather they are self-seeking, full of confusion and every evil thing. The Wisdom from above is unknown to them. They are NOT easily entreated by the Truth, but resist it. They came to the Lord with a Divided heart and Double-minded they remain! The Fruit of Righteousness is merely a ‘Positional’ pipe dream, something they imagine that has been Done for them in advance.

In True Repentance the Will of man is Broken or (Yielded up to God) Otherwise YOU remain in Control of your life and try to Serve God and yourself at the same time. That’s what’s happening with today’s Converts. Because no one is genuinely repenting of their sins and experiencing the ‘godly sorrow’ that works a transformation of nature, (2Cor7:10-11) they are RECEIVING Christ (or so they think) into a Vessel still darkened by the corrupting influence of sin. The Eyes of their Understanding remain closed to the Truth and Faith becomes God’s Approval of their rebellious heart.

Like a Wild horse that refuses to be saddled, their Will has NOT been broken. Any attempt they make to adapt to the Standards of Scripture results in utter failure because the effort is purely carnal, not spiritual. Soon they fall prey to the slick talking Teachers who ‘explain’ the impossibility of resisting sin and keeping His Commandments and convince them that when they RECEIVED Christ, they also ‘received’ His perfect accomplishment ‘credited’ to their account! And now it’s NOT a matter of DOING anything to achieve an end, but TRUSTING that it’s ALREADY been Done for you.

This is why Nothing is EVER Done, according to the Scriptures, and NO ONE is getting Saved!

The Following is a Comparison of Bible Repentance and the Repentance of the Lie:

Bible Repentance:

Godly Sorrow for sin (2Cor7:10-11)
Restitution if possible  (Lk19:1-10)
Diligence and Clearing of Conscience
Vindication of Wrong
Zeal and Fear

Absolutely Mandatory on Initial Salvation:

Repent or Perish! Lk13:3
Teach Repentance to all Nations! Lk24:47
All should Come to Repentance! 2Pet3:9
God is leading you to Repentance! Rom2:4

Change In:
Mind, Heart, Action (Deeds!)

Repentance of the Lie:

Worldly Sorrow that works Death!
No Restitution Required, Merely Apology for sin
No Clearing
No Vindication of Wrong Done
No Zeal to please  Fear of God

Deeds Remain Undone
No Change, Mind & Heart Still Divided
Guilt Remains must learn to Cope

No Change In:
Heart, Mind or Behavior. Not necessary, Already
Done in advance. You merely TRUST in Christ’s Accomplishment and DO Nothing toward Final Salvation.  

The Will is Broken. (Yielded up to God)

Fruit of Spirit Results
Mercy and Peace
Obedience to Truth

Character of Divine Nature Present. Convert is Guarding heart, urgent about the souls of others, Careful to avoid sin. Keeping Conscience Clear and heart Pure before God. Striving to WALK Worthy of his calling in Christ!

The Will is Never Broken

You Still in Control of Life
Disobedient to Truth
Heart Divided & Hardened

Convert is Careless & Loose in Conduct, NOT Guarding heart against corrupting influence of sin. Pure in POSITION only, never in Practice. No motivating factor to Walk Worthy or Strive for anything, because it’s Already Done in Advance!



The Bible Clearly Defined True Repentance and Faith and the manner in which it should be preached. But in the face of Solid Divine Evidence most Pastors CONTINUE to ignore the Standards laid down in Scripture and restore to Modern, formula driven Salvation methods based on the Lie. Therefore no hard Fast Definitions exist from church to church of Faith, Obedience, godly sorrow or coming out of sin. The people naturally Draw their own Conclusions about these things and ‘assume’ they have eternal life because they have ‘Received’ Jesus and apologized for their sins.

The Gospel preached today appears successful because it Demands Nothing, insists on Nothing and Produces Nothing! The unregenerate are told that God loves them, has a wonderful plan for their life and will take them as it, unchanged, if they will but ‘admit’ being a sinner and ask Jesus into their hearts. Although this sounds feasible, given the fallen state of man, it’s NOT the GOSPEL of the Bible! And it is Defeating the Purpose of the Real Gospel by creating masses of unconverted church members still in bondage to their sins.

For the first sixty plus years of Apostolic history the Message to the unregenerate was REPENT and FLEE the Wrath of God! You Murdered Christ, You are GUILTY Before heaven. Submit your Life to Christ and let you DEEDS PROVE your Repentance! (Acts2:36-39, 26:20) The Unregenerate heart cannot Receive or Comprehend the Love of God or His Mercy UNTIL it is BROKEN in Genuine Repentance! WHEN the Present Day Churches LEARN THIS & Begin to PRACTICE it, we MAY have some hope.

When you tell people of God’s Love and Mercy, without FIRST breaking up the fallow ground of their hearts with Conviction and Judgment, you create stiff necked hearers much like the Prophets encountered in ancient times. They love the sugar coating, the pageant like atmosphere and smooth sounding words, but their hearts are focused on what ‘feels’ good, NOT bringing others out of the Bondage of sin. Truly the Modern Gospel is like the sound of your Favorite love song, designed to appeal to your emotions, but have no LASTING effect on your heart.

Consequently these false converts gather into support groups that promote the Lie and assure them that any Guilt they may be feeling over their continued sinning is unfounded! (Because they are forgiven in advance and God doesn’t hold them accountable anymore) The Lie gains in creditability as they learn to compare themselves among themselves and the Delusion is reinforced by the Teachers and pastor who make excuses for their own sin from the pulpit. Assuring everyone that they TOO are not perfect, fail God often and disobey Him frequently. Thus the Standard is established.

Since God loves you, has provided everything you need to inherit the Kingdom in ADVANCE. Forgiven you Past, Present and future and COVERS you will a Magic Cloak of Righteousness! You need make NO EFFORT Whatsoever to attain Final Salvation. So it is NOT likely you will be motivated in the least to Work out your Salvation in fear and trembling, Make your calling sure, or Run the race with endurance. You Came to God under False pretenses, are Serving Him According to the Lie and your heart is still FIRMLY attached to the things of the World in iron will resolve.

Generation after generation the System grinds on, churning out the Lie, perfecting it to an art form and millions of Professed Christians live their self-centered existence without fear of God’s Wrath or Judgment. The Blessings He has poured out freely upon mankind are mistaken as His APPROVAL of their selfishness! His Providence has provided freedom, comfort and ease for millions who remain entrenched in their sins. That translates into His Mercy and Grace for Most of them. HOW could something that feels so good and garners the Support of the Majority be WRONG?

Yet the Churches are not God Centered (although they claim to be!) but ‘man centered’. The Standards they have adapted are anything but Biblical and the people have Absolutely NO Sense of Spiritual Discernment between the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error. If they Truly were God’s People they would be DEEPLY Concerned with Bringing others OUT of their sin and Refuting this horrible LIE that has decimated the Gospel Message! The Lack of Urgency in the present day churches for the dreadful moral decline in our society is EVIDENCE of its downfall.

The Pastors would rather maintain the status quo than make an attempt to awaken the sleeping masses. Surly they are as ‘Dumb Dogs’ unable to bark, with dull hearts, feeding on the ignorance of the people. Many make Merchandise of men’s souls, selling them books, tapes and study material that keep them in bondage to their sins. They fear confrontation and loath disapproval. Every Sermon or Lesson seems Crafted within the Guidelines of a ‘Workless’ faith and a careful consideration to spare the ‘feelings’ of the hearers. If something is said about inappropriate sinful behavior it is NEVER in the Context of ‘disqualifying’ anyone from the Kingdom. Only that God would rather have you ‘doing’ the Right thing instead. But actually DOING it is never mandatory to final Salvation.

The church answer to every moral crisis in the World is PREACH THE LIE! Go to the Downtrodden and provide their material needs, setup Missions, outreach centers, soup kitchens. Bring them in, feed and cloth them, try to improve their lives and ‘feel good’ in the process because so many have come and so much is being done. BUT they remain addicted to their drugs, alcohol, immorality, laziness, etc. Still the support is rolling in! And the appearance of success keeps the System in motion.

No one seems concerned about warning the professed converts of inappropriate behavior or false doctrines that will lead them astray and shipwreck their faith. Just keep things warm and fuzzy, ‘love’ centered and they will KNOW you care! It doesn’t matter that they are exposed to every wind of doctrine on the planet and hardly have a clue what it means to Believe in and Follow Jesus in Truth. If you preach a nice SAFE message to them, they can sort out the mess on their own. Undermining Satan’s Strongholds and pulling down his arguments isn’t important enough to get involved in and may cause more problems than it’s worth.

Despite what the preachers ‘SAY’ they Believe about the Bible, they incessantly avoid the parts of the Gospel that require Obedience, personal sacrifice, or involve cost to the individual. Instead they focus on themes that tend to sooth the conscience and create a ‘comfortable’ atmosphere in the church. The method is designed to get the people in, persuade them to ‘receive’ Jesus as Savior and then ‘hope’ they will somehow assimilate into discipleship by taking part in the church programs.

However instead of producing ‘followers’ of Christ who have denied self, taken up their cross, counted the cost and forsaken their sins, they are created an Army of false converts who have Refused His Yoke and resist His Word. But in order to keep them as active members of the church, contributing time and money to the system, they accommodate their worldly interests with functions and activities that appeal to the flesh. Even the so-called ‘Worship’ Service is designed to keep them pacified. Aimed mostly at their emotions and sense of ‘religious’ fervor, with a contemporary style it is structured to fill the need, but not effect the heart.

The People go through the motions of Christianity (form without power) and suppose they are serving God in an acceptable manner. They Pray, Praise, Sing, fellowship, even cry adapting to standards ‘preferred’ by the majority, rather than the Bible. Instead of Sharing in His Sufferings, identifying with His Cross, they do what is pleasing to themselves, calling it religious. Believing that God will approve, although NO ONE has any urgency to bring others out of the corrupting influence of their sins.

God wants them to have fun, not suffer for Righteousness sake or Guard their hearts against evil. The focus of their Christianity is to ‘feel good’ enjoy prosperity, health and happiness. Tell nice stories, relate their experiences, laugh, and have a good time. NO ONE is concerned about bringing the Lost to True Redemption from sin, taking them from darkness to light from the Power of Satan to God! It’s enough to invite them to church and get them into a group activity, what they Believe about sin, righteousness and Judgment is of no matter. If they ‘Receive’ Jesus another convert has been won.

The Pastors keep everything on a light psychological level that works successfully to persuade the people they are saved, God loves them and is tolerating their ‘occasional’ slips into carnality. They NEVER impose the rigors of discipleship on anyone or tell them that their self interests must die and be crucified with their fleshly desires. No one is EVER told of the absolute necessity of SINGLE EYE Devotion to Christ or the consequences of NOT plucking out the Lustful eye of the flesh and casting it from you. These are subjects NEVER Discussed from the pulpits and part of the reason why Ministers won’t preach against the sins of the flesh DIRECTLY under their observation!

How could a church pastor denounce Selfishness or covertness when MOST of the people in his congregation have NEVER Repented from these things? Dare he mention the rampant sexual immorality present in the hearts of many without stirring up more TROUBLE than he could handle? God Forbid he actually draw a line in the sand and tell them that SUCH Behavior will KEEP them OUT of the Kingdom! Many are likely addicted to internet pornography or have ‘friends’ (and family members) in compromising immoral situations. Couple that with all the ‘re-arranged’ marriages, broken families and inappropriate filtering going on in the church and is it any wonder why NOTHING is ever said to expose these things least membership dwindle and donations fad away.

The pastors are compelled to adapt a standard far removed from Biblical precepts. They must ‘persuade’ themselves that what they doing is acceptable to God and well pleasing to the people. The Vein of their existence is based on what new method is sweeping the churches. Whose new book or Video presentation is most popular. Overall they tend to mimic one another or use some technique expounded at the latest pastor’s conference. Using the fundamental principles of Bible Faith and Repentance to present the Gospel is OUT of the question. Time and circumstance won’t allow for extended periods of godly sorrow for sin or a through house cleaning in order to CLEAR one’s conscience and reconciles them with God.

The present age calls for a quick fix and an easy Way. Could you imagine a pastor admonishing his congregation on the dangers of accumulating riches in this world or going after worldly gain? The Rich Young man of Parable fame would be a Pillar member of the church board today, not sent away sad because he was holding out on the KING.

No pastor in his right mind would EVER exclude anyone from going to heaven based on their behavior. Such preaching would alienate people, create controversy and label him among the fanatics. He cloaks himself in a banner of love, tolerance, compassion for the hurting. Anyone who may come along in the church and pointedly admonish sin and spell out the consequences, is immediately tagged as ‘extreme’ having ‘no love’ for the people, and NOT preaching Jesus! Although the pastors would NEVER openly admit of condoning sinful behavior, they allow it to go unchallenged by omitting the more severe warnings of Scripture and never concluding anything in a definite manner.

What is conveyed to the people is that God has somehow ‘changed’ His mind about sin, because of Grace and now even ‘willful’ sin is easily forgiven, although it’s repeated on a continual bases daily. This Presumption hardens the heart against conviction and soon the conscience can violate God’s law with impunity and not FEEL the slightest twinge of condemnation. Then all the preaching in the world won’t penetrate the soul! For if the person can trample the Blood (whereby the heart is made pure through faith working by love!) treating it no more than the blood of an animal (that cannot take away sin) he has most certainly ‘crucified’ the Lord afresh and held Him up to open shame. Repentance is rendered impossible because the heart has rejected the ONLY means whereby it can be made PURE! (through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ!)

Your favorite love songs sound good coming from the church pulpits and they sooth your conscience with a false peace based on vain imagination. But if the heart remains vile, FAITH has NOT taken hold! The Standard in Scripture is that FAITH PURIFIES the heart in New Birth, wipes the slate clean in Repentance and sets the soul ablaze with godly Zeal to Please the Lord. The New Convert is no longer a wallowing wretch, but a NEW CREATION in Christ! (Not in Position only, but in REALITY!!) The Behavior is instantly transformed and the sinful conduct STOPS! He Grows, yes, but not by ‘sinning’ less and less but becoming MORE AND MORE like Christ.

The Converts being produced in the present day church hardly measure up to the Evidence of Faith, but in Repentance they have FAILED Miserably to Bring them OUT of their sins. In their attempt to make the Gospel Message ‘Relevant’ they have REMOVED the WORKING Principle behind Redemption! In its place they have Substituted an ‘Apology’ for being sinful that leaves the heart unchanged and the Holy Spirit EXCLUDED. Now instead of the Gospel being demonstrated in the POWER to Transform a human heart and MOLD it into the IMAGE of Christ the people Flounder in their sins and PRETEND they are Christians because the LIE says so.




Chapter 4: Sowing Among Thorns!


They will sow wheat but reap thorns; they will wear themselves out but gain nothing. So bear the shame of your harvest because of the LORD's fierce anger." Jer12:!3


No farmer would expect a harvest of Wheat unless he FIRST Plowed up his fallow ground and planted GOOD seed in soil free of Weeds. Only a sickly crop would grow among thorns and thistles. Any Life that sprung forth a spout would be quickly choked out if the weeds remain in place. The Ancient Prophet saw this as the result of ‘Dull Hearted’ Shepherds who labor in Vain for a ‘corrupted’ harvest.


The Lord said in Luke17:26-28, that End Times Judgment would be Preceded by a Repeat of the Days of Noah. Wickedness would again permeate the earth and its inhabitance and Destruction would come unexpectedly without remedy on the sinning masses. But the PREDOMINATE Feature of these Days would ALSO be ‘MASS DECEPTION!’ Strong Delusion would be Almost Universal. Noah Preached Righteousness to his generation for 120 years WITHOUT a single Convert, while he constructed the Ark.

The WAY of Escape was Placed DIRECTLY before the EYES of the people and they still rejected it!


Today the harvest is being sown among Thorns. The Shepherds are all wearing themselves out but producing a CORRUPTED corp. Sin has become the FOREGONE Conclusion of the Message.


1)       You are eternally Secure IN your sins

2)       You are Declared Righteous while remain a sinner

3)       God Can’t see sin

4)       AND you REPENT IN your sin!


Since Repentance (the forsaking of all sin and clearing of conscience before God) is the Foundation Stone of the Gospel Message and it has been Corrupted to its very core by the LIE, STOPPING sinning is OUT of the question in the minds of Converts. God MUST forgive you ‘IN’ your sins! Thus the Seed (Word of God) is Being Sown among THORNS into the hearts of the people, defiled from the Start.


Sin is therefore ‘unavoidable’ an inevitable conclusion in the believers life. Done in thought, word and deed daily without remedy but to ‘confess’ and move on. ‘If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves!’ is the mantra of modern converts. ‘No one is perfect’, so the unspoken truth of the Gospel (strongly implied in almost every sermon and teaching) is GOD will forgive your sins in spite of you constantly repeating them, even ‘willful’ sin. Righteousness or (Right Conduct) is not an option because ‘everyone’ sins all the time and anyone who says they don’t is a lair.


With sin as the foregone conclusion of the Message, even in Repentance, Heart Purity is not achievable. (only in a ‘positional’ sense) The Convert cannot help but sin, God has ALREADY forgiven the sin, so there is little hope that the person will EVER have Victory over his sin. This is why Converts are NOT being lead into all Truth (as the Spirit has promised) And Why the WORD of God Doesn’t come into their minds in critical situations or times of temptation and so easily fall prey to every Wind of Doctrine expounded by the false teachers.


Lacking any REAL Spiritual discernment to ‘Judge all things’ (1Cor2:13-14) comparing Scripture to Scripture, they remain ‘Carnal’ and the things of God are foolishness to them. They cannot see that anything is Wrong with the System around them or that false teaching has the upper hand in their churches, because they cannot understand the BASICS of Spiritual matters. Thus when something as ‘simple’ as 1John1:8 is shown to state (as verse 10 in the passage also states) ‘If we say we have NEVER sinned, we make Him a lair and His Word is not in us.’ They cannot grasp the vital truth conveyed.


They came to Christ admitting their ‘sinfulness’ not Repenting and forsaking any sin and were told that are now saved and possess the Holy Spirit (to help clean them up) The eyes of their understanding remain darkened against the Truth, because in their mind, they remain sinners, ‘sinful’ till death, forgiven in spite of it (Saved by Grace!) and SIN becomes automatically the ‘FOREGONE’ Conclusion of their existence!

How could such people utilize the Exceeding Great and Precious Promises of God to Cleanse themselves from all filthiness and overflow of wickedness or Add to their faith to Make their Calling Sure, WITHOUT the aid of the Holy Spirit?


To them Faith has NOT Cleansed and Purified their hearts through a broken, submitted Repentance with godly sorrow for sin, but merely added a new dimension to their lives by joining the church, associating with a new class of people and going through the motions of Christianity. Nothing really changes inside them (although they are told it has) so ‘PURITY’ remains something that the Scripture speak of, but NO ONE actually possesses. (in this life) (Even though it is the Purpose of the Commandment! 1Tim1:5)


Having ‘Received’ Christ without a forsaking of all sin opens the door to EVERY form of evil and corruption. The Soul Convinced of this LIE will NEVER Yield to the Word of God, even when entreated face to face! That’s why so FEW ever change or come out of this mess. Viewing the Word from a darkened perspective, defiled in their understanding, EVERYTHING is in question. NOTHING is Black and White, but Subject to every man’s ‘opinion’ or (private interpretation) The WORD says what you WANT it to say! It is as though Jesus was asking ‘you’ to offer your understanding to His Divine Decrees, not OBEY Him.


With a defiled understanding of Repentance forgiveness becomes a ‘Cover, Cloak or a Filter’ NEVER does it include a Purging of sin, Purifying of the heart and a reformation of Conduct! The Blood of Christ doesn’t PURGE away the consciences of sin from the soul, as Scripture Declares, but merely COVERS your ‘sinfulness’ and allows you to ‘Continue’ sinning and no longer feel GUILTY about it. (the guilt is removed, but never the sin!)


Why isn’t anyone in Church leadership concerned about these things? (even when confronted vividly with the evidence) Simply because the WHOLE System is based on this LIE! To admit their error would mean that ENTIRE ministries would be exposed as false and corrupted and overwhelming numbers of people have been brought into the Kingdom unsaved! The effects would be devastating to say the least. WHO would take responsibility for MILLIONS of unsuspecting souls deceived and hardened against the Truth?


The Enemy has managed to Neutralize all opposition through the LIE. He has placed the ‘Man of Sin’ on the throne in the Temple of God! (2Thess2:3) While the church clamors for ‘end times’ teaching, the Great Apostasy is taking place in their hearts. They look for a physical Temple that the ‘anti-Christ’ will defile, when in reality the TEMPLE is themselves! (1Cor3:17)  And the defilement is within their own hearts, given over to the Strong Delusion of error.


Now NOTHING is ‘Holding back’ (or restraining) this Mystery of Lawlessness (License for immorality) because the Church itself has TAKEN Him OUT of the way by Preaching the LIE! The HOAX has been perfected in that it is Universally agreed upon that ‘Forgiveness’ is granted by God WHILE you remain IN your sins! It is an extraordinarily clever deception that has been exceedingly successful in undermining the nature of True Repentance.


Here’s why the Deception works so well:


1)       Man is exceedingly sinful by nature, wretched and selfish

2)       He is Dead in his trespasses and sins, walking in darkness, taken captive by sin

3)       He is easily persuaded that his addiction to sin is inherent and as a result he can do nothing Right.

4)       Therefore his only solution is to Trust that God will somehow accept him as he is, overlook his faults and not hold his conduct against him.


How difficult is it then to convince a fallen creature that he is indeed ‘fallen’? All have sinned and ‘fall short’ of the Glory of God! (Rom3:23) And how hard would it be after he recognizes his fallen state to persuade him that he is ‘incapable’ of DOING anything about it? Therefore imagine the relief he will feel when you tell him that all God requires is for him to ‘Admit’ his sinfulness and ask Jesus into his heart.

He doesn’t have to DO anything because God has ALREADY done it for him!

The following quote from a Wesleyan holiness preacher summarizes this perfectly:


“In fact, it would be impossible for a person to stop sinning before receiving Christ. The wonder of it all is that he accepts us as sinners, then gives to us his own righteousness. then the process of sanctification begins. This process involves God freeing people from the control of sin, changing their desires so that they don’t want to sin.”


Notice that this happens SUBSEQUENT TO Salvation, according to this pastor, COMPLETELY ignoring the Biblical Precedent of REPENTANCE. Although man is indeed a sinful wretch he has NOT been Rendered incapable of REPENTING of his sins! He possess FREE WILL, the Ability to make a CHOICE!

Otherwise WHY would GOD Demand that his DEEDS PROVE his Repentance! (Acts26:20)


Repentance, then, implies that a measure of Divine wisdom is communicated to the sinner, and that he thereby becomes wise to salvation. That his mind, purposes, opinions, and inclinations, are changed; and that, in consequence, there is a total change in his conduct!  


It need scarcely be remarked, that, in this state, a man feels deep anguish of soul, because he has sinned against God, unfitted himself for heaven, and exposed his soul to hell. Hence, a true penitent has that sorrow, whereby he forsakes sin, not only because it has been ruinous to his own soul, but because it has been offensive to God.


HEREIN lays the NATURE of True Repentance that is LOST under the LIE. Sin STOPS DURING the Process of this godly sorrow, brokenness and confession. That is WHY the Conscience is CLEARED, Sin Purged and the heart is made PURE. God CANNOT DO this for you! The GIFT of Forgiveness is free provided under Grace BUT the Means whereby we ACCESS it REQUIRE OBEDIENCE!


Repentance of itself implies OBEDIENCE. How else could the ancient writers (Apostles) come to understand its Compounded Nature in Translation and communicate it to the heathen world? GOD Cannot (will not) Change your desires or conduct unless your ‘mind, purposes, opinions and inclinations’ are CHANGED First! Giving someone the impression that stopping sinning is a matter of ‘waiting’ on God to change your Desires, is not only a LIE, but DEADLY to the soul.


Because if a person is persuaded that he can do nothing but sin daily in thought, word and deed, while God is ‘Sanctifying’ him, that is EXACTLY what he will CONTINUE to do! With the ‘foregone Conclusion’ sin, all the Pleading this side of heaven WON’T Change the inclination. The FLESH never died in Repentance and godly sorrow, the Will was Never Submitted to Christ and the Heart is still Serving another Master, namely ‘sin’. 


The Old Man survives under the LIE. He is not Crucified with Christ and done away as the Scripture Declares, but has imagined himself ‘subdued’ (to some extent) and co-existing in the heart of the believer. In this State he (the old man) is waiting on God to Change his desires from evil to righteous by some ‘magic’ formula of Grace. But it never happens. Because the carnal mind is God’s enemy, it is not subject to God, nor can it be. (Rom8:7-8) The Flesh then must be deprived of life and that is done by the BELIEVER USING the MEANS of Grace to Put to Death his ‘Passions and Desires’ and Perfect Holiness in the Fear of God! (Gal5:24, 2Cor7:1)


God Commands YOU to Add to Your Faith, Make your calling sure, Work Out your Salvation and not let sin reign in your moral body to obey its lust! He Freely Gave you the Means to do so, but the LIE Neutralized the means. People are being offered forgiveness without the REPENTANCE described in the Bible! As Professing Christians (still in bondage to their sins) they come to Christ under the assumption that it’s His Job to Clean them up (change their desires) WHILE the very Scripture they claim to believe Commands them to DO IT!


The VERY Behavior that will disqualify you from the Kingdom is CLEARLY Shown in Several Scriptures. (1Cor6:9-10, Gal5:19-21, Eph5:5-7) But Professed Christians CONTINUE to practice these things, Believing they are SAFE because God isn’t finished with them yet.

This is also the reason the Preachers won’t condemn the sinful behavior happening right under their noses. How can they indict anyone for sins they ALLOWED into the Kingdom in the first place? After all, the Clean up process is taking place and WHO are we to interfere with God’s work? Preaching too harsh against sinful conduct would discourage them, impose unfounded guilt and make them feel unloved.


Another Means by which God has Ordained to Convict and Convince the world of ‘sin, righteousness and Judgment’ is neutralized. How can you be ashamed of your former conduct (Rom6:21) if any GUILT you are feeling about it is unfounded? Under such a system there is NO incentive to forsake any of these things. No wonder the churches are overrun with carnality and gross hypocrisy. The Pastors dare not speak too harshly against sin. Preaching Real Repentance and faith would turn their churches on its head and likely clear out MOST of the congregations who have become seared under the LIE.


The Scripture says that God will Send them Strong Delusion that they should Believe the LIE. (2Thess2:11) This is the Result of Refusing to ‘Receive’ a LOVE for the Truth. The Message of True Repentance has been Rejected from top to bottom in the Present Day Church and CLEARLY Replaced by ANOTHER Message entirely. Unrighteousness has the upper hand and NOTHING is holding back the Lawless onslaught in our society.


The Forces at Work behind this Mass Deception are within our very midst! The Corruption has come from the inside out. While the Church pointed toward rock music, devil cults and false Messiahs, the ‘Ministers of Righteousness’ were taking over the platforms with the LIE. They expected the spirit of error to appear in obvious form, but JUST as the Scriptures have Warned, he rose up AMONG you, in Sheep’s Clothing, in the appearance of a Lamb, speaking perverse things and Rendering the Gospel to no effect….right under your noses!


Now Satan is running the show and he is the POWER behind the IMAGE erected by the Army of False Prophets who promote the LIE. Collectively they are Dispensing the Mark of the Beast through a Message that retains the ‘evil eye of the flesh’ (which is this Mark) and Promises Forgiveness IN your sins!


The far-reaching effects of this LIE have influenced every aspect of church life today and have taken us far beyond the ‘possibility’ of reformation. The Churches abounds in Works, Love and Service, but they have known the Depths of Satan! They are Corrupted to the very core of their existence. Although they provide a multitude of charitable deeds, worldwide, that will pull at the heart strings of all human emotion, society remains in BONDAGE to Sin. (and is getting worse!) NOTHING is Holding Back the Gates of hell in our Governments, Communities and even in our homes!


The Salt is LOST its Savor. The Ability to preserve (stem corruption in the heart of man!) is GONE! True Biblical Repentance is EXTINCT. The Dull hearted preachers have been Naturalized! Pretense is all that remains. The Blind are leading the Blind and the Worship is in Vain. The Profound Spiritual Truths of Scripture have Disappeared with the Sands of time. No longer do the Shepherds EXAMINE the Sincerity of Faith and Conversion, comparing it to the Blazing Light of Scripture. Nor will they Plead that the Convert to be so Purified and refined in their souls, by the indwelling Spirit, that even the light of God shining into their hearts, shall not be able to discover a fault that the love of God has not purged away.


Regrettably the Shepherds cannot take you to a place where they have NOT first gone themselves. They preach, teach and minister with earnest zeal, but Sowing among the Thorns of a LIE, they have Produces a Harvest of CHAFF that will be burned with unquenchable fire from the threshing room floor!


Therefore,  “Come out from among them  And be separate, says the Lord.  Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters,”  Says the LORD Almighty. 2Cor6:17-18



Chapter V  Tearing Down the Wall!


I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none. So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign LORD." Ezk22:30


When Ezekiel dug through the wall of the temple (Ezk8:8-10) and saw the abominations going on inside God’s Holy place, he fell on his face and cried out to the Lord, begging for Him to spare the remnant from His fierce Judgment. It was NEVER a question in his mind whether Judgment was deserved, but only that ‘some’ would be spared in the Day of Wrath. So against all odds and braving the scorn and distain of men, he Placed himself in the GAP and took up the mantle of a Prophet!


Today the abomination has reached Maximum potential in the form of Strong Delusion on all who have embraced to Lie. The Wall remains empty of Watchmen and those who have Discerned the Spirit of error have been expelled from the congregation! Inside the Temple is a bass and hallow representation of the Gospel Message. The People worship around the Shine of their own making and pride themselves in their deceit. They follow an Image of Christ who condones their Divided hearts and vile affections.


All this is Done in Broad Daylight! Without shame as though it has God’s Personal Seal of approval on it. As you watch them gather around their altars of greed and corruption, praising God, lifting up their hands and singing their songs, you wonder what is Staying the hand of Divine Judgment. The Entire System has disintegrated and descended to the depths of Satan. The Spirit of Conviction is withdrawn. Nothing restraints their vile activity and decadent conduct. They relish the Message of the False Prophets and give wholeheartedly to the system that has Merchandised their very souls.


Everyone wants heaven when they die, but NO ONE Will OBEY God. They want all the benefits with NONE of the Sacrifice. Therefore a System has been invented to accommodate the need. Converts are brought into the Kingdom ‘in their sins’ (not OUT of them!) And told that it’s God’s Job to ‘Change’ their desires so they can eventually ‘stop’ sinning and be more holy. What this has resulted in is that the OLD MAN of sin is dragged into the Kingdom (kicking and screaming so to speak) still chained securely to your flesh. The Bondage of sin is NOT broken in Repentance, so the old man can die with Christ (as the Scripture says) he thus SURVIVES the process and takes up his new abode under the CLOAK of Christianity! The Desirers NEVER change and the heart only gets more callous.


When the true and called men of God proclaim the Full Message of Repentance and Faith to the lost, every demon in hell will oppose them. When the Message is Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand, Flee the wrath to come, BEHOLD the Lamb of God who Takes away the sins of the World! Satan himself will muster every evil against you. The ONLY reason the Message of the Gospel preached in the present day churches is accepted by the masses is because ITS NOT THE GOSPEL AT ALL!


“Woe to you when ALL men speak well of you! For so did their fathers of the FALSE PROPHETS!”



There are NO  Exceptions to this from the Days of our Lord to Now. When the Message becomes accepted in main stream society, it has LOST its impact and effectiveness to save souls from the corrupting influence of sin. The Church becomes nothing more than a place of public gathering where man is exalted and God is reduced to a Doctrine that condones his sin. Converts under this system are ‘religious’ but have no Power of godliness in their hearts. Everything is translated into a ‘Positional’ possession, not a Practicality of daily living that radically effects the outcome of personal conduct.


Sin becomes an inanimate object, disconnected from the sinner himself. (God hates the sin, loves the sinner! Is the mantra) No longer is He Angry with the sinner, but feels sorrow and compassion toward him and has extended every effort to open Wide the Gates of the Kingdom so he can enter in.

Thus the Message is designed to accommodate, never convict. Repentance (if it exists at all) is merely an admission you are ‘sinful’ and ready to ‘Receive’ God’s free Gift of forgiveness through Christ with no strings attached. Nothing is required before or after your supposed Salvation, any mention of necessities or obligations is undermined by the Message itself. Grace is God ‘Pretending’ YOU are Jesus and winking at your continual sin!


When a person has the Eyes of their understanding open to the Truth of God’s Word, and no longer sees Grace as a ‘Divine insurance Policy’…..but the POWER to Live a GODLY life in Christ Jesus! The Vast majority of professing Christians will think they have gone NUTS. The Apostle Paul was accused of mental illness. The religious establishment called Jesus a Devil! (the student is not above his master!) When you begin telling people in the churches they MUST OBEY God, KEEP His Commandments and live godly lives, worthy of God, to enter the Kingdom, the Sparks will ignite.


The further you go and harder you insist, the MORE opposition will arise. Especially from the leadership, Who will assault your sincerity and accuse you of not having love for the people and being mean spirited. It has ALWAYS been this way. You could draw a timeline from the times of the Apostles to now and show Cleary that in every instance when the eyes of the understanding were open to these Radical truths of the Gospel, the Religious System Rejected it outright and persecuted the awakened.


Remember, (when this happens) you are coming against long time ‘entrenched’ Professing Christians who RUN the Churches and Ministries, control the flow of money, PAY the bills and make MOST of the decisions internally. They WILL NOT easily bow to your entreaty. You are attacking EVERYTHING they believe, the very Foundations they cherish. Every effort they are now and have previously put forth! It is NOT Likely they will embrace your Truth with open arms and repent. The LIE is their Stock and Trade. Abandoning it would require a RADICAL Transformation from the norm!


Everything preached in the churches is Cushioned, as not to cause any unfounded guilt among the people.

Faith is NOT of works. Repentance has nothing to do with DEEDS. Grace is unmerited favor, a CLOAK to cover your sins. Nothing is Mandatory toward the Outcome of Salvation. Necessities are ‘Suggestions’ , Obedience is Optional. Ask any Professed Believer and they will tell you, ‘Repent of What?’ ‘My sins are forgiven in advance, not counted against me, God doesn’t see me, only Christ and I’m Eternally Secure!’


Anyone can be a Christian in ANY Church, making ALMOST any kind of profession today. NO ONE is going to challenge them for evidence of a conversion to Christ. If they have gone through the motions, accepted Christ, repeated the words and joined the group, they’re in good standing with all the rest. Most people are fairly satisfied with their life anyway, some much more than others. (wealthy, successful, popular) Life is pretty much a bowl of cherries to a lot of professed Christians. They have what they want, they are happy and content. Things are running smoothly along. They have their kids in the best schools, are doing well at their jobs, live in fine homes, drive nice cars and have nearly EVERYTHING money can buy, including all the entertainment anyone could ever hope for.


What Preacher, in what church, in his/her RIGHT mind would tell these people they need to REPENT of their double-minded ways, STOP serving Two Masters and CAST the evil eye of the flesh from them? They are much like the Rich Young man of Scripture: Doing well, in their own minds, acknowledging the Savior, but LACKING in heart. The Likelihood of any of them Coming to a Genuine Repentance, involving true godly sorrow for sin and brokenness of will, is next to NIL. They are involved, active, feeling good about themselves and 100% CUSHIONED from the Warnings and Threatening of Scripture. 


Telling these kind of Professed Christians they must Deny Self, KEEP His Commandments, Run with endurance, Watch, Workout their Salvation and endure to the end is OUT of the question. The Pastors would be OUT of a job very soon if they suddenly took a stand against lukewarmness, immorality and disobedience in the churches. Rather keep up the APPEARANCE of Religion, boasting success in numbers, programs and activities. Seal them in their Deception and Keep Preaching the LIE.


Adding to the confusion in the present day churches is the fact that people are ‘repenting’ for all the WRONG reasons. What this means is they have responded to the sorrow of the world in their repentance, not ‘godly sorrow.’ As a result of being caught, discovered, or exposed in their sins and then seeing the ruinous nature of their behavior in new light, they sorrow that such things have caused them misery and dismay. Therefore they seek relief from the guilt and are told (in the churches) that God merely requires them to ADMIT their dreadful condition and RECEIVE Jesus as their Savior. They do so and are relieved for a time. The sin remains, but the conscience is soothed in such manner as to harden the heart further against a REAL repentance, later down the road.


These ‘Converts’ have followed the instructions, went through the motions and joined the group. They are Saved, Cloaked and Secure in Christ! (or so they have been told) Putting any requirements on the outcome of their Salvation is not OUT of the question. You can suggest they follow Christ’s commands, Keep His Word, Walk Worthy of Him, but NOTHING can be even slightly construed as compulsory to ultimately entering the Kingdom. You have ALREADY told them that’s taken care of in their ‘Repentance’ and ‘Receiving’ it is now God’s Job to ‘Clean’ them up by changing their desires. (if they let Him)


Yet this gets even more confusing on the so-called ‘Holiness’ side of the church, where ‘most’ of the ministers claim they do not hold to once saved, always saved. Here they preach that certain types of behavior will Disqualify you from the Kingdom, if not abandon. (although not all of them are clear on exactly what kind of behavior will accomplish this) However they do hold a different view and it forces them to suppose that a convert could, under some ‘extreme’ circumstance, forfeit his/her salvation if they don’t abandon the behavior.

But at same time their Salvation Message is based on the Same Lie as the rest. They invite converts into the Kingdom in the SAME Manner. Confess and Receive, never forsake. Even if they use the language of  Repentance in saying the convert must ‘forsake’ his sin, they really mean (as all the rest) ‘a willingness’ to forsake, which will occur sometime LATER, when Spirit comes in to Change your desires from vile to holy. In what time frame this should take place is not known. So belittling you for your behavior is again OUT of the question! (as we have vividly shown all along) Because whatever you may still be doing that displeases God, means VERY little in light of Him ‘Changing’ your desires when He sees fit. 


Because you have a ‘sinful nature’ that you can do nothing about. (you were born with it) and you are NOT fully Sanctified by Spirit yet, you are BOUND keep on sinning. So the preacher’s hands are now tied as far as brining you any further OUT of your sins. Remember, he invited you in….’AS A SINNER’ fully forgiven, freely by His Grace. Now he wants you to DO something more to Secure your Salvation by ‘works!’ He just got done telling you they CAN’T be Done, NO ONE can do them pleasing unto God. But God is now pleased that I have Confessed and Received His Son as Savior and made myself a part of the group. HOW can He be Displeased with anything I do from here on, since HE is the one responsible for changing my desires and making me holy?


Thus the ss-called holiness churches are in the same boat as all the others. The converts are immovable in their sin, waiting for some MAGIC formula from the Spirit to Clean them up, but it NEVER happens. Because they have NEVER really Repented of their sins in the FIRST place. And now it’s not likely that any of them will ever Really Repent, being CONVINCED in their minds that they are Saved in spit of it all! Herein lays the HUGE Difference between Godly Sorrow and the Sorrow of the World, that NO ONE in Church leadership today seems to understand. One produces LIFE, JOY and Peace in Christ, all Real, Genuine, Experienced…..a REAL SENSE of Forgiveness from the Holy Spirit, A CLEARING and Vindication that words can hardly express! Followed by Diligent Zeal to DO God’s Will from the heart and FEAR Him in Holy Reverence and Respect. (2Cor7:10-11)


The other has resulted in a soothing of Guilt, removal of shame for the sin committed. No Real inner Peace or Purging of the Consciousness of sin. Confession without any effort whatsoever put forth toward a Clearing or Vindication. Followed by a dreadful LACK of Zeal to DO Anything to Please God or Fear Him because He has granted you Repentance to begin with. Yet this is passed off as Genuine and the other is Considered a False Doctrine of works. The Confess and Receive Gospel rules the Day, hands down, almost without opposition. It’s nearly impossible to find anyone in church leadership preaching it.


The Problem is NO ONE seems to Care what is happening to the souls of these so-called converts under this Lie. They just go merrily about their business of running the churches, advancing the program and brining in even MORE poor unsuspecting souls to ‘Confess and Receive’ so they can become part of the group. That no one is obeying God or Keeping His Word (to any great extent) or has any Zeal to Promote His Kingdom against the Lie, is not even an issue to them. The system just keeps producing after it’s own kind and drawing in of these kind of converts.


The Churches are full of them, running the show and building a façade of creditability in the communities to make their Gospel even more acceptable. Their concern for the lost extends only to getting them into the System and part of the group. Nothing further touching heart purity or sincerity of faith matters. Grace is, as we have stated continually, Unmerited favor, a Cloak and Cover for their sinfulness. God understand that they cannot Obey Him. That’s why He sent Jesus to OBEY for them! The Message of Repentance they preach is summarized in the followed two quotes:


“Faith and repentance go hand in hand in conversion. True repentance leads to faith, and there is no saving faith without repentance. This is because repentance, which is an acknowledgment of need for a Savior, requires a faith by which one entrusts himself wholly to the One who is able to meet his need for a Savior.”  


The Definition of Repentance
“Repentance is a change of mind or will in which a man turns from sin by acknowledging that he is a sinner and that he needs Jesus Christ to be his Savior. At conversion, the sinner is helpless to alter his own life. What he needs is the work of God on his behalf. If repentance is genuine, the sinner has repudiated his sinfulness and desires righteousness. Thus a change of direction indeed follows repentance, but that is always accomplished as a work of God. To repent is not to do something, but to acknowledge the utter spiritual bankruptcy of one's life without God.”


This is a SINGLE Aspect of Repentance, not the Whole. The ‘Meta’ or ‘Change’ of Mind is emphasized. The Change in inclinations and desires is not mentioned. Merely the acknowledgement of sinfulness, need and His Provision in Redemption. As we have pointed out several times before, there is NO Clearing or Vindication involved in this repentance. Therefore it’s NOT the Repentance of Scripture. In it the Old man has survived and entered into the Kingdom, unsubmitted to God, but now ‘waiting’ to change his desires and Walk worthy of his calling.


The real aspect of this false repentance comes into focus when you consider the dynamic of what is going on here. According to the Lie, Gratitude alone is the sole motivating factor to bring about this ‘supposed’ change of heart that they claim will take place AFTER conversion. But, again, HOW can your desires Change if you put forth NO EFFORT to Clear yourself of wrong doing, Seek Vindication or show forth any Diligent Zeal to DO God’s will, at the Beginning? The Inclination to keep on sinning will NEVER Change, only grow more obstinate and hard hearted toward the Truth. The Motivation had to BEGIN IN Repentance and godly sorrow for sin, NOT AFTER!


Observe again the above definitions of Repentance and faith. The Sinner is shown as WHOLLY Incapable of forsaking his sin and can ONLY Admit to God he is a ‘sinner’ and needs a Savior. Is that the Repentance of the Bible? Where do DEEDS that PROVE the Repentance (Acts26:20) come in? In EVERY instance of Repentance and subsequent forgiveness recorded in Scripture, the process is CLEARLY Shown as involving the CLEARING, VINDICATION and ZEAL! Zacchaeus the tax collector restored fore fold what he had taken from the people and gave HALF his goods to the poor. (Luke19:1-10)  The Son who refused at first to DO his Father’s will and go work in the Vineyard, CHANGED NOT only his mind, but his Purpose as well, by GOING and DOING what he was commanded to Do. (Matt21:28-32 ) The Prodigal son as well, after coming into his RIGHT Mind and finding himself immersed in a pig sty, IMMEDIATELY Responded by CHANGING his desires and inclinations with MUCH ZEAL and RUSHED back to the Father! (Luke16: 11-32)


The Old Testament if FILLED with instances of THIS Kind of Repentance. NOTHING in Scripture is inconsistent with the FULL Forsaking of sin involving DEEDS the PROVE the Repentance is Real. HOW can God’s Plan of Redemption Suddenly go from THIS to what is being presented in the churches today?


Faith is an Acknowledgement, Repentance a Confession and Gratitude for the gift is the motivating favor for change. Yet NO ONE seems to understand what is going on here. Granting a person forgiveness of sins, while he remains ‘in those sins’ is MOTIVATION to KEEP on sinning, NOT instilling any desire for Change! WHAT is going to Change the heart of a thief if he is allowed to KEEP what he has stolen and use it as his own discretion? He is STILL a thief (in his heart!) and could NEVER be trusted not to steal again when the opportunity presents itself. 


The Murderer who is caught for his crime may indeed be sorry he has to pay the consequence of his actions by suffering the death penalty, but what is behind this Sorrow, but the misery of the world? Godly Sorrow would have Motivated him to TURN himself in to the police, admit the crime and take the consequences of his actions that are due the crime. BIG difference. His inclinations and desires brought forth the CHANGE of heart, not the fact that he was caught and now sorry for the circumstance. THIS is what God is Seeking after, according to the Bible.


In the present day churches Repentance is like the man committing adultery on his wife asking forgiveness while the adulterous woman REMAINS in the house! He entreats his wife to return, out of mercy and love, but has no intention of sending the other woman packing because he can’t help being what he is. The wife has to agree on the living arrangements and HOPE that his heart will eventually change and concentrate all his love on her. THIS is the OVERWHELMING mind-set of MOST so-called Converts in the churches today. They expect God to Cover their adulterous affair with the world by His Grace and invite them into His Kingdom in the end.


Not that the Repentance SAVES you or makes you righteous, (it’s the Blood of Christ alone that forgives sin and works redemption!) BUT that it has PROVED your heart (Will) has Changed and this subsequently is followed by a TRANSFORMATION of Conduct. The Sin STOPPED! The Old man is Put to Death and NOW the process of Growth, maturity and further holiness can occur.


“Knowing this, that the Old Man was Crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be DONE AWAY with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin!” Rom6:6


Under the False Message, the Old man is constantly rising up and subverting the process. It’s one step forward, two Back. No one can overcome in the flesh. It’s ONLY by a Complete Putting to Death the DESIRES and PASSIONS of the flesh (Gal5:24) that the Spirit can DO it’s Work of a NEW Creation in Christ. The Double Mind and Divided Heart WILL NOT inherit the Kingdom! NO matter how elegantly they proclaim it, or how Polished they make the presentation, it’s a LIE to Believe you can be Saved WITHOUT Forsaking your sins.



Chapter V1  The Wooded Duck


“I Know your works, that you have a name for being alive, but you are dead!” Rev3:1


Does anything ‘remain’  (Rev3:2) in the present day churches that could be strengthened and survive? Or has the entire system gone sour and stands in danger of Judgment? On the outside the churches are rich and increased with goods, in need of nothing. But within they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked! The Shepherds are dull hearted and deceived, trusting in lies and peddling false hopes. Converts seems to believe they will enter the Kingdom ‘Practicing’ their sins, convinced that God has somehow, by His Grace, Covered them over and sees them not.


Because they were invited into the flock still in their sins, they assume everything is fine and dandy and God will put up with their double minded ways until they die and go to heaven. Most of these people (although zealous for good works) spend their entire lives in this condition, unaware that the Very Bible they claim to follow TEACHES an opposing Truth to their manner of conduct. They loosely follow the status quo, enjoy the activities and take part in all church festivities, never advancing in holiness or heart purity. Year after year they march further and further along lives path, treading down the Wide Road to Destruction, lukewarm, complacent, uncaring, while everything they are exposed to only serves to enforce the Delusion that holds them captive.


The Focus is so far removed from Real Truth that they think fighting evil consists of opposing the ills of society around them. With great zeal they will take up the banner against drinking, gambling, casinos and homosexuality. They will weep and wail that school prayer has been removed or the Ten Commandments taken out of the court rooms. Yet they attend Sunday School classes in their own churches that teach Christ kept the Law for them and send their children to so-called Christian concerts that promote all manner of immorality in the Name of God.


Church goers are COMPLETELY unaware that the real enemy is right under their noses! The Rampant immorality, disobedience and double mindedness of the people is at the core of the present day dilemma. The VERY Doctrine they are preaching is the ROOT of ALL their problems. But Rather than return to the basics of Bringing people out from corrupting influence of their sin, they defend the LIE and FORCE the Scriptures to AGREE with their false premise. Herein lays the reason for so MANY Denominations and belief systems. When we reach an impasse in the discussion of Repentance and Faith, error is NEVER an option. Opposing views merely become the Doctrine of another group. More books are then written, Seminaries enjoined and a thousand more Teachers are produced to expound the LIE.


The Current Church system is Designed to attract new clients (so to speak) and get them quickly associated into the mold, so they can go about and produce more like themselves. Just as a Wise hunter uses a DECOY to lure his prey so he can have an easier target to acquire when pointing his weapon. The Painted Wooded Duck Decoy is a PERFECT example of this tactic because it has the APPEARANCE of reality, floating calmly on the surface of the water, but is HALLOW inside and without substance. When the real Ducks are overcome by their natural curiosity, they land near the Decoys and immediately become victim to the hunter’s trap.


Modern Christianity uses the exact same tactic. They employ the power of Appearance to attract their prey. The church is deigned to offer comfort, ease and a positive upbeat image to the public. It is structured like neighborhood social club, wrapped in a ‘religious’ ribbon, and offers a wide variety of fun filled activities for all ages. The music is modern and soothing, with a professional flare intended to effect the emotions as well as the intellect. The Pastor is very careful not to offend anyone with his words or gestures, or make any demands on the people concerning their behavior and system of beliefs. His job is to keep the waters calm so more unsuspecting souls will flock among the others. (Just like the Ducks!)


No one is really too concerned what the Bible has to say about Repentance and Faith or whether anything going on among the people is genuine or not. All that matters is what they ‘BELIEVE’ the Bible says and how it supports their Doctrinal Stance.


Although Repentance is Preached entirely opposite of the Examples in Scripture, they are satisfied believing that they come to God in their sins, and He will ‘Change’ their desires at some unspecified time in the future so they can sin less and serve more. That NO ONE in the Scriptural record came to Jesus in this manner matters little to them. The Tax Collector made full restitution BEFORE Jesus forgave his sin, not after! The Son didn’t wait for the Father to CHANGE his desire for him. He went and DID the Will of the Father himself! The Prodigal also did not remain in his wretched condition waiting for God to magically change him, he ROSE UP and went to the Father himself!


In EACH of these examples the Person in question was Delivered from:

1)       The Power of sin.   (Sin no longer had dominion over them!)

2)       The Guilt of sin.    (The oppression of sin was removed)

3)       The Pollution of sin.  (They were made FIT to Serve and Do the Father’s will!)


When the people of Corinth Repented of their fornication and uncleanness they:

1)       Had Godly sorrow their sin, shown forth in DEEDS!

2)       A Diligence to DO God’s Will from an Obedient heart of love!

3)       A through Clearing of all Wrong Doing.

4)       Indignation at offending God

5)       Fear of God.


NONE of this is evident among present day Converts. What they have Trusted in for personal Salvation adds up to a BIG FAT Zero! Faith produces nothing in way of godly behavior. Repentance has nothing to do with Stopping the sin they are involved in. And Grace is merely a MEANS by which God overlooks their sinfulness and pronounces them Righteous. They are drawn into the System by the friendly, inviting atmosphere and have no idea at all what is going to happen to their immortal souls unless they Wake UP, and recognize that Satan has them in his sites.


But like the Corrupted Churches in Revelation, they are deaf to Lord’s warnings and busy doing works that are neither commendable to God or Approved in His Sight. The Works however do serve a Dual purpose. They bolster the illusion that something good and profitable to God’s Kingdom is going on and they garner confidence in those doing them, that they have originated from genuine faith in Jesus. Bringing Bible Repentance back into focus in the minds of the people is therefore nearly impossible when opposed to such odds. Everyone is perfectly satisfied that the churches are doing just fine, the Gospel is being preached and millions are coming to Christ.


(But like the Ducks they just line up in the pond following after the Decoy, enchanted by the brightly painted image and the cold dead stare.)


Satan must have invented the tactic of Divide and Conquer. Because it has been his most successful device in rendering the Gospel null in void in our time. He has the churches fighting evil on a thousand different fronts, but NONE of them are focused on the main issue. That Judgment BEGINS in the House of God, not with the political systems of the world! The Problems lay WITHIN the hearts of the People, not in the fact they refuse to vote for the right candidate. It’s the Heart that has grown callous and corrupt through the preaching of the LIE. And the Preachers have turned into Dumb Dogs, gutless to make a stand for truth!


Instead they pacify and make more excuses for sin. Spend days, weeks and months pouring over their theological material to find the newest explanation why Obedience is not a necessity to Salvation and Faith alone saves the soul. They give great credence to the modern seminary professors and their latest method at cushioning the more severe warnings of Scripture. Like the Ducks, they follow one another in the delusion, pretending they have the answers and keeping God in their Box.



Somehow Church leadership just can’t seem to connect the Dots. They see no Connection in Scripture between Faith and Obedience, Repentance and Deeds. They attribute the whole process of Salvation to the Sovereign God who Repents and Obeys for them and then pronounces them Righteous in their sins. That’s the Good News! That God no longer holds you accountable for your sinful condition, because you have ‘Trusted’ in His Son Christ to stand in your place.


Obedience, Discipleship, Commitment, self denial, all remain secondary to Salvation. Like Christmas Tree trimmings and sugar coating, NOTHING is Mandatory toward the final outcome of your sojourn. The language of these things remains in their teaching and adds much creditability to the Lie. It sounds right to speak of Doing God’s Will or Obeying His Spirit in all things, but it NEVER becomes a Reality. Everyone who came over under the false Gospel is Waiting for that magic formula to be revealed that will miraculously CHANGE them into a Deeply Committed, Genuine follower of Jesus Christ!


But the years go by and the Vast Majority of these so-called converts remain in bondage to the Same Passions and Desires they came to Christ with in the first place. They are sealed in their delusion, having been told for decades that God loves them, as they are, and His Grace is Putting up with their vile behavior till they die and go to heaven. What possible chance is there for any of these people who remain Slaves to corruption? They have Never Crucified the flesh with its passions and desires or even been told that it’s ABSOLUTELY Necessary to do so, IF you are to inherit the Kingdom.


The Message coddles their flesh and KEEPS them in bondage. NO ONE Comes OUT of their sins to Christ, in broken hearted Repentance and Godly Sorry! They merely ‘RECEIVE’ Him as a PACKAGE to COVER the Old man. The evil eye remains, the mind and heart are still Divided and they go forward Serving Two masters, thinking they are saved and following Jesus.


The so-called Christian Churches today couldn’t have it more wrong if they tried. Everything they do teach and preach is focused on the flesh. Centered on keeping the people enslaved to their passions and desires. There is no Spirit present to crucify the flesh or free anyone from their bondage. In every segment of the church system they are fighting a separate battle that pleases their flesh. Some struggle against tyranny and government corruption. Others preach prosperity. Some are hocus-pocus healing centers, full of false signs and wonders that mesmerize the people. Even more are centers of doctrinal debate, reformed theology that explains away all the Commands of Scripture.


In this Maze of confusion we find NO ONE reaching out to the Lost in the manner Prescribed in Scripture! They are increasing numbers in the churches, building mega centers for the soul dead, but NO WHERE is ANYONE COMING OUT of their sins! On the Contrary they are being SAVED IN THEM! The Purpose of the Gospel to Save mankind from the Corrupting influence of sin has been Reduced to a humanistic message of good tidings that leaves the heart vile and dispositions worldly.


Converts are Double-Minded, Divided in heart, serving two Masters and sorely lacking in Christ like Nature. Their Dispositions remain self centered and nasty with worldly affections and an earthly focus.  Although they have the appearance of ‘Friendly Ducks’ INSIDE they are full of contemptible emotions, and unpleasant thoughts. Ruffle their feathers with a hard accusation of the Truth and you will QUICKLY wear out your welcome among them and be forced to ‘fly’ away!


Until church leadership can ‘Connect the Dots’ and begin to SEE the Connection between Obedience and faith, Repentance and Deeds, little hope remains that any real reform will take place. The System is well suited to the status quo as it stands. They attribute the whole process of Salvation to God, who Repents, Obeys and follows FOR YOU! There is no room for Godly sorrow for sin and a Zeal to Clear oneself of all wrong doing, as the Scriptures say. Doing the WORKS of Faith, means ‘Saving yourself’ in their book. Thus OBEDIENCE is OUT of the Question. Without meeting a Crisis of Conviction in Repentance the ‘Wooden Ducks’ remain intact, and as empty inside as the BLANK expression in their eyes portrays.


NEXT!  State of Emergency Part 1 (The LIE is Our of Control!)





Chapter VII  State of Emergency! The Lie is Out of Control!


“So I sought for a man among them who would make a WALL and Stand in the GAP before ME on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found NO ONE!” Ezk22:30


For the naysayer who is reading this we submit this next section as Irrefutable Evidence of the Apostate Condition of the present day churches. From a series of email campaigns going out to a cross section of churches, Bible colleges, pastors and teachers, we have uncovered the ultimate DEPTHS of Satan in operation within the so-called Christians Churches today! Regrettably we have found it to be MUCH Worse than we originally thought at the out set of our Journey.


In the following Section we will reveal our findings, in ‘Glaring Detail’ in hopes that will Awake SOMEONE out there to the Desperate need for a Fresh Understanding of Repentance and Faith in the churches. Because as the Prophets of Ezekiel’s time were preaching lies, seeing false visions and strengthening the hand of the wicked, so the MINISTERS of our Time are Preaching a LIE that is devastation our land and has created an ocean of immorality in our society.


Before we begin however it is necessary to understand the philosophy behind this so you won’t get tangled up in words, definitions and explanations. The teachers and preachers today exercise a great deal of flexibility in their presentations by ‘re-defining’ the terms. Herein lays their capacity to make what they are saying sound true. By inserting half truths and untruths (Conjecture) they can dictate the perimeters of the debate and keep it off the central issue. Much like a political discussion of for and against a particular issue.

‘If you’re not for something, you are AGAINST it!’ Therefore the debate automatically becomes a matter of defense instead of offense.


Thus it requires you to ‘THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX’ to clearly understand what these people are saying. Although some are more blatant (easy to determine) than others, much of the explanation is in this CODE where the Terms are pre-defined and the conclusions already determined. For example when someone uses the Term: Repent or forsake in reference to sin, they are NOT speaking about a ‘Stopping’ of that sin. In the same sentence or paragraph you will often find words like: ‘they won’t continue indefinitely in sin’ ,or ‘they must start to make a break with their sinful past’. The sin never stops in the Repentance, as we have explained in our previous chapters. (that being the at the very heart of Redemption and Salvation!)


Much of this Code will clarify itself as we deal with the answers. A great deal of what these people say sounds correct. They use proper biblical terms and a lot of Christian Jargon. But it’s in the definition where the Truth is broken down. Most Christians, real and phony, are under this delusion to some extent. Even those who have Come to Christ through a genuine Crisis of Conviction and real repentance. In fact, it’s difficult to find anyone NOT affected by the Lie who has been in the system for any length of time.


Just as faith cannot possibly be whatever we want it to be, but WHAT the Bible says it is. Neither can Repentance be subject to our personal definition. Both are Vital to initial Salvation and a WRONG understand of either will lead to a ‘Corrupted’ version of the Gospel. Therefore using smooth speech and conjecture to explain away the necessity of stopping sinning, will certainly result in Converts drawing the conclusion that they can come to Jesus WITHOUT actually forsaking their sins or Clearing themselves of their wrong doings.


With sin as the foregone conclusion at the outset of Salvation, (as we have shown throughout) it is not likely that Converts under such a system will follow and Obey Christ. Just as a scorn Wife could not forgive a wondering husband who came to her STILL Committing the act of Adultery and asking forgiveness, Neither can God forgive a soul still clinging to his old life. No matter what the False Teachers are saying about forgiveness and Grace, the ORDER of God Stands firm. Repentance and Faith, (as defined in the Scriptures and shown by example) is the ONLY Path to Salvation. God Cannot lift his Sanctions against sin, nor can He wink at your occasional acts of disobedience as though they were meaningless.


The follow email correspondences are Independent Remarks, solicited anonymously from a Cross Section of Church Denominations, mostly in the United States. We will deal with each one individually for reason of clarity. Our responses will be shown inside a Text Box underneath each email.

(Remember also as you proceed: These people speak in Empty words and vain promises just as the Apostle Peter said, (2Pet2:18) They use Great Swelling Words to convince you that living in bondage to your corruption is permissible in Christ! It is Vital to final Salvation that you are aware of the danger this poses to those under the influence of the Lie or you yourself will be deceived.)


First Question asked:

Does a Child Molester have to STOP molesting children to Receive Christ?



You asked: “If a person is a child molester does he have to stop molesting children in order to receive Jesus?”


My answer:  Absolutely not. A person does not need to stop anything, start anything, or do anything at all to have God or Jesus in their life.  It is just the opposite.  Rather than stopping molesting in order to receive Jesus, it is receiving Jesus in order to stop molesting.


I would go even further:  God is already in that person’s life, no matter who they are or what they have done.. The Spirit is already there. Jesus is already at work. What is needed is spiritual growth to the point where our harmful practices can be overcome and healed.

Letting Jesus into our lives begins to change us from the inside out.  As we surrender ourselves to God, the Spirit gives all of us, including the molester strength and healing. This is helped by spiritual practices, therapy, Christian community, good teaching, and some healthy relationship with adults who know the problem.  Our salvation is not dependent  on behaving a certain way. We are saved not because of what we do but because God loves us and would not do anything else but save us.

Of course God wants us to stop hurting children or anyone, but that is not a prerequisite for being loved by God or being saved. Every child molester is loved and treasured by God. Just like a good mother or father treasures their children no matter what kind of trouble they get into.  They still love them – and they want to help them get out of trouble.  Same with God. Hey, Dan, keep them coming. What are you thinking?



Our Response:


MANY types of immoral behavior will keep you OUT of the Kingdom according to the Bible. (1Cor6:9-10, Gal5:19-21, Eph5:5-7) So our Salvation is DEFINITELY dependent on our behaving in a certain way! If Grace is not able to Reform your behavior in Salvation, what good is it? (Titus2:11-14) Grace produces GODLINESS and self-control! God has Ordered that it MUST be received in this manner or it is of no VALUE and without purpose in the life of the person receiving it. The answer above is a perfect example of the modern Gospel


Thanks for your email.  Child molestation is a sexual sin like others and a person can be a Christian and still sin in this way.  But God demands that we work to rid our lives of sin, if this is your struggle let’s talk so we can get you some help to work through this struggle and so God can deliver you.  Praying for you,



Our Response:

This is Difficult to believe that a pastor of a church (anywhere in this country!) would say such a thing! That he mentioned we should ‘work’ to rid our lives of sin is of no consequence whatsoever. That’s what REPENTANCE  is for! The Clearing Comes in the PROCESS of Godly sorrow for the sin NOT as Future work.(2Cor7:10-11)  NO ONE who Continues to molest children, even occasionally, can Possible be in a Justified State of Salvation with God! This pastor should resign and get a job parking cars before he sends more souls to hell preaching the lie.



 Jesus came to save the lost. He will accept anyone, anytime (Rev. 3:20) However, once a person receives
 the Holy Spirit, he is sealed and will be a slave to righteousness.(Eph.1:13; 2 Cor. 5:17) This does not
 mean that he/she will be perfect, but it does mean that the new person will be enlightened and you will
 (or should) have a harder time with perpetual sin. Child molestation is a very serious offense in civil
 law and biblically (Matt 18:5-7). If someone is a "Christian" and still finding themselves wanting to
 molest children or slipping with this sin, they should expose it to a respected church leader and to the
 authorities. God will still love them, but there are consequences. Hope this helps,
 Mark D'Ambrosio (asst. Pastor)


Our Response:


A ‘harder’ time! Meaning he will STILL be molesting children! Do you see the ‘Flexibility’ this affords the guy? ‘If a Christian is still doing these things…’  CHRISTIANS DON’T DO THESE THINGS!!! Even the desire to do such a thing would Disqualify you from the Kingdom. (Matt5:28) The Act would PROVE to everyone you are a reprobate. (that is everyone except this pastor!) 


To answer your question...
 I think you can ask Jesus into your heart while still engaging in behavior  that does not honor the love of Christ.  By becoming a Christian and  following in the Way of Christ (loving God, loving neighbor, loving  self -- allowing the fruits of the spirit to live within you -- love, joy,  peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness,  self-control), you will find it increasingly difficult to behave in ways
 that harm  yourself and others. I hope this helps.
 Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church


Our Response:


WHERE does it say such a thing in the Bible? Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, (Matt12:34) For from the heart proceed ‘thoughts’ of murder, adultery, fornication and all the rest! (Matt15:19)  Giving up sin by degree or eventually as he implied DENIES the Power of His Grace Creating a New Heart. You are either Following and Obeying Jesus or NOT at all. No one can serve two masters or have a divided heart and make it into the Kingdom. (Matt7:24-27, 6:24)


In regard to your question, molestation is a serious problem.  It may also include addictive behavior of some kind.  You question could also be asked, "Do we have to stop sinning to be loved by God?"  I think not.  I am always going to be sinning.  However, if a person knowingly is harming others in this manner, there are serious considers where society must step in.

Grace, Tom


Our Response:


This was a Common answer, ‘You will ALWAYS be sinning.’ Translated this is actually saying, ‘You will Always be Molesting Children!’ That was the question in mind here. Did Jesus ever imply to a Repentant sinner that they were ‘always’ going to continue in their sin. He told them to GO AND SIN NO MORE! The tax collector in Luke19:1-10 did not repeat his crimes! And God LOVED the Rich young man but SENT him away SAD because he refused to Repent of his covertness and follow Christ. (Mk10:21) Being loved by God is not a Guarantee of His Approval. You come to Him in Repentance and Faith, (Acts20:21) and you DO NOT Continue in your sin!


Hello, There is nothing that a person can do to make God stop loving them. They have always have been and always will be a beloved child of God. However, receiving Jesus and following the Way of Christ means that we behave as Christ would behave. Christ would not molest a child, therefore, followers of Christ should not molest children. From your e-mail I have no way of knowing if you or the person you are concerned about are in the Boise area. We have excellent counseling opportunities. Look for help; even if the person has tried counseling in the past, try again. Be fully assured that God will never desert or turn God's back on any person struggling with an addiction. But living with an addiction is not what God had planned for this person's life. Our prayer team will hold you/your friend in prayer this week

.Grace, Pastor Sandi


Our Response:


Sin is NOT an ‘Addiction’, its SIN! (1John3:4) The Whole root and branch of sin is Destroyed in Christ. (read 1John3:7-10) He came to DESTROY the WORKS Of the devil! If child molestation is not a work of the devil I don’t know what is! Followers of Christ DO NOT sin in this manner, not ‘should not sin’ they DON’T. It’s not an option or suggestion. God’s not giving us His advice for better living here. He is Commanding us to Repent and come to Him by Faith. Which includes a FORSAKING of sin in the Process. Surly God is kind to the Wicked, extending them time to repent, Rom2:4, but that doesn’t mean He tolerates the sin. His Divine Wrath abides on all sin and Judgment will be swift and final.


The whole thing isn't about sin as much as it is about redemption, but it also isn't a license to continue in the life style that we lived before Christ (Romans 6).  By that I mean to continue with no repentance and no attempt to turn from the things from which we have been redeemed.
So the answer is yes, a child molester can be forgiven without doing anything, but that same one, who enters into God's redemption, will in turn live under the new paradigm of God's kingdom.  Does that mean that he will not struggle with those things of which we talk?  No, he will.  But in Christ we are new creations and in humility we seek to walk in righteousness.
Has this made sense to you?
Peace, Kelley 


Our Response:


Confused? This person is speaking in circles. But what they really mean is you come to Christ ‘struggling’ with your addictions, He saves and fills you with His Spirit, THEN you ‘repent’ or ‘confess’ (would be a better word here) your ‘Continued’ sins and that Proves you have been redeemed and made new. It’s in Code. The Difficulty lays in the fact that Confessing our sins, requires WALKING in the LIGHT as He is in the Light! (1John1:7-9) THEN the Blood of Christ will CLEANSE us of all unrighteousness. NOT WHILE we are in the Process of sinning, but the VERY OPPOSITE! The Blood Cleaning applies ONLY to those ALREADY WALKING and OBEYING Christ in the LIGHT. Living in bondage to any kind of immorality would PROVE you are in Darkness, not ‘struggling’ to follow Jesus.


Dear Whoever you are, No, but if a person really does accept Jesus and starts following Jesus, he/she will not continue indefinitely to molest children, rob banks, take crack cocaine, look at pornography, drink alcohol to excess, commit adultery, lie, etc.  I John 4.9 says that whosoever is born of God does not CONTINUE in sin.  However, that said, we must also remember that we are to repent of sin as we receive the gift of salvation through Christ (Mk. 1.15)  I think a sinner, just as I am and you are, must start to make a break with our sinful past and trust God to help us stop all those egregious things we did before we started to be Jesus' faithful followers.  Some sins are a lot harder to break than others, just like some addictions are never fully healed, but with God's help we can get the day-to-day victory!  Paul said that "God's strength is perfected in weakness so that when I am weak, then I am strong."  I hope this helps. Pastor Dan,  


Our Response:


Continuing in ANY of the sins this pastor mentioned would DISQUALIFY you from the Kingdom according to the Apostle Paul. (Gal5:19-21) The Bible says Nothing about ‘starting to make a break with your sinful past’ or slipping occasionally into child molestation. It Simply says that the WRATH of God is Coming upon the children of DISOBEDIENCE! (Col3:6)  Here he has also re-defined Repentance. To him it means a person receives Christ, then repents and begins the ‘process’ of breaking away from his old sins. (more Code) Sin is equated to ‘addiction’ difficult to heal, but God understands and won’t hold you accountable while you struggle in your immoral behavior. (it’s a Lie! Don’t buy into it.)


No, you don't have to stop molesting children to receive Christ.  You need the one who can heal and transform your life to deal with those types of issues.  Once someone has received Christ they are responsible to respond in obedience to Christ even when there urges are to do things that are wrong.  The urges are not the sin, the thinking and response to the urge is where the critical battle is fought. 

In Christ,  David Rice


Our Response:


Again, it’s difficult to believe a pastor would say such a thing about such a heinous sin. We wonder if he would feel the same way about an immoral husband approaching his scorned wife asking forgiveness. Would such a man have to STOP the adultery before he could expect any mercy from his wife? WHY then is it any different with God? Why does He have to Grant you forgiveness and eternal life while you are still committing spiritual adultery against Him? The Bible says you lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness when Receiving Christ! (James1:21-22) The Obedience is PART of the PROCESS, not a suggestion to take up a new leaf.



No, a person does not have to stop any sin in order to receive Jesus. If we had to be perfect, He would receive no one. The Bible says, "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Call on Him, and you will be saved.


Our Response:


The Bible also says STRIVE to enter the Narrow Gate, for many will try to enter and not be able! (Matt7:14)  Calling on Jesus is an earnest appeal of contrition from a broken hearted repentance (in scripture) NOT repeating words and ‘believing’ in God. The devils believe! (Js:19)  A person is Saved by what he DOES, NOT by Faith alone! (James2:24)  As Repentance is Proven by Deeds, so Faith Turns on Obedience. Repentance has nothing to do with becoming perfect in order to receive Christ. It is the Clearing that brings us to God so He can Receive us!


Next Question:

If a person is addicted to pornography, does he have to stop in order to become a Christian? Thanks, Dan.



I believe that God loves everyone. The Bible says it I believe that God accepts us as is.  The Bible says HE does. I believe no matter what we are doing God then takes us IN PROCESS to wherever HE wants us to be.  The Bible says it. 
Pastor Forrest,



Our Response:


Rom5:8 says that God ‘Demonstrated’ His love to mankind by sending Christ to die while we still sinners. It DOES NOT Promise forgiveness without Repentance merely because of this Divine favor. To imply that His Love covers us ‘In Process’ is a LIE, deadly to the soul. But this notion is rampant in the churches today. As a result NO ONE is repenting of anything and the churches are fill of phony converts ‘thinking’ God loves and approves of them while they sin in His face!


Thanks for your question,
The truth is, a person does not have to stop his sin (whatever it may be- whether a person struggles with homosexuality, gossip, greed, drug addiction, etc.) before coming to God.  On the contrary, God loves and
accepts everyone just as we are- no strings attached.  Once a person comes to God- He does the work to change a person's life from the inside out. I hope this helps. You are always welcome at our church.  I hope that you would feel comfortable talking with pastor such as myself personally- you would not be turned away. Sincerely,
 Nathan, Glad Tidings Church


Our Response:


If these sins do not have to STOP in Repentance, why ‘work’ to stop them later? If God will receive you with ‘no strings’ attached, to what Purpose is God’s Grace? Where is the Clearing, the Vindication, the Zeal to Do His Will and godly fear? The ‘Change’ comes in the Repentance, (2Cor7:10-11) NOTHING is going to change afterward.



No, it is only with the power of Christ that we can undergo lasting change. He loves us so that He can help us change, He does not change us first in order to make us loveable.



Our Response:


Although it’s true that lasting change comes only through following and obeying Christ, this pastor also has the process reversed. If Repentance doesn’t Change us, nothing will. We don’t come to Jesus STILL looking at pornography! Jesus said to Pluck out the sinful eye of the flesh or LOSE your soul! (Mt5:29)


 Good Morning:  God loves you exactly as you are. He created you to have fellowship with Him.  Any addiction can be overcome through guidance and assistance.  All God asks is for you to ask Him to come and live within your heart.  After you become a Christian, you possess the Holy Spirit that guides and directs you.  I am certain at that time that you will see the pornography for what it is and no longer want it to be part of your life.

Very simply, Billy Graham has always said; “God loves you as a sinner and wants to have fellowship with you.  Just simply ask Him to come into your life and reside in your heart. He will then direct your path.”

Ask this prayer.  Father, I know that I am a sinner.  I ask to the best of my knowledge for you to come and reside in my heart.  I love you and want to live for you.  Thank you for sending Jesus Christ your Son to die on the cross for my salvation. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, than send me back an email and I will be happy to chat more.  Blessings,  bob

Bob Roberts

Minister of Springfield

Second Baptist Church


Our Response:


The Holy Spirit Cannot indwell a defiled heart. (2Cor6:16-18) THIS is what the Baptism of Repentance is all about. (Luke3:3, Mk1:4) To PREPARE the heart for the Holy Spirit, Clean and Scrub it of all defilement, contamination and ignorance. Scrape it away and CAST it OUT of doors! In THIS manner the Apostles and their Disciples Preached Repentance in early times, they would be appalled by Billy Graham’s prayer. The Spirit comes ONLY into a CLEAN heart to make His Home. That is His Purpose and His Ministry.



If the question is, “Can God save someone who is addicted to pornography, just as he is (in his addicted state)?”, the answer is, YES. We don’t “clean up our act” before we come to Christ.  We come as we are – repentant sinners, trusting in Christ.

Bill Baer

Minister of Pastoral Care and

USA/Missouri Missions Minister

Second Baptist Church


Our Response:


Again, WHAT is Repentance? To this guy it’s ‘Trusting’ Christ, for WHAT? That He will forgive you in your sin? No wonder the churches are full of hypocrites with preachers like these presenting the Gospel. This is like asking your wife to forgive you of adultery while the other woman is STILL in the house! Until you Break off all ties to your perversion, you cannot expect to find Mercy. READ your Bibles! These Pastors are Dead Wrong!


No, but he needs to get help with his addiction.  There are a lot of ways to find help that will keep a person away from pornography.  We even have a class during The Gathering that deals with this issue.  Pastor Ray knows about this class. 

Pastor Bob


Our Response:


Here’s the solution. Attend an Addiction Class at the church and learn to cope with your sin! NEVER face  up to it and realize it WILL INDEED Keep you Out of the Kingdom! Let these lairs tell you everything is fine and dandy, God understands, while you Continue to indulge your lust and satisfy your desires. If you would just read and Obey the Bible you could break free of their lie and the bondage of Pornography.



As you can see, today’s Church leaders are Unanimous in Favor of sin. No matter which way you approach it or how much you ‘try’ to find some kind of redeeming value in what they have said, it all boils down to the Same thing. You can be Accepted, Forgiven and Receive the Holy Spirit as a PRACTICING: Child Molester, Drunkard, Adulterer, immoral person, etc. Grace has you covered, according to these pastors. NONE of them can say that the sin Must Stop in order to Receive or Maintain Salvation. (no matter which side of the doctrinal fence they are on.) That would be a work involving human merit in their book and can’t possibly be a part of Salvation by Faith. The Whole System has become THE PERFECT LIE. Everyone is convinced they Doing the right thing, preaching the correct gospel and bringing souls into the Kingdom. Yet a sin as Vile as Child Molestation (raping babies!!) DOES NOT have to be TOTALLY FORSAKEN to become a Christian! (Monstrous!)


We hope that after you have read through this document you have that ‘SICK’ feeling in your gut, like we do and will take Action against his abomination. Don’t Imagine that your church or your pastor is free of blame in this issue. This MESS is Universal and we have the PROOF! Deny it if you wish, but Don’t say that you weren’t Warned. Christ is NOT returning for a Defiled church, but for His Saints who are WITHOUT Spot and Blameless! (2Pet3:14) Wake up and Join them.




Chapter VIII State of Emergency, Section II


“So I sought for a man among them who would make a WALL and Stand in the GAP before ME on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found NO ONE!” Ezk22:30


In this Section we are going to deal with a Variety of emails selected randomly out of our email campaigns.  These will cover various questions and answers and include our comments in conclusion of each one, inside a text box form. Hopefully this will help you unravel the CODE and learn to Discern exactly what you are hearing. The clarity between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error has been badly distorted by an accumulative effect of false teaching. Most people cannot tell the difference and the pastors have made matters MUCH worse by re-defining the fundamental issues of Repentance and Faith.


The Most Common answer we received from ‘holiness’ type pastors and church leaders was:

“God DOES NOT Expect the sin to Stop Before or After Salvation!”


This reveals a Complete Vacancy of the Preaching of Bible Repentance. IF indeed the sin can Never stop and God Himself Does not expect it to stop, NO HOLDS ARE BARED! The Door is wide open to all kinds of immorality, debauchery and vile behavior.  The Adulterer can not only Continue in his Adultery, BUT DO SO in the SAME house with his Wife in the other bedroom! It’s that Outrageous.


Somewhere along the line, Biblical Repentance has been thrown to the wind. NO ONE seems to understand HOW it works or WHAT exactly the Bible says about it. Although the Process is Simple: ‘Repentance is PROVEN by DEEDS!’ (Acts26:18) And the ONLY path to God, (Acts20:21) It has become a mere ‘going through the motions’ rather than a CRISIS OF CONVICTION. In early times we see people under Gospel preaching falling into this Crisis and Seeking after the CLEARING that comes Only through godly sorrow for sin. (2Cor17:10-11) Their conversions were based on the Solid Fundamental truth of the Bible: “Let everyone who names the name of Christ DEPART from iniquity!” (2Tim2:19)  It was a through Redemption and equally through Cleaning. (Fruit that remained always resulted)


Since Faith comes by hearing through the Word of God, this MUST have occurred mainly because of the PREACHING of the times. WITHOUT question these early ministers were NOT saying things like:

‘You can never stop sinning’, ‘God does not expect you to stop sinning before or after salvation’ ,

‘Salvation does not depend on a person stopping willful sin’, or Suggesting that Zacchaeus the repentant tax collector came to Jesus ‘In his sins’! (Or ANYONE in the Bible for that matter). NO WHERE in the Biblical record can you find such things recorded or implied and early history substantiates the Biblical evidence one hundred percent!


Even the casual observer must admit that there has been a radical departure from the preaching of Bible Repentance. When Child Molesters can come into the Kingdom ‘as is’ WHAT more Proof do you need? How is anyone going to come OUT of their sin, at Repentance or otherwise, when the Pastors are telling them that everyone sins all the time (including the pastors) and no one can do anything to amend their behavior? Again, WHERE in the Scripture record are such things recorded? God has Ordered Repentance and Faith to BRING man OUT of his sins! The PROCESS is CLEARLY Explained and Shown in Scripture. How the Pastors can get it so wrong is beyond reason.


1)       The Crisis of Conviction, (Holy Spirit convict of sin, righteousness, judgment)

2)       Godly sorrow for sin, (Contrition, brokenness, the breaking of the will)

3)       Zealousness to be CLEARED of all wrong doing! (The forsaking, STOPPING of sin!)

4)       Vindication before God, (Mercy granted, forgiveness experienced, Peace & Joy)

5)       Revenant Fear of God. (Sin forsaken because it Offends God)


This leads to a Faith WORKING by Love, Cleansing and Purifying the heart of sin and a COMPLETE Reformation of Conduct, not a ‘partial’ clean up. Bible Faith that Saves the soul is Victorious over sin, the flesh and the devil.

The WHOLE Purpose of Redemption is to DESTROY the works of the devil! Not leave you in bondage to sin and clean you up later! Certainly you Grow and increase in the Grace of God, but NOT with sin as the FOREGONE Conclusion! RIGHTEOUSNESS is the outcome of Salvation, not sin. Your Pastors are Dead Wrong and what they preaching is DANGEROUS to Souls.


AGAIN, Everyone in church leadership positions seems to think that NO ONE can ever STOP Sinning.  That God Saves them ‘as is’ in their sins and then starts to work Cleaning them up. The PROCESS of Godly Sorrow for sin, Clearing, Zeal and Fear is NEVER mentioned among them! Thus: ‘Repentance in Reverse!’ The Child Molester comes in STILL Lusting after children and on the prowl. The Adulterer is forgiven in his adultery. The thief continues his larcenies ways. All the while, GOD is Working on them to one degree or another to lessen the impact of their sin on themselves and others. FOOLISHNESS!!! Absolute Unadulterated Fallacy! The Entire Process and Effect of True Bible Repentance is Neutralized in a Single Blow. The Soul remains in Bondage to sin, but the Heart is BLINDED to Truth whereby the Birthright of Salvation by Grace is Forfeited to a Doctrine of Demons.


Read and Weep church goers, YOUR PASTORS are about to Speak!



Examples of Questions we asked:
Question1: Does sinning or not sinning have anything to do with receiving salvation or keeping salvation? Thanks, MD

Question2: Does  Salvation depend on a Christian allowing God to clean  themselves up? Thanks, DC

the sin issue is one that the bible covers extensively. Simply put we were all born in sin with the sin nature and are in need of a Savior, which is why Christ died on the cross and rose from the grave and ascended into heaven and is now interceding for us. It is the Holy Spirit who woos us to Christ. When we repent of our sins He graciously forgives us of all sins and puts our sins under His blood never to be remembered against us again. We do not believe in a "sinning" religion; however, we do believe that if a person who is born again commits a sin he or she has an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, and can ask for forgiveness  and He again graciously forgives. We also believe that a person can be filled with the Holy Spirit and live above sin: in other words does not have to continue to live in sin. Hopefully this short statement is helpful to you. I trust you have talked with your pastor about this subject more deeply.
 God bless you.
Carlton D. Hansen ,Carlton's Design

I do not believe a Christian can "lose" his salvation as if by some accident but I do believe a Christian can walk away from God by turning his back on God and returning to a sinful life. The scripture speaks explicitly about this kind of experience; further, the scripture speaks clearly about not continuing in a sinful life as a Christian. Having said all of this, though, the repentant person who has turned away from God can still come back home, just as the Prodigal son did and the Father stands with open arms to welcome him back him. That story tells us that the Prodigal "came to his senses" when he realized he had sinned so deeply. God is a loving God who cares deeply about people. I am glad that He forgives no matter how deep the sin. Carlton D. Hansen, Carlton's Design

Hello, :
Jesus said, “Come unto me all you that are burdened and heavy laden and you will find rest for your soul.” The scripture implies over and over that this is the way people come to Christ: the thief on the cross, the rich young ruler, Nicodemus, Zacchaeus, Matthew the tax collector, all of the disciples and a whole host of others. Jesus called them from where they were to follow Him and their lives were transformed.
Carlton D. Hansen, Carlton's Design

The first comment is exactly what we mean by speaking in the CODE. He uses all the correct jargon, repent of our sins, don’t believe in sinning religion, can live above sin and not continue to live in sin. Sounds good, right? Problem is the sin NEVER stops. It’s under the blood, never remembered against you, but underneath, it continues. (already forgiven! Strongly implied) Also the reference ‘can be filled with Spirit suggests something optional, not mandatory. Why? Because salvation is by Grace through faith, not of works, so everything is ‘should be’ NOT Must be.

The next two comments are more revealing. Although a ‘Christian’ can walk away from God (he doesn’t like the term lose.) he can always come back just like he came in the first place. IN HIS SINS! But he and all these pastors fail to see the fallacy of their reasoning here. They are unanimous in the coming ‘as is’ in sin, but some of them (like this guy) think you can jeopardize your salvation by sinning afterward. BUT you can Come Back in the SAME sin that disqualified you! Like the Prodigal, he sites. Even though the Prodigal was coming back to the Father OUT of the Pig Pen of sin, not still wallowing in it! Is t here Biblical support for coming ‘as is’, he says ‘YES!’ Matt11:28-29, the Take My Yoke Passage. How can the YOKE of Obedience imply coming to Christ as is? And the others he sited, Nicodemus didn’t come repenting, but asking questions and the rich young man went away sad, not repenting at all. The guy either doesn’t know his Bible or has such a twisted understanding of repentance that ‘anyone’ is saved by merely acknowledging Christ.


Being saved does not depend on a person stopping all willful sin.  That would be impossible since the act of rejecting Christ is the unpardonable sin and until you accept Christ and enter into the new covenant you are a sinner.  For all other sin there is forgiveness with repentance (turning away from the sin) given by Jesus who is the judge.  So if you really want to know the answer to that question you should ask God who will judge the living and the dead.  All I can do is point you to some scriptures that will bring you both assurance and fear. Sorry about the last message.  Several answers to your question: 1.  First is the matter of chronological order.  God does not expect us to stop sinning first, and then seek salvation.  If that were the order then no one would get saved because we are powerless over sin.  We first seek God's salvation and as a result we receive God who has the power to help us overcome sin. Second, God does expect us to stop sinning after we are saved. This may take some time, especially with nagging sins or addictions.  God is patient and will help us get the job done. Third, you used the words "willful sinning."  That wording is critical -- willful sinning is much more than unwillful sinning. Willful sinning is rebellious and deliberate.  Continuing to willfully and deliberately sin will in the long run squelch the Holy Spirit in our lives which is extremely dangerous. Hopes that helps.  By the way, which "Dan" are you?
 Pastor Don

The sin does not Stop before or after Salvation. When does it? If the Process of godly sorrow, Repentance and clearing as described in 2Cor7:10-11, doesn’t cause a cessation of the sin, NOTHING will. If the Passion and Desires are not Crucified with Christ in the initial experience of Salvation, they will not be later. They will only gain in intensity as the person concludes they are forgiven by God and no longer held accountable for their sin. (which won’t be long under this kind of preaching!) All these pastors seem to think that no one has the ability to stop anything until they come to Christ and Receive His Spirit. But in the Bible, the Spirit is NEVER Given to a defiled heart. The Clean up has to take place BEFORE the Spirit can indwell. The heart MUST be Clear of contamination, sin and ignorance or the New Birth Cannot take place. Surly the Power to overcome the flesh comes from Christ but in Repentance the sin Stopped or else Mercy was never granted. God’s Patience extends to man in Repentance, not in toleration of his continued sin while he calls himself a Christian.
How is willful sin dangerous? Again, he is forced to mention this because its in his doctrine. Deliberate sin is ‘extremely dangerous’ (although he didn’t say you could forfeit your salvation) But how is that? If you can NEVER stop sinning, before or after Salvation, WHY would God count any sin against? The fallacy is in play here. You came in sinning, keep on sinning and Come Back sinning!



Salvation is dependent upon repentance which is a turning from sin to God (Acts 2:36-41).  If we continue to willfully sin after receiving the knowledge of salvation then we do not want Jesus to be Lord of our lives but merely saver of our eternity (Hebrew 10:26-27).  Not that we completely cease to sin once we have given our lives to Christ, but our desire is to be obedient and mature in our faith with the spiritual man replacing the flesh (John 14:15-16).  We are transformed as we allow God to change us and willful sin should diminish as evidence of the life in Christ (Romans 12:1-2).Finally, I would not ask, “Is someone saved?”  That tends to separate salvation out of hell from Lordship on earth.  I don’t believe God wants to

Biblically and historically a person is saved when they profess Jesus as savior and Lord and begin to follow Jesus on his way.  Our salvation does not depend on anything we do or don’t do.  Except for responding to the grace of God.  I do not know a sinless Christian.  Wesleyans – and Eastern Orthodox Christians – believe in a maturing process as we move through our life with Christ, and the goal/hope would be that our willful sinning would decrease over time.  But salvation does not depend on stopping all willful sin.  Call me If you want to discuss this more.

Jimmy, Nazarene Pastor


This guy may as well be preaching eternal security and imputed righteousness. He is spouting the same doctrine! Salvation is not dependant on anything we do or don’t do! Sounds like John Macarthur. What about KEEPING His Commandments, DOING His Will, BUILDING on the ROCK, STRIVING to Enter? Are not those things something we DO? Here also we have to wait for our DESIRES to change, so we will WANT to Obey God. But that was Suppose to happen in the Repentance Process! So he tries to separate being ‘saved’ with ‘discipleship’ ….another Macarthur doctrine. As though there’s a difference in Scripture with being saved from hell and ‘Serving’ in Obedience. It’s all Optional under the Lie. Sin is the beginning and the end of the equation.



First is the matter of chronological order.  God does not expect us to stop sinning first, and then seek salvation.  If that were the order then  no one would get saved because we are powerless over sin.  We first seek  God's salvation and as a result we receive God who has the power to help  us overcome sin.
 2.  Second, God does expect us to stop sinning after we are saved.  This  may take some time, especially with nagging sins or addictions.  God is  patient and will help us get the job done. 3.  Third, you used the words "willful sinning."  That wording is  critical -- willful sinning is much more than unwillful sinning.  Willful  sinning is rebellious and deliberate.  Continuing to willfully and  deliberately sin will in the long run squelch the Holy Spirit in our lives  which is extremely dangerous. Hopes that helps.  By the way, which "Dan" are you?
Pastor Don, Nazarene


Here we go again. God does not expect the sin to Stop before or after Salvation. Just perhaps ‘willful’ sin. WHEN DOES He expect us to Stop, in heaven when we die? Rev22:11-15 doesn’t seem to indicate that. The VERY Last thing Jesus says in the Bible is: “Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy."  "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.  "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood”. Rev22:11-15. So this Pastor is WAY off the mark here. I’d say what he is preaching is ‘Extremely Dangerous.’




I’m assuming you found me on the internet then, but why me?  Anyways, to answer your question, I don’t think you have to change your ways for God to accept you.  He loves you just the way you are (I mean, He created you).  But if someone truly wants to become a Christian and follow Christ with their life, God does ask us to obey Him, and to obey Him means turning away from sin, thus a cleaning up process if you will.  God knows that we are human and are not going to be perfect, but that also isn’t a get out of jail card to do whatever we want.  There should be a difference in the way a person acts once they receive Christ.  For me when I asked Christ into my life, at first I didn’t change my behavior, but for the first time I felt bad about what I was doing.  That led to eventually changing the way I was acting, which I knew pleased God.  I feel like I could go on and on, so I’ll stop here and let you respond.  Please feel free to ask more questions or whatever.  Thanks!  -Clayton, Pastor


It appears, according to the Bible, this guy never repented to begin with. Had he went through the process described in scripture, his behavior would have changed immediately. He probably reformed some of his conduct as a result of going to church and fearing the stigma of getting found out as a hypocrite. It’s not unusual to meet people who make no profession of religion whatsoever whose conduct is Genteel, not vulgar. Acting well-mannered is not evidence of Salvation, it’s a Ceasing of sin that makes the difference. That happens in the PROCESS Of Godly sorrow and Repentance as we have pointed out many times already. God will NEVER Clean this guy up later, because his DESIRES were Never Crucified to begin with, thus the Spirit is NOT present.


Thanks for your question. It’s a good one.
Thankfully, I can answer confidently that God stands ready and willing to receive us JUST AS WE ARE if we will humble ourselves and come to Him with all of our ‘stuff’ asking Him to change us. When we come to Him in faith, willing to surrender to Jesus as our Leader, He promises to enter our lives and begin changing us from the inside-out while also giving us the wonderful gifts of forgiveness and eternal life. Pretty good deal, huh!
If you’d like to read about this in the Bible, just check out chapters like Romans 3, Ephesians 2, and John 3. I believe God will shed His light on these scriptures for you and lead you to Himself.
If we can be of any further help, please let us know!
Steve Benninger
Lead Pastor, NEW LIFE Church


WHO came to Christ ‘Just as they are’ they came through REPENTANCE PROVEN by Deeds! We CHANGE from the inside out in the Process of godly sorrow and repentance, not after. The Spirit cannot be granted UNTIL the heart is made pure of contamination, defilement and sin. That’s the GIFT! NOT license to sin. Site all the Scripture you want, the LIGHT needed here must lead to Repentance. Salvation is not a ‘DEAL’ it’s REDEMPTION from sin! Such an attitude shows this man knows nothing about the Bible Repentance or Faith.


The amazing thing about the gospel is that Jesus offers us forgiveness for our ‘uncleanness’. Romans talks about how none of us can clean ourselves up, so we need God’s grace as it is expressed to us in the cross. Galatians is all about how there is nothing we can do to add to God’s grace, so we need to stop trying. So, to answer your question, Jesus is the one who forgives us: then He goes about cleaning us as we allow him to... Hope this helps. Peace, Brian.




WHERE in Romans does such a passage exist? That you Obeyed from your heart, Died to sin, walk in newness of life? (Rom8:16, 6:4-6) Our perhaps Rom12:1-2 where you PRESENT your body a LIVING Sacrifice to God for HOLY use! Paul makes more than CLEAR that the vessel is made useful by ‘Cleansing yourself’ (2Tim2:21)  Scripture bares this out. (James2:21, 2Cor7:1) Even in the Old Testament the people had to Sanctify themselves through various ‘cleansings’ before coming to God for Mercy or sacrifice. It’s part of the Divine Plan. That man’s heart can be made Pure and New through Conviction, Repentance and Clearing, THEN come to God.



Oh no, God will receive you just as you are and he will do the cleaning once you surrender your will and life to Him. He loves you with an unconditional kind of love that would never condemn you where you are; He will just rejoice over the fact that you acknowledge Him as the Son of God, as the One who died for your sins and that He rose from the dead so you can rise above the deadness of your soul to live a life, a joyous and victorious life with Him beside you now and forever. It is the greatest life anyone can experience and the greatest decision you will ever make.

Cindy Clevenger


Again, the fallacy. Repentance in reverse! This is the most common answer to the question. You can’t do anything, He doesn’t expect you to do anything. If you try, Grace is canceled out. The Great gift is freedom to Continue in sin and not worry about it. Sorry excuse for Salvation, but its what the preach.


Good Morning Dan,

Let me try to answer what I think you're asking in your question: We would all be in big trouble if God asked us to be clean and worthy of Him before we received Him. Our problem is that we all come to God dirty and covered with sin--to one degree or another--and there is nothing we could ever do to be worthy of what God offers and we need--eternal life. Fortunately for us, God doesn't ask us to be clean before we come to Him (Rom. 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.). He just asks us to come to Him (Matt. 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ) Then with the help and power of the Holy Spirit, which God promises to every follower of Christ, we work hard to clean up our lives and live in obedience to God, out of gratefulness for what He's done for us. This is called sanctification. It comes after our salvation or trust in Christ. God saves us Himself, without anything we do...just our humble trust in God that Jesus paid the price we could never pay (salvation). Then we work together with God's Holy Spirit to grow in holiness and the image or example that Jesus set for us (sanctification).I hope that helps brother. As one who's experienced that forgiveness and change, I can tell you there's nothing else in the world like knowing I'm forgiven and God's helping me live right in this life and that I will one day be with Him in paradise forever. I pray you get to experience that too. Let me know if I can help anymore. Feel free to email again or call if you'd like to talk.

Jeff Martell

Pastor of Young Adults

The Chapel

135 Fir Hill

Akron, OH 44304


It’s not really a matter of being ‘worthy’ enough for God, it’s about REPENTANCE! We Come REPENTING of our sins, not Covered in them. Forsaking the defilement that cut us off from God. Just as the erring husband comes crawling back to his wife and begging for her Mercy. Would he come to her STILL attached to the other woman and expect to be forgiven? Can you imagine the young under this kind of teaching. We see the evidence of their defilement in their behavior. Sanctification is the Process of Baring Fruit unto Righteousness, not sinning less by degree. Gratitude alone is not enough to Change anyone’s desires. Would the scorn wife accept such terms? For her forgiveness granted an erring husband she has to count on his ‘Gratitude’ to wean him off the adultery! I think not.
The ties were Broken, Adultery Forsaken, or MERCY is NEVER Extended.  I hope this youth pastor is NOT one of the thousands involved in scandals with his students. Such things are Rampant in the church today and the reason is THIS kind of Preaching.


Dear Dan,
 Thanks for your email. I appreciate your question on such an important subject. The thief on the cross is one of the few people we know will for sure be in heaven. Jesus told him he would make it. He was not in any way "cleaned up" when Jesus told him that he would be in paradise with Him. If you have more questions on this subject, I would be glad to answer them, or you could try which do a great job giving Biblically sound answers to questions. Thanks again and I will pray that you continue to grow in your understanding and walk with God.
in Christ, Randall C. DeVille


One of the FEW (only one) also who had such an opportunity to Repent in the last moments of his life. They love sighting the Thief on the Cross, it’s very common. His Repentance on that Cross was not merely a Confession of sinfulness, as these pastors are implying. But an Acknowledgment of a CHANGED heart!  Don’t bank you final Salvation on this incident. That’s NOT the Purpose of it being in the Scriptures. It’s recorded to show forth the Mercy of God to a Repentant sinner, NOT so you can slid into the Kingdom as is, with a defiled heart.



The question is not how clean you have to be before God will receive you? God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, has paid the price to make you as clean as Jesus himself. All you have to do is
receive from God, specifically receive the love of Jesus Christ and declare him as the ultimate authority in your life. Then, purely in gratitude with no obligation whatsoever, you may want to do the things
that please God just as you would try to please anyone else in authority like a parent, a coach, or a boss. Make sense? 


Your email was forwarded to me as our Sr. Pastor is still on his summer study break. You ask a great question, one that many people struggle with. I believe that there’s really nothing we can do to “clean” ourselves up – that’s God’s job. And he wants to do it! According to the Bible, in 1 John 1:9 it says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” All we are responsible for is confessing that we’ve blown it and turning away from those behaviors as best we can (and with God’s help!). In doing so, God forgives us and has already provided the means for that forgiveness (Jesus’ death and resurrection).


Here we see the Gratitude angle again. As though that alone will motivate someone to Obey God. Problem is: NO ONE DOES! Why? Mainly because the Motivating factor was Wrong from the beginning. These people are told that God has put them on his Team (so to speak) and even if they Sit on the bench or PLAY for the Other side, it Won’t effect their Final status in the Kingdom. God is not our Coach, He is GOD and He has ORDERED that Repentance PROVEN By Deeds is the ONLY Way to approach Him. It’s not a matter of ‘trying’ to be the best you can or turning away from sin by degree. To be CLEANSED of all unrighteousness is Exactly that! To be made PURE as He is PURE! ONLY those Already made Pure and WALKING in the Light, OBEYING His Word can ‘Confess’ and be assured of His Mercy. WHY? Because sin is NOT the Foregone Conclusion in their hearts, Righteousness is! 1John 1:9 is Not an insurance policy for on going sinful conduct, but a PROMISE of Cleaning to those FOLLOWING and Obeying Christ.



The False Prophets of Today are Saying:

1)       Come to God ‘as you are, in your sin!’

2)       He will Clean you up later and change your desires

3)       He Does NOT expect you to stop sinning before or after Salvation!

4)       Our Salvation is NOT dependant on anything we do or don’t do!

5)       We Come to Him COVERED in sin.


The spirit of error Controls the Modern Day Churches! The False Prophets are YOUR pastors and teachers, the people you TRUST to teach your children and lead you into all truth! They are Preaching the EXACT Opposite of the Bible and most of you LOVE it. Among the LIES is ‘some truth’ are told, but the Lamb is Really a DRAGON! Those of you who follow him will be Cast Away forever unless you Break free of his grasp and FLEE, in Broken hearted Repentance to the Lord!