What Did the Early Christians Teach? Part 3


On the Atonement:

Ransom theory:      Taught first 1000 yrs with few exceptions

Satisfaction theory:  Invented by Anselm of Canterbury around 1100 AD

Moral Influence theory: Added by Thomas Aquinas around 1200 AD to codify Satisfaction


Atonement not Used in Bible. Word invented in 16th Century by William Tyndyle, to convey complete nature of Christ’s sacrifice (in his mind) by combining two thoughts: ‘At’ and ‘Onement’  The Reconciliation and forgiveness granted at one moment forever more. Fits Satisfaction Model.


Ransom Theory:   Hos13:14 ‘I will ransom them from the power of the grave I will redeem them from death’

Remission of sin, Means Release from Bondage. Lk24:47, Acts10:43, Rom3:25, Heb9:22, 10:18

Chirst’s Blood Redeems from Corruption of Sin, Heb9:14, What the Ransom Accomplished Varies:


Recapitulation: Humanity’s problem was that sin separated us from God, causing death due to lack of “participation” in God’s immortality. Christ in becoming human and living a human life, combined the natures of God and human in himself, thereby spiritually reuniting man and God, and saving us from death.
Christus Victor: Christ “fought” against all the different “powers” that hold humanity in hostage (Satan, death, sin, disease, poverty etc), and “defeated” them. He defeated sickness by healing people, he defeated poverty by helping the poor, he defeated the devil by casting out spirits, he defeated death by being resurrected etc. In this way he waged war against these things, both defeating them himself and inspiring us to do the same and not fear them.
Ransom from Satan: The souls of sinners are under Satan’s power, so in order to rescue us, Christ offered himself to Satan in exchange for our souls. But since Christ himself had no sin, Satan was unable to hold Christ within his power and God resurrected him from death. This view is depicted by CS Lewis in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.


Remember: All agreed on Ransom, Example and Free Will. It Matches Scripture Perfectly!

Ransom Verses: Passages like 1 Corinthians 15:21-26, 1 Corinthians 15:55, Hebrews 2:14-15, 2 Timothy 1:10, and Matthew 27:52-53 which refer to death as an enemy, and describe Jesus' death and resurrection as being victorious over death and destroying death for believers.
Passages like Romans 6:18, Romans 8:21, Galatians 5:1, Romans 6:7, and Revelation 1:5 emphasize setting the captives free, a strong theme in the ransom theory.
Revelation 5 and 19 describe Jesus as a victorious conquering king who has conquered death.


Anselm’s Satisfaction theory- 1034-1109

Rejected Ransom because of ‘Paid’ to Devil aspect. Rather God was owed the Debt to satisfy His Honor

He could not freely forgive the Sinner without some form of payment or would upset His universe.

This became basics of Protestant Reformation Doctrine


It was further developed by Thomas Aquinas, 1225-1274

The Payment (sacrifice of Christ) was a Moral response to sin. (Our sin, not His)

The Moral injustice of our sin had to be Righted before Forgiven. He Paid our Debt to God, so to speak.

Which could indeed be a ‘Substitution’  Idea: That through Christ’s Merit man now has superabundance of Grace to ‘indulge’ his ongoing sins. Thus: the theory behind Confession & Grace bestowed through the sacraments. The Soul is NEVER Delivered from Corruption of sin, but is Covered.


Another Aspect of this is the Moral Influence theory, .Formulated by Peter Abelard (1079-1142)

Teaches that Christ’s Death was a Moral influence on man to soften his heart and reveal God’s Love

No Divine Justice had to be Satisfied or Penalty Paid, All to lead men to Repentance by Example.


Penal Substitution: Developed by Reformers in 16th Century  (espoused by John Calvin)

This is Basics of Present Day Teaching, Both Sides of the Church embrace: Calvin & Arminian

In Which Christ’s Death was a Subsidiary Payment in our Place, whereby He became Sin, Suffered the Wrath of God, and Satisfied the Penalty of Sin (which is death)


The Believer is set Free from the Penal Demands of the Law because Christ took his place on the Cross.

God then has Transferred Jesus Virtue and Obedience to his account, by faith, and he now stands forgiven.

The Legal Transaction has NOTHING to do with Conduct, Merit or Sins Committed by the believer.


Opinions Vary with Moral Government Views vs. Penal Substitution and Predestination & Election thrown into the Mix, BUT all Agree in the Aspect of IMPUTATION of Christ’s Righteousness and Jesus Paying

Our Debt on the Cross.